Kinos with a similar plot?

Kinos with a similar plot?

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It's okay, if he goes to work he'll get better. Based god emperor said so. Shadilay.

can you imagine coming into a thread and immediately thinking about trump

you are deranged

>live in california
>feel something in my throat
>start coughing on everything at work
>go to the hospital 3 days later
Im still waiting to catch it so i can send these assholes to hell

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I love watching society trying to contain this. People are fucking rats, it's already too late, we just have to eat the losses this will bring. You can't even get people to just cover their fucking mouths when sneezing, you think you can get people to self quarantine? Cmon son. The virus survives up to 28 days at well below room temperature by living inside bacteria, it only takes one of these stupid assholes to spread it to half a city.

Hang him publicly.

is Yas Forums the only place taking this threat seriously?

millions of people are dying and billions are going to die, why is no one taking this seriously

>billions are going to die
>2% fatality rate

it's actually much higher than that given how much information places like iran and china and north korea are hiding

Absolutely fucking based

kek - check out the snowflake getting pissy about any negative representation of his embarrassing voting decision.

Contagion (2011)

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>live in china
>why are my lungs fucked up

>Kinos with a similar plot?
Like every zombie movie where someone gets bit but tries to hide it from everyone and pretend they are fine

North Korea isn’t hiding shit they just aren’t communicating with the rest of the world because they just probably kill those that have it. China is for sure lying but I don’t think Iran is, it’s pretty bad over there. Realistically with the mortality rates I would place the real number at like 6-10% tops which is really high. 3.4% is still fucking high and ensures 100 million minimum die if 40% of the population gets infected, even more if it’s 70%.


Why can’t white people just wear the goddamn mask instead of spreading the disease everywhere?

If anything, once a real deadly disease is being spread i will start looting and pillaging since day 1, people all around me are fucking stupid.

It's not a threat. Yet.
If the mortality doesn't top inb4 misinformation and nonsense

retard happener

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>even more if it’s 70%.
Which it's estimated to hit by the end of the year. I wouldn't be so worried if my fucking mother wasn't immuno-compromised so she'd absolutely get fucked up by it. Worse still she can't completely quarantine herself.

Because the masks are a fucking placebo and everyone outside of insectland knows it. Treated masks are the only ones that work for airborne illnesses and they're rather pricey.

South korea has done the most tests of any country and thus has the most accurate numbers and their mortality rate barely reaches 0,6. If anything this has shown how absolutely terrible we are at withstanding any outbreak. Seriously, people are terrible.

>Tfw my grandma is 84 and has emphysema
Feels bad bros


fuck drumpf, we should be more like socialist EU which doesn't close the borders at all

Based fake news cringe poster

>are a fucking placebo
They're still useful if infected people are wearing them. It's less about saving your healthy lungs than it is helping to contain typhoid-user's spittle and mucous flying everywhere.

Swine flu did get panic, zoomer.

It's got a 3.4% mortality rate if the person gets medical attention. 20% need serious medical attention, so if hospitals get overwhelmed by the amount of cases and cant treat them it'll kill 20% of the infected.
Masks stop you from giving other people the virus but do fuck all else. Better than nothing though.

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I remember complaining about asians wearing masks. Sorry guys.

we didn't have CNN in 1918 bucko

>Chinese leftists cause ANOTHER pandemic
>muh Drumpf!!!!!!

The disposable masks are meant to help prevent you from getting others sick, because it blocks you from breathing, coughing, and sneezing on everything in sight.
The problem is retards are buying these masks in droves and using them to try and prevent getting sick, which is not what they're made for

Did you know that studies found that cutting edge swine flu vaccines gave people narcolepsy? Anyway vaccines can't hurt you. Get your shot and just nap randomly for the rest of your life bro.

The virus probably influences the carrier to go around and be in the vicinity of people.


That is actually really cool. I want random naps, my power would increase tenfold.

Just pray the virus away, bro

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That is possible actually. Aren't people with rabies afraid of water?

the left can't meme

Only 260 million dead. Not bad. Not great.

I fucking hate the people who get others sick so fucking much. The shittiest type of people
>few months back was at work
>we can play our own music, so I had my phone set aside and playing music to the bluetooth speaker
>newish coworker takes my phone without asking and changes the song
>think it's pretty fucking rude and ask him to not touch my stuff in the future, but then think nothing of it
>couple days later get a terrible cold
>see him a week later and he asks how I've been
>tell him I'm getting over the worst of a cold
>"Oh that sucks bro, I had one last week too"
I flat out told him he got me sick, and he seemed to feel bad, but it's fucking beyond me why he's sick and grabbing other peoples belongings

this is the new way incels will get their revenge: biological mass murder


Because that didn't effect white people so it doesn't matter.

