Kinos with characters like this?

Kinos with characters like this?

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My life

taxi driver

Inside Llewyn Davis
He does get laid but in real life that doesn't qualify you for not being a fuckup

You merely adopted the Yas Forums. I was born in it, molded by it.


It is a wonder that I have not become this guy. Good luck to you niggaz

>waaaaah i'm a self loathing lazy piece of shit!!
get the fuck over yourself holy shit

I want to learn to drive, but I have epilepsy and it kind of scares me.

You sound tense, young lady.

>more depressing wojak edits
This psyop is boring

>tfw you realize you're the most successful user on Yas Forums

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Falling Down

at least i dilate, you don't even have sex!

tell me about yourself

Throw away all your consumerist trash, then stay three days in your empty room doing absolutely nothing.
Not even eating, not even sleeping, not even moving.

When it's over rest assured you'll do a lot more things.

shuit pic

For one, I occasionally mingle with some of Yas Forums's most popular waifu's.

>Throw away all your consumerist trash, then stay three days in your empty room doing absolutely nothing.
>Not even eating, not even sleeping, not even moving.
>When it's over rest assured you'll do a lot more things.

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sounds boring, too much work

Imagine being this pathetic

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recount your most recent encounter, in explicit detail

narcissism is self perpetuated

haha yes imagine haha lol

Yas Forums attracts the kind of mentally ill people that think/act like this the most, better leave while you still can

>Kinos with characters like this?

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Imagine being as cute and sexy as you. Mmm.

Shut the fuck up, Bertha

>>Kinos with characters like this?

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Well most recently I was with Kristen Stewart and she was really into my rabbit fur hat. It was a work setting and wasn't my place to make a move, but it was very obvious she was eye fucking me for a while. Can't think of many details, but hair has grown back and she's really cute again.

i don't like this picture, it exposes me

>tfw used to be moderately successful
>tfw had an existential crisis, after reading uncle ted's manifesto, learning about minimalist living and Diogenes.
>tfw realised that wealth is rarely something that comes about from one generation and takes around 100-200 years to accumulate and that even if i did break in to the middle class my children would be the ones who benifit and i'd end up working myself to death while they get the fruits of my labour
>tfw realised i was wasting my time running on a hamster wheel 12 hours per day for money and quit my job
>now help my mom do her delivery round 3-4 hours per day and live a semi-neet existence.
>happier than i've ever been
>all of the stress and expectations i put on myself to be successful and markers to measure myself against others are gone.

perhaps its all a cope, but at least its one im happy with

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it doesn't have to be like that bros

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>tfw realised that wealth is rarely something that comes about from one generation and takes around 100-200 years to accumulate and that even if i did break in to the middle class my children would be the ones who benifit and i'd end up working myself to death while they get the fruits of my labour
>Implying this is even remotely bad

The reason you don't starve in a shack is because your ancestors sacrified their lives for you. Now it's your turn, lazy faggot.

got a pdf of that book?

im happy 4 u

im not saying its bad. I understand that without generational wealth it truly would just be the high iq and elite that survive while everybody else perishes. Communism turns back in to fascism at that point imo because you're stripping all other deciding factors away and just leaving genetic potential.

But im a bong and the government is actually what kept my mother alive through gib me dats, not family.

My point is that while starting at the bottom, even if i get a comfortable living situation (which i had with my last job) i have no capital to begin with so getting a house/car/whatever will result in nothing but debt and hard work for me, because even on a moderate salary, mustering 250-300k without a mortgage and with living expenses such as rent etc with no financial support from family is next to impossible. Then in future my children reap the rewards of my hard work with a good start in life, university support, initial capital from me for a house etc. This is how wealth is built , through generations. Not in one life time. And call me selfish, but id rather not sacrifice myself for the wealth of my hypothetical children yet and anchor myself down to long wageslave hours for the rest of my life.

>can't drive
>no ambitions
>made peace with my approaching wizardry
>addicted to this shithole 13 years and counting, also youtube
But I still have a small circle of friends, family that loves me, a good job, and have almost got enough saved up to buy a house so I guess I'm doing better than most on here.

Finally one of you makes one of these I can actually relate to on most points. I've gotten into the habit of brushing my teeth at least once every day for the past month or so, now, so I'm at pretty happy with that. Is anyone else at a point where you can't even be bothered to play video games despite the endless amount of time that you have? I just lack the motivation or energy, unless it's something I'm absolutely familiar with; like Metal Gear.

I have all the time in the world yet I waste it watching youtube and browsing Yas Forums exactly as the image describes

literally me

Pretty much the only reason I don't plan to kill myself in my 40s is my parents are wealthy so when they die and I get the house/company I can sell both and live easy.

Until then I'm stuck wageslaving it up in a boring admin job because I'm too shit at maths to do anything better paying.


Ironically the most pathetic faggots are the ones who sperg the fuck out over pathetic faggots in their threads.

Can you not post pictures of me thankyou.

>tfw literally me
at least im not alone

who even makes these

3 months to go and I'll be the self-loathing man of inaction (30s).

Pretty much. Even on the video game thing I used to excuse it under getting older, and although that probably is true partly, when I see dudes in their thirties regularly finding the energy to play and enjoy them I know it's just laziness, on my part.

You spend way too much time on Yas Forums.

>you don't even have sex
Not with freaks in wigs, your right about that. Now go join with your fellow trannies in the 42% club

grimes looks cute in this pic

Please. Grimes is incomparable with mortal flesh

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no one cares if you're a fuckup or not not even losers on Yas Forums, it's entirely your fault for being a loser and making these wojacks even makes it even sadder

did poor baby make a pooey wooey in his panty wanties??

Im too based to be depressed

only boring people can be bored

I wish a day was atleast 36 hours long

i wish i could lick your little toes