Bushworld Adventures

>Redditors didn't get it
How did Rick and Morty get BTFO so hard by Aussie shitposters?

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heheh put a widgety grub on ur cock

why are Australians so based bros

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I used to live in Bendigo, it was pretty nice and chill.

I don't get the end.

What do you mean, what's there to get?

watching the big lez show right now

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why wasn't this an entire series?

also was there ever a season 3 or 4 or whatever of the main show? its been years since i watched it. liked a lot of episodes too

I don't get how you don't get it

it was funded by adult swim. another will happen if he has material and they want to fund more.

half of season 4 came out since late last year. it's on hiatus until whenever the fuck.

>Redditors didn't get it
did they seethe?

>half of season 4 came out since late last year. it's on hiatus until whenever the fuck.
thats cool, was 4 any good so far?
also thanks for the info, you are a rare helpful bird among this board of shit eaters

Yeah. They were expecting a new Rick and Morty episode to air ahead of time on April 1st and they got this instead.

p[retty sure reddit liked it, tard

5 eps. heist episode overdid its shtick. morty gets a dragon episode went full retard on furry shit but had its moments. rick's toilet brought feels.

snake planet episode and post-credits of episode 1 were the highlights.

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thanks user. cheers to you and yours, this pabst is for you

IRCC Michael Cusack (the guy who directed it) got picked up for a series. Not sure if we've heard any more about it tho

Is this an accurate depiction of Aussies ?

too easy

It got a crazy 7 season renewal all at once because Adult Swim is retarded and thinks an audience will stick around when they know for a fact the show doesn’t have to worry about cancelation for that long

unironically yes. do you know how comedians are always killing themselves because it turns out they're using humour to distract from the pain? that's australians

Zach Hadel (psychicpebbles) is working on it as well.

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based and stinging roger pilled

do non-australians understand aussie humour?

lol i thought bendigo was a quick shop until now

fuck you yes

oh yeh?

seeing as they're just criminal bongs, I would assume the current poms would get it.

>rebit no like?
>thing good!

I love how there's this weird running gag of Rick trying to gaslight Morty.

>That wasn't a snake, Morty! It was an earthworm!
>No it wasn't. It was a snake. It bit me!

>He put fire ants on my hands!
>No I didn't
>Yes, I can see them!

>You said you wanted to go to Bendigo. I was just following you

They may have liked it but they definitely didn't get it. Just like roasties who claim to like master and commander

this was unironically one of my favourite episodes and i hate australians.

Not often. Americsns and continental euros usually don't.


the best part is the artstyle changing every 2 seconds and all the reaction pics

Literally based. I watch it all the time.

>get BTFO so hard by Aussie shitposters?

>us aussies amirite xD


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The main reason the British convicts were sent to Australia was because the British couldn't handle their sick bantz.

Why are you holding a gun to my head, Rick?

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No, they were sent to Australia to create a race of super Anglo's to take over the world. The Aussies evolved, but they diverted from their path. They were still good warriors, but they weren't the super ones the Bongs had hoped.

So it's a rip off of Big Lez disguised as a rip off of Rick and Morty?

Bushworld Adventures has so much SOUL compared to static ass rigged animation of Rick and Morty. This is why comedy cartoons should always be drawn frame by frame.

oi seppo cunt I'll have you know we're a nation of immigrants

it really is a painting in every frame, never two shots where the characters look the same

check out michael cusack's youtube channel, damo and darren is also great aussie bantz, and for something a bit more Yas Forums watch cinema experience

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It's also doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest, instead of being preachy and trying to set up some overarching story like current Rick & Morty
If anything Bushworld Adventures is more in line with the original Rick & Morty than current Rick & Morty would ever be

justin soiland and dan fatcunt are probably seething that an april fools parody by some youtube animator in australia turned out better and was more funny than the real rick and morty

This makes me erect, hope their project sees the light of day

This shit is just the big lez show

Isn't this technically a Rick and Morty episode? What with the alternate dimension thing?

once a country of white immigrants is now filled with chinks, shitskins, mudslimes and other assorted subhumans. fuck off

>why wasn't this an entire series?

You're a fool. Watch anything else the guy does and it's clear he's only good at new ideas.


rick is actually lying when he says there's "infinite" universes

if there were really infinite universes then travel between them MUST be impossible - otherwise each universe would be immediately swamped by infinite amounts of Ricks trying to visit them

as such, there may be thousands, millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions or septillions or octillions etc. but there is without a doubt an actual limit to the amount of parallel universes

this is also why Rick notes that they can only swap to identical universes "5 or 6 times" - because after that they'll start to run out

Its weird because this is the only funny think michael cusack has ever made

ah yes, the subtle intricacies of australian humour just fly over the heads of the uncultured foreigners

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Probably just NE/Far West Americans and Brits.
Big Lez is pretty popular in Arizona in my experience. I think it’s an Anglo thing, and among Anglos it’s low class hard living Anglos.

>sydney and melbourne are all of australia
get fucked cunt

fuck up cunt


Oi yeah nah m8 cobber cunt, I'm from brisbane and it's literally every capital city.

cunt m8 bunnings snag cobber footy fucking seppos?

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This shitposting cartoon was unironically funnier and has more memorable lines than the entire third and fourth season.

The problem with infinity is that its infinite so there would be infinite universes they couldn't travel to as well as infinite universes they could travel to. It's one of those things that sound sort of clever till you think about it beyond one step. It's a stoner cartoon shouldn't be taken so seriously

Me hubby's a bloody ute.

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Normies sure as fuck didn't get it

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