
>The first tale is an Outlander-esque time-travelling love story that’s as compact and well made as you could hope, starring Victoria Pedretti



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>trailer with that one piano sound
>generic emotional score
>female heros

have fun being educated...

It's already normalizing gay adoption in the first 5 min

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lol DOA

I had no idea...

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>Apple tv
I got a year of this shit free with my new FagPhone Pro 11 and still haven't watched a second of it.

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What is that?

you edited it yourself, asshole

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>FagPhone Pro 11

Keep up the gay pride, fag.

Victoria a cute

>women nigger
>women lesbo nigger
Hard pass.

Omg victoria my wife in this?

Soieberg is a jew?

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Not a bad story but the message is inherently political. 5/10.

Apple actually think people will pay for this shit ?

Amazing Stories goes from fun and sometimes intriguing 'What If's to pandering progressive political propaganda.

>Amazing Stories goes from fun and sometimes intriguing 'What If's to pandering progressive political propaganda.
Every anthology has those tales. Serling was a Jew and everybody claims to love the Twilight Zone.

I did a re-watch of Monsters, Tales from the Darkside and the original Amazing Stories. They all had a few stories with political shit in them, but I bet this new reboot will have political shit in all of them.

The thing is that the politics is the selling point of the show, they are pandering to woke women because it's mostly women and teens who watch TV.

>The thing is that the politics is the selling point of the show,
Do you really think women will see Amazing Stories just from the premise? No way. This is for nostalgia lovers who watched anthologies like me, boys and girls who are "geeky".

The average woman will be like uh this is Sci-Fi shit. No thanks!

They think geeks will watch it simply because of the name and Spieleberg so they're pandering to the woke women audience by making every character a woman, a niggress or a lesbian. I don't understand why women are attracted to this but that's the thinking of the advertisers.

>so they're pandering to the woke women audience by making every character a woman, a niggress or a lesbian.
No. They are trying to inject those things into stories that men, boys and geeky girls want to see. It's about wokifying Sci-Fi so that we get it in everything.

Women are not attracted to a show like this. It is about feminizing and liberalizing the existing audience, which is going to be mostly men under 40.

Not sure if it’s because Texas, but no one I know is even aware that AppleTV+ exists

All the shows on it suck ass except for Servant, which is kino. This Amazing Stories reboot has an average first story so far.

>Women are not attracted to a show like this. It is about feminizing and liberalizing the existing audience, which is going to be mostly men under 40.
I think their idea is to force women to watch genres they don't like and force men to accept that their beloved genres are pozzed with wokeness. The ultimate idea is to make shows that everyone will watch indiffrently from their race, gender, sexuality. At first there is resistance but they are hoping that this gets normalized and you won't have a choice anymore.

And..... Dropped.

Well, that freed up 10 hours of tv time and 50 gigs of downloads.

>I think their idea is to force women to watch genres they don't like
I don't think so. You can't force women to like this and you don't need to because women already like pozzed shit. It's more about trying to get to the young men with messages that hopefully resonate with them so they start becoming feminized.

>At first there is resistance but they are hoping that this gets normalized and you won't have a choice anymore.
That won't happen because people just stop watching at that point. The idea is to just inject it into things people like and boys like Sci-Fi, which is why Amazing Stories was originally based on the comics published in the olden days.

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For All Mankind is great. Debate me.

>For All Mankind is great. Debate me.
It's literally another show like the Hitler show on Amazon and the upcoming Plot against America show coming to HBO. It's a boring, overtly political show about what if women and minorities went to space instead of how it is now. It's terrible.

Servant is great because it is the least political show and it has a good story and great acting.

They're not forcing women, they're making these male oriented genres attractive to women by putting female leads and gays and niggers. Men are forced to accept it because they have no cjoice, Shekelberg bought the franchise and pozzed it. They ant to bail out but they need their fix. Ultimately they want to makeshows that everyone will watch and are motivated by greed. The pozzing of the youth is a side effect of their marketing strategy.At the end of the day it's white women's fault for being attracted to wokeness and subversive content and their shallowness, wanting to see themselves as the hero of a male franchise. We are watching stuff that is made to appeal to women. Eventually ppl will stop watching and we'll go back to normal.

what a weird coincidence. it's really joggin my noggin.

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>they're making these male oriented genres attractive to women by putting female leads and gays and niggers
women don't care bout the genres no matter what gay or nigger you put in it. it's about making the men who already watch these genres accept gays and niggers. Males are the target. Especially straight, White men and boys who are the biggest consumers of Sci-Fi.

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like clockwork

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You think this is abnormal because you're a bigot

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Why do you incels seeth so much against gays?

How is that seething? We just don't approve of children being given to homos.

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>that will never be you



A Netflix

>this came "free" with my $1500 paper weight

That is major COPE in the face of these chaos and randomness universe.

I got it with a $200 TV box

she looks like she does drugs

this is what I like to see


9 GB's!

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sexy 2160p screencaps? Mmmmm

You can do HDR or SDR. The quality is better than Amazon or Netflix.

>Omg victoria my wife in this?


doesn't even surprise me

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Jesus, they literally can't help themselves

>in soviet murica you have to pay to watch propaganda

>no love gf

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