What the fuck is the point of this guy on the couch? He never says anything
What the fuck is the point of this guy on the couch? He never says anything
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normies are fucked in the head
To dominate the "guest" from both sides.
Honestly tho, Andy is something low-key funnier than Conan.
>>>Yas Forums
The worst is Guillermo from Kimmel. He's not funny. I give him credit though for playing up the Mexican stereotypes for the white people. At least he's doing fine.
hes to remind uppity guests that the reason theyre famous is the casting couch
Andy in the early days was lots of fun back in the day. The original 90s conan was comfy as fuck.
Oldfag here
based time traveling mid-19th century poster
I know she's a dried up virtue signaling whore but I still wanna fuck the living shit out of Chelsea.
to make conan look funny by comparison
He's there to break lulls in the conversation or steer the conversation wherever Conan wants
I am in Yas Forums dumbshit
Andy is a piece of shit, a censorship-is-good-in-the-name-of-social-justice type of shit. And he's not funnier than anybody, the fuck are you talking about. You have terrible taste, faggot.
And you are a retard, asshole.
he doesnt speak often, but when it does, it's GOLD. like that one time when he went on 5 minute rant on why is circumcision bad. goldblum was sweating bullets
He's there to support Conan and vice-versa. It's a comfy gig for both
Geoff Peterson was the GOAT
Andy has some pretty funny zingers if you've ever actually watched the show. Sure, his twitter is pretty retarded, but you'd have to go looking to get angry to encounter it.
he's broken the couch twice
Spend some time not fighting James Woods on twitter. Really.
I remember when he came back and people were excited about it... Little did I know it would ruin the dynamic of the show completely. I don't care if he was originally there in the early 90's, but he was gone for most of Late Nite and Conan had developed a better show on his own.
he is several times more funny than jimmy is
It gets worse.
the only time I found his presence beneficial to comedy in the last ten years was when Norm made jokes at his expense.
>last name O'Brien
>needs a wiki page to tell him he has irish ancestry
nigga u dumb
Hi Andy
Conan was better without him, Late Night was kino
tastelet. Norm is based but still. Maybe you haven't watched enough
Who does this leave?
Conan and Andy are pretty much the same age, yet I could see Andy browsing Yas Forums for the lolz. Conan, on the other hand, is way too much of a boomer to do that.
Andy rants on Twitter about how the Russians are controlling elections. He wouldn't post on a "far-right" breeding ground.
It's a throwback to Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson.
why did the irish ally with the nazis
several * 0 = 0
You mean the Swedish-German?
we were neutral
He's American
Bring back Max
He cleaned his wife out after she fucked the bull
Now he's divorced he has no use at all
They are there to be abused or used as some kind of non sequitor joke. Maybe aluded to being a prostitute or something
You sound like someone who showers with a lot of black guys
You mean Andy the swedish-german?
strong post you fuckin vagina, kill yourself
His mother is Jewish.
that's the 2nd worst thing about him then
Drownety mick
No she ain’t he is 100% irish according to a DNA test
Conan-Max Weinberg best combo
This is correct max was the best on the show didn't need Andy when he was around
could you take all six of them on in a fist fight?