Images moments before disaster

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Niggers... down the hill

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Am I a zoom zoom if I don't know the story behind this?

>J.J. Abrams has announced “Star Wars: Episode IX” is officially done with principal photography. The director took to social media to mark the occasion with an emotional photo of cast members Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac hugging on set. The photo was taken on a desert-looking set that seems similar to Jakku, the planet where Ridley’s character Rey is from and where the current trilogy began in “The Force Awakens.” The only thing the photo confirms for sure is just how emotional Oscar Isaac was to say goodbye to Poe and his co-stars.

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You are underage b&

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god damn that video freaks me out for some reason

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his screams haunt my dreams to this day

how does this even happen? where does the brick come from? If the brick just falls off a truck, it doesn't just slam into another car at insane speeds, it maintains its momentum.

it bounched off the road and the car basically slammed into it

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>it maintains its momentum
You’re right user, the truck was going in the opposite direction

A sociopath from an overpass.

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I've no idea what these are.

This one I know though. I saw the version with subs which was even more depressing.

>t-t-the b-body

That gimp always weirds me out more.. the fuck is he doing bros?

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omae wa mou shindeiru

These two videos will forever haunt me

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probably just some beggar with leg/bone problems

There's no overpass.

I was too busy looking at the guy squatting like he needs to shit to even notice wat the other guy did lel.

What a lad

Is she died?

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>That dance she did when the band stopped playing

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story? I know the flying brick but not this one.

Someone post a link to the video, I can't find it on youtube


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Guy goes operator on cop

Whats the one where those two girls went missing after taking a picture of some guy following them?

Deputy Kyle Dinkheller pulls over a vietnam vet for speeding. Vet pulls out carbine and shoots the cop, with audio of the guy dying in agony.

That’s moments after disaster though

Why does his face crack me up?

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literally the second post in the thread retard

me, a bernie bro, when i see elizabeth warren supporters


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>>That dance she did when the band stopped playing

he's making the exact same face of daffy when he gets shot in tgt

I thought they actually took a picture of the guy

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they did

and then
like my darkest dreams of immurement, in the grasp of unseen things
that piercing knife come tearing through the silken dark
out of melody and music that flowed off my fingers into air
and planted it's pole in the soft and innocent
underbelly of my soul


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haha one of my favourites

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>old lady falls on the floor
>still holding perfectly fine woman

coomers man

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Well where is it, shouldn't that be the image posted instead considering the thread topic?

always control your bitch


The roastie in the pic was brutalized and decapitated nearly 15 minutes after the pic was taken

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Yes. Some girls walk on the tracks, a weird old dude shows up and tells them to go in some direction. They were both found dead where the guy told them to go. The man was never identified.
People chose this picture to post because you can just barely make out the guy in the distance.

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The moment that ended Mike Myers career

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Underrated trauma.

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Quick rundown?

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John was a literal retard bringing that cunt in.

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Absolutely Lynchian scene