A genderless fairy godmother....in a ANOTHER Cinderella movie...what the fuck is this bros?

A genderless fairy godmother....in a ANOTHER Cinderella movie...what the fuck is this bros?

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Who cares


Seems silly to call that thing a godmother when its genderless

Looks like ploy to drum up interest in a shitty film. I wonder how many Moviebobs and Dobsons will actually follow through on their Twitter posts.

does he have downs syndrome, he has that dowie face

they couldve at least made it a black woman

>another cinderella reboot
>classic for new generation

>be a fag
>get cast as a fairy

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Bloodbath of the nursery school rapist sounds like slasher kino

That's an old cartoon, they didn't imagine the actual filth we would get, endless feminism and LGBT

>appeal to minorities
>always fail
When will they learn?

>cinderella remake with genderless fairy godmother

I stopped reading on remake

Could you imagine being such a shitty parent that you'd actually allow your kids to watch shit like this?

Not progressive enough. It's 2020 ffs

>genderless fairy godmother
>fairy godmother

umm sweaty it's fairy godPERSON.... or just person if you don't want to offend your fellow homosexuals and atheists

if you wanna make some bizarre lynchian adults only abomination version of cinderella with a tranny godmother, fine, but people taking their 7 yr old girls to see this should be lined up and shot

Just turn your brain off bro
Don't pay attention bro
Who cares bro

imagine being this morally bankrupt

It Makes over 1 billion and became a Cult Classic.
Screencap this!

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>Death camp orgy on acid
>Implied to be a bad film
Mate, your tastes are dogshit. Death camp orgy on acid is peak comfy, aure it got bad critical reception but it was literally a pleb filter. That part where Margot Robbie pegs Millie bobbie brown with a tree branch thinking it was a dildo was peak horrorkino.

You cared enough to open this thread and comment.

Why are so many niggers trannies?

Soon all female roles will be played by men. Just like in the middle ages.

I was a security guard for the Vienna Life Ball 2019, they also had a tranny play the fairy from their fucked up iteration of the Wizard of Oz

>Life ball
More like AIDS orgy for the most fucked up faggots in whole world centred in Vienna.

I've noticed women starting to push back against it lately. Trans/gay men, whatever occupying spaces meant for women like their sports, film roles, etc.

i dunno the amount of niggers I seen fucking white boy ass on /gif/ I think they are all gay

Yes the TERF movement, they're all for fags and trannies as long as they are disrupting the white male privilege but if those fags trannies and niggers disrupt the white female privilege, it's no good anymore. White women are the jews of genders.

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How many times is poor Cindy going to be raped in Hellywood

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wtf i like women now

If it is genderless how can it be a god"mother"

>wtf i like women now
White women are the biggest weapon of jews and it's aimed at white men. Women are ungrateful, entitled and selfish.

i hate jews

He looks like a fairy alright

Reminder that if you buy their products, you're part of the problem

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>when your wokeness has already been outdone by a pornographic parody from the 70's for laughs

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>taking roles from aged women actors who have increasing issues securing roles and giving them to young men

Yes queen slay

It could be hilarious if instead of this stupid pandering it was Sam Jackson playing himself instead. Just him in a dress, beard, chest hair and everything, calling everyone motherfucker.

Literally anybody who even remotely cares about the fact that leftists are destroying Western culture from the top down.

High Estrogen.

You can look it up. It's not a meme. Out of all the races, black men have the most Estrogen and black women have the most Testosterone.

you care thats why you dont want anyone discussing how stupid your ilk are

They already did it with The Rock

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Hitler did nothing wrong, and the bad guys won ww2.

I don't support subversive disney memeshit but Ben Garrison comics are hopelessly cringe. At least post some stonetoss

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wtf I love nazis now

Yep that about nails it

Can a Netflix employee just get the Coronavirus and start spreading it at the next Employee Interracial Orgy or something? This company needs to fucking burn to the ground.

i wouldnt mind if they change the fairy godmother to be some magic nigga, i fucking love magic niggas, specially if they are quirky and funny.

>death camp orgy girls: ON ACID
the original was better, but the sequel is good, no need to shit on it just because of that.

I know we’re all thinking it’s gonna be a guy in a dress, but it wont. It’ll either be cgi, or just the guy and he isnt dressed up like a woman. They’ll prob even be a joke like, “YOU’RE my fairy godmother?!?!?” And laughs will ensue. This is disney we’re talking about. They never go full 100% cosmopolitan if uk what I mean. They still need to make money from china and conservatives

I met this nig once. Looked like a black shaolin monk in heels. Nothing else particularly notable about his personality. I spoke to him, he seems a bit narcissistic but other than that not really special on a personal level. He seems to have sold himself to the public eye to get fame and success. Moments like this are about as far as he gets fame wise so i can't imagine he's doing very well in that regard, but hey you do what you gotta do.


Truly w genderless burger experience

fairy godMOTHER not fairy godparent you gay nigger


Defilement of the motherly role.

i hope n. korea nukes us or corana chan kills us all

fuck this gay earth

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Nice idea

is this real? i cant tell anymore the last 5 years have been like a fever dream

>no I shouldn’t fight back!
>w-we should just be universally wiped out!
Name a more cucked mindset. Man the fuck up, you gigantic pussy.