Same brother. Stocking up on food, getting ready for whatever happens. Worst case scenario I've got a bunch of bulk groceries and can save money cooking at home, best case scenario the apocalypse frees me from wageslavery


there's 60 million people in hubei, and now the spread has stopped the death toll of 3000 will only go to maybe like 6k being generous. i.e. 0.1%


Really young people actually dont even get any symptons. Its a pure boomer killer disease.

>Imagine getting this upset over having a cold

Toughen up Fag.

this nigga actually believes in official chink stats

western culture is somehow entirely missing this pretty basic thing.

It's not his fault the company you work for is too jewish to give people sick days.

>my feet hurt
>the music is too loud
>I'm going to give everyone in the room a potentially fatal virus

sigh, we've all been there, am I right lads?

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if they were burning more bodies than that you'd see it in atmospheric satellite data.

britbong here, feels good having a public healthcare infrastructure in place that isn't about to bankrupt half the population with medical bills.

>Burning bodies

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>now the spread has stopped

have you been paying attention to how much money they put into fighting the virus?

I bet your public hospitals are chaotic and full of foreigners who take advantage of your free health care. Its like that in New Zealand with the Chinks and Polynesians. Took my dad in for his cancer appointment a few months back and the waiting room was just boomer chinks who couldn't speak a word of English. Of course the tax payer forks out for translators while they get free health care because their son decided to emigrate to NZ and dragged them along with him.

why would chinese burn suitably good meat

Based, finally we can get rid of all the r*cists!!!!

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have you been paying attention to how close chinese people get to each other and how many live in each others pocket?
chinese students at my uni will just press right the fuck up against you in the middle of a room because they think 'touching' is the appropriate distance. also, they constantly spit

Millions of people are dying from obesity-related illnesses while KFC puts out an item that is a piece of fried chicken between two glazed donuts, it's hard to care about "giant global death virus #130198309131 that actually just kills children and old people like most illnesses".

Imagine being so thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated by the guy you choose to support that any criticism of his policy or behavior triggers a literal meltdown.

>TFW being a complete NEET shut-in finally has it's benefits as I get to spend my days playing video games while the world dies.

I like think that one day I'll emerge from my bedroom into Max Max world and it'll be pretty cool.

What was his endgame? Crashing his state with no survivors?

This shit isn't getting any better. Coronavirus can also passes onto your PETS. People better pray for a vaccine discovery soon or else this going to get out of hand really quick.

You must have been a literal baby
I was eight and I remember wall-to-wall coverage on all the networks, it was all anyone talked about for a while

reminder there are thousands of chinks/sniggers like this right now, you just don't hear about them

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* I was nine, whoops
Forgot it was in 09 and not 08

it's as though you have literally no way to argue the points being made and are trying to hide the fact from yourself by filibustering.

No leftypol, you can't change the narrative when you clearly started seething first for literally no reason

I haven't seen it but I think the answer is Kids.

It's not even actually 3.4%
WHO just loaded up and did basic math while ignoring that literally no country other than Worst Korea is actually doing mass testing on people who are asymptomatic and the lethality there is 0.6%

I just ordered 15 months worth of hot pockets

We let infected people into Australia and they were sent to their houses and told they had to stay there for 12 days, under threat of arrest if they left and still some of them went out amongst other people.

They don't give a fuck. Foreigners have no respect for us.

Your public hospital system wont mean shit when its clogged with people you halfwit. Why do I care, You brits are insufferable faggots and the world will be a better place with less of you.

Normalfags can't comprehend the idea of them dying. They all think their invincible and they don't have the mental fortitude to face their own mortality.
Meanwhile most people on Yas Forums (not reddit tourists) are somewhat suicidal and are completely at peace with the idea of death.

>not being mad over coughing and feeling like shit when it was completely avoidable
We have sick days. The point is that even though he came into work instead of keeping to himself he grabbed my phone when he knew he was sick. When I'm sick I either take a sick day, or keep to myself and don't touch other peoples stuff, and use hand sanitizer my hands before and after if I need to use stuff everyone else has access to.
It's fucking disgusting when I'm in public and people openly sneeze or cough without even attempting to cover their mouths. I have no idea how these people don't know or care about this basic shit

The thread is about how the government is responding to a potential pandemic. Trump is a somewhat important government figure. No need to throw a tantrum any time his embarrassing behavior is mentioned, no ones making you humiliate yourself like this.

>giving them an optional quarantine when they were confirmed infected
I have absolutely no idea what you guys thought would happen

>The thread is about governments so I started seething about trump for no reason
Glad you can admit it, leftypol

>it's only going to kill around 1.5 million people in the US alone if it becomes endemic


Trump actually isn't making any governmental decisions so you're right.

Don't kid yourself, retarded white boomers in this country will spread it just as fast as they push and shove each other towards the last remaining pack of 1ply toilet paper.

good goy, watch more news and dont forget to stock up on masks!

is this a motherfucking HOLOCAUST reference?