How do we fix female comedy?

How do we fix female comedy?

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women are not funny

Joan Rivers was the last female to actually be funny. One of her best skits is about how mexicans are all ugly and nobody ever wanted to look like a mexican.

>discusses social issues and explains the mechanics of humor in your path

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you can't
life of a female revolves around sex
-with men a woman has sex
-around women, a woman talks about sex and gossip about other women and mock the ugly men who orbit her
-then she gets pregnant and cares for something else than sex the first few years when the child depends 1005 of her.
THen she wants the child to be grateful for being born [lol] and as the child grows, it depends on something else than the mom and so she has nothing else in her life
The woman goes back to having sex with men again and talking about sex.
Then the woman finally dies and the daughters become sexually active and so on.

the republic is a system where the bourgeois has managed to make the plebeans believe that commenting on the rules created by the bourgeois is actually meaningful, and then when from time to time the plebeans figure out the lack of any power their views have on the politics, they go in the streets wreaking havoc.
This is why so many soccer moms and drones try to earn virtue points on posting comments online. The first thing to do online is to comment. See a message on the internet? there is a little box to comment on it.

This is the greatest feat of the bourgeois republic: to turn commenting and reporting comments into a meaningful life .

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With Sharia Law

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have sex, incel

>American """comedy"""
>comedian literally YELLS every single line like a fucking Will Ferrell film.
>audience laughs hysterically and claps because LOUD NOISE FUNNY.

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>One of her best skits is about how mexicans are all ugly and nobody ever wanted to look like a mexican.
It's unironically funny because it's true.
Amerindian is THE worst phenotype and you need comically strong features and to work out a shitton to look decently attractive, and even then you can't do anything about the serial killer eyes.

Nothing to fix. It's just not for you.

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Why fix it just listen to male comedians and let women listen to women if they find it funny

the last joke is pretty funny

Male comedians suck too for the most part

Don't forget about how smelly stuff is

what's the deal with strawmen?

The first joke would be funny too if he replaced "hippies" with "niggers".

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I’m from Tasmania and I’d just like to thank the rest of the planet for taking this ugly, frumpy, unfunny, autistic lesbian off our hands.
Seriously, thanks guys. I don’t know how you do it but I’m glad you do.

I'd say on average black and chinese people are uglier. Mexicans just look really ugly when they're fat, which most of them are.

The old saying goes: write what you know.

It’s called high t comedy

>got booed off stage at local comedy club for an entire routine i did with observational comedy about kitchen equipment

i thought it was funny, jokes like 'have you ever noticed how ladels they use in the homeless shelter put soup in better than the ones you buy in the shop? its probably because the freezing homeless people will spill most of the soup so the ladel is under pressure not to spill any beforehand!!'. i think i am funny

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Maria Bamford is always a pleb filter

Where is Tasmania and how do we send her back?

>I'm a man but when I get caught trying to take another man's property and get my dome cracked I cry to daddy

You gave us that landwhale but you also gave us Errol Flynn so thanks

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Lad, you've got the asparagus


user, I...

The moralizing smugness of libs will forever be their undoing

if you think that's funny then you're a massive pleb

don't let em break ya user. just practice your delivery.

By accepting MTF trannies as female.

Joan Rivers had joke writers

is this body attainable natty?

i doubt you even understood it and those are her most entry-level jokes

Not telling, and in no less than ten smallish boxes.

No wuckers mate.

based schizoincel

nice observation but not good enough payoff, fix the second half, don't be lazy, it's hard work


Does the self-insert have brain damage?

Where's the bloody jokes?

>the point of satire is to comfort...
When did you wh*toids become so feminized

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aye nye oi woz royped ya see.

You forgot queefs.

>downie looking nigga has to break the fourth wall AGAIN to lecture his audience
Why does this always happen in leftist comics?

There's some meat on that bone but you're not the chef to make it tasty.

But why is she dressed like a man and even looks like one

by ending it

you should have asked my wife to come with you

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How do we fix comedy in general? Stand-up is fucking terrible all around, whether it's male or female 'comedians'. It's usually just yelling about sex and swearing a lot.

Standing up in front of a room and telling jokes for an hour is just a terrible medium alltogether, bound to have a high number of awful jokes.

Find funny women

>Heh, it's tough being a comedian ladies and gentlemen. One time I got booed off stage while doing my kitchen utensils routine. I tell you, that wasn't very knife at all.

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stand up is not funny

>t. never watched any standup ever

he cute

Only what people recommended to me, been disappointed every time. Recommend something worthwhile if you want to prove me wrong.

replies like this are how i know its a good post

Lmao you fucking sperg this is dramatical gold


>conservatives aren't fun-

>ridiculing the non-privileged isn't particularly funny
I'm imagining a crying Downie in a clown costume saying this and it's funny as fuck

Vocaroo your bit, let's hear it.