I Am Jazz

Absolutely horrific.

Let's talk about these accidental moments of truth and self-awareness.

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You can see the cope engine revving up in Jeanette's head.

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The only people more mentally ill than trannies are the the ones who sit around all day talking about them

>all day
Bruh, it's not all day. I come by these threads every few days to see what's up and have some laughs.

I'm not even against trans people, but where's the lie in that?

The past few episodes have been torture to watch

I usually jazzpost from work, what's wrong with that? I know someone who does something similar but for completely free.

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season finale gona be lit son. im only scared we wont be getting another season after this

>jewish values

Most TLC shows will say in the preview when the next episode is the finale, which I don't think they did. The previews have been disappointing, since it's just "next time: dramatic segment for 30 seconds" and then in the episode, you see barely more than what was in the preview and it doesn't matter.

When do you think we'll see the first case of a parent being done for child abuse after pushing their kid into this kind of situation?

Not any time soon, but we may get there eventually. However, for that to happen, I think the cases need to reach a critical mass and legislation needs to follow.

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You allowed this. Hell, you helped it happen.

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Jeanette will never face justice since laws aren't retroactive.

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I was surprised to see the Father Ted writer pretty much make a stand against trannies. Feels like we're getting closer to the point where people feel we have to address that kids can't make these decisions and that the whole trans ideology is homophobic.

ah, didnt know that. was going off what an user said in previous thread.
well that makes me happy. so more jazz drama to look forward to during the week!

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Leftist genocide when?

What the fuck is a dilation?

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everything i know about jazz i get from Yas Forums, never watched an episode. can't believe they allow a comment like that to enter the narrative. pretty based ngl

Meanwhile, Skylar is partying with her unpaid friends.

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These stories make me sad and angry. This is the one I saw yesterday: youtube.com/watch?v=yHmgUxRTj_A

Noelle is a very beautiful young lady.

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Someone photoshop Jazz's grandma wearing the Mensis cage
i just woke up and my hands are cold

why hasn't this women been executed?

The "mom" is a tranny. The dad is an actor.

Jazz and her brothers are Palestinian orphans.

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love when they interview the kids and they sound like they are just parroting talking points fed to them by their parents. i mean its sad but its pretty fucking transparent

>Jazz and her brothers

Christ, they got me.


Dilate freak

>When that 41% wave rolls in.

Uhh hello?!

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Kids believe in Santa Claus because that's what their parents tell them. How the fuck can a child make this kind of decision. People will look back at this in the not too distant future and wonder what the fuck happened.

You're becoming more accepting of transpeople, user. Next, you'll be jerking off to Sky.

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id fuck skylar in the butt if he didnt get the chop 2bh

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idk, that obese kid seemed pretty adamant.

The show is actually about the mother. Jazz is a vanity item for her like a diamond necklace or a little chiwawa she Carries in her purse

How fucking selfish do you have to be to mutilate and drug a child and convince them that they are a girl when they cant even speak yet. She should be in jail

she's not only ugly she's fat

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Can't wait for I Am Jeanette when Jazz commits suicide.

>my son will never have a normal life
>but what about ME?


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well she's a tranny herself which automatically comes with the narcissistic personality disorder.

and this show continues to brainwash hundreds into thinking that's an invalid and Nazi opinion....

I still don't understand how child protection service hasn't taken kids away from parents this crazy. They're free to ruin their childrens' lives with no consequences.

>you should go against what you brain is clearly telling you is wrong to not hurt someone's feelings

system is just slow to catch up

>not supporting my delusions is bigotry
Not even fucking once mate. Get your head checked by a psychologist
and this photo was taken in fucking London for fucks sake, I thought we’d exported the gender terrorists to Brighton

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Why do trannies end up in lesbian relationships with other trannies

>I’m a woman!

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>not going to get abused just as bad if not worse in fostercare

diagnosing and arresting parents for munchausen is extremely difficult even without the regressive left binding themselves to trannies

Its easier to identify with other trannys.

I know cause I'm a tran who lives with 3 other trans in a clothing optional household.

Because no women want them and for a male to, they have to be a bottom of the barrel loser.

die transoid

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Do you have any idea what a shit show it would be if some government agency had the authority to punish parents for being shit parents. It could only ever be selectively enforced and thus bias in choosing who to enforce it on would be extremely abusable.

Also why the hell would you think a kid would be safe in foster care?


huh pick one

qt boy
needs a haircut though
that glam metal hair is shit

>clothing optional household
Dude what
I don't even hate trannies, just... what?

Brave and inspiring