Kinski was fourteen years old at the time of filming her frontal nude scene

>Kinski was fourteen years old at the time of filming her frontal nude scene.
Based 70s. Why don't filmmakers have any balls any more?

Attached: To the Devil a Daughter (1976) - 1.webm (900x543, 2.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

well... are you gonna post it?

No way, I follow the rules our benevolent moderators put in place

Attached: To the Devil a Daughter (1976) - 2.webm (900x543, 2.7M)

i'm too slow. nothing there
also, this webm seems really jewish
i don't like jews because they do shit like this

If you haven't already figured out how to view deleted posts you don't deserve to see it
Also, the movie is about satanism, so obviously it's very jewish

jeesus. look at that little baby infant child

>The fucking thick bush
How the fuck?

i have to figure this out on my own?
how am i, a brainlet, to do that?

14 year old are already full grown women

enlighten me


>Check the archives
Lurk moar

Attached: 1583129828050.jpg (400x300, 25.48K)


get 4chanX
or just go straight to 4plebs

Nice Tits. Thanks!!!

thank you friend, have reddit gold

What movie?

based retard

too old

Attached: 1583482427120.png (892x1187, 1.92M)

we know, and we are watching
better lock your door tight :-)

Because society has """progressed""". Wanting to fuck a 14 year old is comparable to wanting to fuck a baby apparently.

>In the United States, as late as the 1880s most states set the minimum age at ten to twelve (in Delaware, it was seven in 1895).[10] Inspired by the "Maiden Tribute" articles, female reformers in the U.S. initiated their own campaign,[11] which petitioned legislators to raise the legal minimum age to at least sixteen, with the ultimate goal to raise the age to eighteen. The campaign was successful, with almost all states raising the minimum age to sixteen to eighteen years by 1920.
Giving women the vote was a mistake

You just know.

Attached: MV5BMTU.jpg (666x1000, 92.95K)

>1975 film The Wrong Move, in which at the age of 12 she was depicted topless.
Any webms of this one, OP?

which Muppet is that?


Attached: slep.jpg (402x424, 30.95K)

Pretty Baby and webm related

Attached: Black Moon (1975).webm (608x384, 2.85M)

having klaus kinski as a father must have been fucking horrifying.

Attached: pola_klaus.jpg (825x464, 62.89K)

they need time to find themselves first

>Harrison died in October 2018 at the age of 59

>titlet skeleton

why do men have NO STANDARD for women?

it's Elmo with his skin torn off, obviously.

>why can't men like a real woman like me?

Attached: 1498616146983.jpg (600x761, 54.22K)

oh my

She's literally perfect, you can't get any better than that.

> Error fetching Post No.130375419 from 4plebs.

aesthetics > mass of flesh

Dunno what to tell you buddy, it's still there

Why do we demonize natural male sexuality so much these days? Like, ok maybe you have a point and young girls shouldn't have sex with older males (I don't agree with that, but for the argument's sake let'sa assume it's true), but the way people act as if for a man to even think an younger girl is attractive he must be a deranged monster, it's seriously fucked up.

Maybe because people realized you shouldn't sexualize underage children in media.

because the order of current society is purely gynocentric. everything is essentially ordered to make life as easy and safe for women. it's like some kind of natural male protective instinct put into overdrive.


Attached: G5zgiUG.jpg (484x484, 42.26K)

Naa. From everything we know, Christopher Lee seems to have been a pretty honourable guy. I think he would have tried to look after her.

Whadda fuckin trip. No wonder she turned out how the way she did.

Seconded. Christopher Lee was based.

is this legal?

Because our highest institutions, especially in the media, have been overtaken by women who hate men

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the eternal roastie

Shit I remember seeing this film. She was 14 in that??
Europeans man.

Nastassja was amazingly hot but To The Devil A Daughter really didn't do her justice.

If you want prime Nastassja check out Cat People, even though it's a terrible film:

Normally I don't go for short hair on women but that 0:09 second mark... oh boy.

I actually don't think you should actually fuck 14 year olds, but actually having a relationship with a man that's a few years older and actually wants to invest in a long term prospect is anathema to women, so that's why it's demonizes.

Why wouldn’t it be

I love short hair on women, and you're right, that's the best she's ever looked in my opinion.

She got better with age.

Attached: original.jpg (1000x1500, 190.23K)

It's nothing that interesting, I mean it is in the movie so just go find that if you really want to.

Attached: tumblr_ovc4q2Zjaw1s1v3r1o2_r1_500.gif (500x271, 2.08M)

It's 'art' so yes it's fine.

This. It's a dream sequence where she just walks towards the camera naked in a field or something. It's photographed very flat and with no build-up. It's not especially erotic. The film-making is just too bad.

Attached: MV5BNzdkYWY4NzMtMTJkMy00N2IxLWE3MWMtNDNmNGU0YzhiMDM5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODQxNTk4OQ@@._V1_.jpg (1099x604, 50.34K)

This. That's what I remember from the film. I didn't even remember it showed her naked till now. It's only super erotic if you're a perv.

Shit now I'm hearing David Bowie songs in my head

You take that back, Sir Lee was a good man and beyond reproach.

Good men love cunny.

>14 years old