Are we?

Are we?

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too old

I like women with hairy pussy and pits, dont think i can find children with those features.

>ends by saying "age is just a number"
>spent half the film emphasizing the impact age has on human growth and development
Yeah just more pedo mental gymnastics.
Have sex incels

Well you're a fag for sure. Probably a kiddy fiddler as well.


>30+ roastie in frilly clothing


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>no fat ass
>no giant tiddies
Sorry, I'm an emotionally matured adult

Yeah I mean I'm not sure, but this doesn't seem like an accurate test

No, women are just autistically screeching about neoteny once they're of the age that biology honestly signals infertility

what if I like both giant tits and flat chests?

if you go by the reddit definition of pedophile meaning wanting to fuck teenagers

i enjoy big tits
sorry feminism

What's this movie about? What the fuck?

For reference, yes, I am indeed pedo and proud.

Women don't know what paedophillia means, wanting to fuck a 16 year old isn't it.

Kek you actually watched the doc what a nerd

>dick swaab

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You forgot your photo sir.

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Personally I'm not a sick pedo. I wouldn't go under 10

All men are pedophiles, only boys with unresolved mommy issues go for fully developed so-called "women"


if all men are pedos pedophilia isn't real because it no longer describes a deviant subgroup of the population.

based parents

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Then im a child and this woman can rape and molest me all she wants.

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This. Even better if they're unwashed and have a bunch of red blotches on their skin and have greasy hair.

gross as fuck, you're a dog

I think we can agree that all men are pedophiles and all women are whores.

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why is this board all of a sudden filled with hippie trash who are attracted to disgusting she beasts?

Are all women prostitutes?

All older men are definitely pedophiles, the older you get the smaller the girls you want.

It’s usually young boys and teenagers that like busty women in their forties.

Yas Forums got rangebanned for natsoc larping, so now lefti/pol/ has its turn at raping Yas Forums

ephebophiles yes, you are literally biologically wired to like 12/13-16/17 year old girls with nubile supple breasts and butt

pedophiles no, you like a little doll with the body indistinguishable with a boy except in one area

So somebody was miffed at Belle Delphine being a thing, and decided to attack men for it?


I like Cunnies 11-14 and I like mommies 40+ but rarely like in the middle

No, this movie predates Belle Delphine. But it's essentially what you're describing, women being upset about men dating younger women is nothing new. You can see it in the comments/replies of every article or tweet about a celebrity dating a younger woman. It's the women equivalent of betas/incels whining about chads.

This, any man age 40-80 wants to fuck a child before they die because they are terrified that they will never get to experience young love before death.

my friends have let slip several times when we're watching a movie that some actress is super hot or something but they dont know that shes actually 14 or 15

i have a theory that guys who missed out on early teenage romance grow up to be pedos because they are emotionally stunted

actual pedophiles get hard ons from toddlers in diapers. it's literally light years between actual pedophilia and what current society deems "pedophilia"

well if you think early teen is pedo you're already wrong.

women on twitter call leo a pedo for dating 18 year olds

>hardons from kids in diapers
can you imagine that?

We might be on to something here boys

Its the same jail time. Hope people who think this never get caught because they will be really upset when they can use this logic in court.

Haha yeah that’s crazy

Why is it always the worst women that have kino hairy pusy and pits

>considers the law some kind of tablet of inherent truth

christ npcs are fucking braindead

End up liking early teens. But yes you are correct

I don't think that's how it works. Pedos are straight up attracted to prepubescent children, afaik from a pretty young age themselves. The fetishization of "prime teen pussy" by incels here is more in line with what you're describing, it's sad and a little creepy but it's not straight-up pedophilia. And if they wanted to they could legally scratch that itch without too much trouble (plenty of 18-year old escorts out there).

wrong. I had 4 gfs between 12-14 and now I want that soft smooth skin and cute faces again

Was Humbert Humbert a pedophile?

>tfw 25 year old on sex offender list because i was fucking a consenting 13 year old
This society is full of hypocrites and pieces of shit who are jealous and will ruin your life over it.

until it's widely accepted that pedophilia is the attraction to PREpubescent girls this subjected will never be able to be discussed seriously

it's true, it's not just roasties reeeing, it's other cucked males too.

>have sex
ok your place or mine?

>if you follow the law and not a weirdo fuck up your are religious

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I've got to be honest with you guys, I can't get off to children. They really don't do it for me.

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if you blindly follow the law and accept it as inherent truth you have a sub 100IQ

Sounds alot better than being child fucker. Ill be sure to remember that next time I kiss my wife and hug my children.

for real. they look like ayy lmaos. I just don't feel anything.

Same. 18-22 is what I usually go for

wonder if they know that women can be pedos to and will get away with it more often than not


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This, only women over 35 for me

Children are pure because they arent tainted by all the shitty agendas and groups attempting to brainwash them. Children can have sex much better than adults and dont say no.

dont say that you might be banned from Yas Forums

Go to bed Dan

Pedophilia comes from childhood trauma, usually some kind of sexual or emotional abuse. Missing out on teenage romance doesn't make much of a difference to anything but confidence.

Being attracted to women in their fertile prime is not pedo in the slightest. Pedo is being attracted to those that can't bear children yet.

>women over 35


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>children are pure

you've never been around real children have you. Children are cruel and selfish.

I thought I was a pedo but I was actually just a hardcore porn addict looking for a rush. after quitting porn I still find hebe girls attractive but not pedo

no they aren't