What are some wholesome movies?

What are some wholesome movies?

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cute @w@

America - the land of the free.

Also the land of needing security guards at school. Lmao what a third world country.

An Amerifat will defend this, assuming they didn’t get shot at school today.

First your women get taken and now your sons. Will white men ever recover?

you type like a Japanese pol poster

Civilized blacks are some of the nicest and most genuine people you will ever meet, it is a fucking shame that they are a small minority of a minority and we can never accept them as a result.

>so my son, who is your favourite person in this whole world?
>the nigger security guard from school that comes around when you're at work!

The Three Caballeros


American Negro Worship

So wholesome

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wont change the fact that hes right

If the kid was black he’d get tased and cuffed by then

Good thing theres an abundance of other civilized peoples

100 Keanu Chungus featuring The Redditors (TM)

i bet he's wondering why officer Jeffery is over at the house all the time now

You type like the citizen of a country that got utterly dabbed on by Korea, Vietnam, and most of the Middle East.


why does a school where 5 year olds go need a security guard?

guaranteed he's fucking the mom

I'd fuck his mom desu

>caring for someone ELSE'S child
Kinos about struggling against your nature ?

USA!!!! USA!!!! USA!!!!

Every American school has a security guard. Schools in more dangerous areas have police and metal detectors (which, ironically, is why school shootings tend to happen in middle-class areas, the poor kids wouldn't be able to sneak guns into their schools).

before all the school shooting bs most schools already had a guard there to break up fights or things like that

I'd realistically put at least 30 bucks on her being a single mom

You really don’t need it. Less than 1% of schools ever experience levels of violence the neccesitate a guard. The job exists just to stop parents from crying, because fears aren’t always rational.

>be american
>get shot

They don't. It's strictly a placebo for parents who can't stop worrying about their pwecious widdle baby.

Why do white males fail as fathers/role models?

>using kid to entrap
white women be that thirsty for the black man

To chase away pedophiles that lurk playgrounds

this. caring about your child is reddit as fuck

atleast they try

do whatever the plural of Kindergarten is also employ security guards in the US?


At least this kid doesn't look up to a faggy hipster, he'll grow up into an actual man who respects policemen/firemen/security guards and will be able to take care of himself.

thats a lot to infer from one picture which might not even be real

Better a security guard than some leftist teacher.

They don't, the archetype of responsible masculine fatherhood is a white concept.

I think you meant to say black males as they unironically flee from the responsibility and the overwhelming majority of blacks are raised by single mothers.

I wonder where the kid's dad is lmao

Unironically this, I'm not even an American, and a pedophile tried to pick me and my friend up from the school oval. The teachers ran over and thankfully he legged it without us, but they're all middle aged women, as a grown man now, I could probably take like 2 of them while still securing a child to rape, if that was my goal.

No fucking way my kids (if I ever have any) are going to a school where they can get snatched, diddled then buggered. Shit.

Black men dont know what shit they are in for

white man is finally free

>respecting welfare niggers is good
Lick the boot goy

I didn't have security guards till middle school. That's because the 60 year old teacher can't break up the two dudes having a shoving match

I'm surprised she didn't dress him as a princess, it's 2020 ffs

His wife is gonna cheat on him with BBC

not only do Americans have cops at their schools, the cops look like this lmao

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Aw man, this will be so sad when the black guy dies in the next school shooting.

Maybe in lala land user

the security guards take part in penis inspection day, they need to make sure all boys are circumcised

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>no dad
>attaches to first male he sees that just happens to be a black guy


good thing they have bald fat men with semi automatic rifles who are constantly on machiavellian power trips and suffer from crippling inferiority complexes who represent the states monopoly on violence to safeguard the school, i feel safer already

>meanwhile european law enforcement literally isn't allowed to stop muslims from raping children because it'd be racist

Jeffery is lying on the classroom floor in a pool of blood with lil Easton is crying on his chest
>"D-dont cry Easton, im just... Resting"
>"You gotta be a big boy for Jeffery now"
>"You gotta run Easton, run as fast as You can and dont look back"

please cite the legislation of the specific country you're referring to. an image of an outdated and unreliable tabloid newspaper headline who derive their value from that particular type of sensationalised and hysterical appeal will not be acceptable. cite the law.

Sure buddy, sure. Problem solved.

Aaaaaaw that is so sweet.

Behind every "touching moment" like this one there is a white roastie getting her good girl's points. Its like a pattern i cannot stop seeing. Every fucking goddamn time.



Ayo dis nigga raisin he bitch son lmaooo punk ass mark

That's what the teachers on lunch duty are for.

Christ no wonder yanks are so fucked up

you just KNOW