Post your best people harassing other people kino

post your best people harassing other people kino

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Why do lanklets think they're entitled to do this kind of shit? There needs to be a cull. Anyone over 6'2" doesn't deserve to live. They behave like adolescents their entire lives.

tfw to beta to make videos like this

Feels bad man.


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the GOAT

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Shit man I remember watching this whole thing a few years back. True kino

Who was in the wrong here?

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what is happening here?

If the only interesting thing about you is your height, you're a boring fuck. This goes for the majority of lanklets.

Is this like an American thing or something? Going up and annoying people and not only finding it 'funny' but defending it and attacking the other guy as if somehow they're at fault? I dont get it.
It's a slow burn

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an underrated kino

this video is canadian as fuck

>You're on your own, you're on your own

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Based Mary

Yeah because if it was America someone would have been shot 2 minutes in.

Jesus, all those SJW cunts jumping in to defend her

The guy is clearly on the spectrum, but the bitch behind the register is a piece of shit too

do americans really all look like that?

baka clearly a seriously mentally ill women

Propa fookin kino like

a classic

Unbelievable that people would intentionally seek out things to get angry over and complain about.........This board is definitely full of Mobility Marys.

>their smiles and optimism


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Stop trying to astroturf your Sam derivative videos and just kill yourself, neckbeard. Can you imagine being Mr. Hyde, and having to stomach entertaining one of these soulless husks because you have to farm them as paypigs? Sammy deserves every penny he gets.

damn it really be like that when dudes enter your mahjong parlor

holy fucking kek

Can't wait for him to inevitably get shot.

Glad he got killed.


>Is this like an American thing or something? Going up and annoying people and not only finding it 'funny' but defending it and attacking the other guy as if somehow they're at fault? I dont get it.
It's like that in any nanny state where people aren't allowed to settle their affairs privately anymore (i.e. beat annoying faggots up). So there's this whole culture of "I'm going to act as shittily as possible under the letter of the law and if you react I'll tattle on you and get you arrested/fired/whatever".

Blame the Jews.

She was right about the passive agressive cunt with the dogs not on a leash though.

based autist honestly. Not many stand up to chavs

Based Chads dabbing on the incel

The comments in the surveillance man videos always annoyed the fuck out of me. Like you would act any different if some weirdo with a camera got up in your face.
He didn't. He had to stop because people started doing the same shit back to him and he got scared. The fucking textbook definition of hypocrisy and karma.

I can admit some of them are funny though.

One of my favorite reaction images

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In this guy's case, yes. Hats is a decades long troll, he was a part of the group that basically birthed online trolling for attention. In one of these vids he actually uses a meme I created, it's surreal for me to watch a dude I used to watch in high school and recommend to friends now use something I created unknowingly.

>A meme I created

he has some new series where he goes to places and lives as a vagrant , like paris sleeping in parks and shit, i forget what the channel or stuff is called.

>tfw fell in love with the first girl
I'm fucking riddled with yellow fever, I need a cure

Does any have the links to that black guy who used to harass people while on periscope or whatever?
He'd call white girls susan all the time or something

>tfw they incorporate Yas Forums humor in a video

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Wow I hate this

Fuck this guy, these wageslaves have it hard enough as it is.

Vagrant Holiday.

>Just there doing your job like a regular citizen
>some guy comes in and decides to fuck shit up all for likes and views
truly the internet age fucked the world and will be it's downfall

he talks like an incel

Sam actually works with frank though. They make videos together.

>Chris-chan manned up

The man.. no wait, he's black so can't be

The white w... no, she's a woman, goddamn i'm confused

MDE and Sam Hyde are dead. Everyone who works with Sam now is a faggot.

Nick still works with sam. Stay mad charls.

I have known people like this in real life and I hated them but the first time I saw this I couldn't breath laughing I don't know why

First girl was getting fingered by her bf when the autist walked in btw

his Twitch adventures are kino af

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>Act up.
>He wants to film you more.

Idk this reminds me of that Jew who would film himself harassing store and restaurant workers. Lame, bottom of the barrel humor

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this guy genuinely deserves to die

>Man, you're pissed off because you can't get a fuckin' chicken burger, chill oat
favorite quote from that video