Kill the Romanov family

>kill the Romanov family
>make a cartoon about it, and get a ton of money
>blame it all on Rasputin who has been long dead by that point

Kinda messed up desu

Attached: Anastasia-1997-film-images-753111ad-a3bb-40da-99d7-b95e7ab8abb.jpg (780x1170, 169.06K)

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What the fuck? You mean to tell me that Don Bluth murdered the Romanovs? I knew Dragon's Lair was dark but this isn't ok.

>waah why doesn't reality align itself with my schizophrenia!!
>waaaah why doesn't blame le jooz instead of Rasputin who actually had contact with the romanovs!
take your meds Yas Forumsyp

Are you okay user?

yeah but you aren't, SKADOOSH

Best late 90s animation and OST

But Rasputin literally didn't kill the Romanovs and was on good terms with them
The communists killed them both

Why did Don Bluth's career tank so hard after the 80s? I know Disney got back on its feet but it's like he just sputtered out and died
Titan A.E. was a valiant effort though

There was a low budget Anastasia ripoff, like there always is with big cartoons, and the communists were actually the villains in that lel

I think the stage adaptation of Anastasia removes Rasputin entirely and replaces him with a conflicted Chekist

>Be me
>Family from Russia
>((Communists)) take over, murder millions
>Zero fucks given
>Family moves to the west
>All the whites are drowning in white guilt
>Grandpa was right

Communist were based

GOAT villain song


Wasn't this made before DNA testing conformed ana body? From what i know, she was considered missing.

He reached his peak in the 80s, in the 90s he produced some real shit. Anastasia and Titan to a lesser extent are outliers. I would guess that he bet all his money in the latter and it didn't pay off.

I don't know much about him but he was a weirdo and makes good material for a villain, he's the first and final boss of Hellboy too.

I know he produced shit in the 1990s, that's why I said he sputtered and died
Like I know he's always had a fondness for cutesy shit but stuff like Rock-a-Doodle or A Troll in Central Park were just junk compared to his previous efforts

Yeah, her body was in the fuckroom

>half the character designs are very realistic and probably rotoscoped
>half of them are heavily cartoonized
very weird

Rock-a-Doodle Is still more than acceptable tier, but you can tell how worst it gets by how the poster look, the penguin one winning hands down.

Titan AE is interesting in theory but it tries to be too many different sci-fi subgenres at once so it comes out a giant mess.

Kinda sad. Sounds similar to many missing person reports

The Russian nobility were based and any attempt to make them look bad is just commie cope.

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I mean I guess
I don't know, his portrayal in Hellboy seemed sufficiently divorced from the actual historical context, while in Anastasia they have acting in a way that flies in the face of what he did OTL. Instead of being a deeply unpopular spiritual advisor who had close and positive relationship with the Romanovs (and thus had a great deal of influence over them) and was killed by the Reds as a result, now he's an evil demonic sorcerer who the Romanovs exiled and he engineered the communist revolution via magic curses as revenge or some shit.

You know a historical Russian character that needs to be a villain more often? Ungern Sternberg. Crazy White Russian who briefly took over Mongolia during the Russian civil war and dreamed of conquering Eurasia and then the world under a militant version of Buddhism. There was a video game called Iron Storm in the 2000s but not a hell of a lot else

Nicolas II was a pretty shitty czar by czar standards, it's part of why his dynasty fell. He was the kind of ruler that wanted to micromanage everything in his country, but at the same time loved to leave and go on vacations with his family meaning the entire country grinded to a halt because the guy micromanaging everything wasn't there.

>schizophrenic redditor telling anyone else to take his meds
Follow your own advice, and then go back.

nice projection

Rasputin was killed by members of the elite who thought that he was going for political gains and that he had too much influence on the Tsar.

Youre the first one to mention Jews ITT you lunatic.

No refunds.

Whoops, big fuckup on my part.
Even so, it's still very at odds with how he and his relationship with the Romanovs is portrayed in the film


This song is excellent. I thank the film for this at least

>leftists murder tsar family
>install the biggest meme ideology in history while their handler Lenin rides around in eleven Rolls Royces
>leftist 100 years later spergs out in all caps when someone points it out

I know that Sanders getting stomped still hurts, but collect yourself, cumrade.

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>daily mail

the revolution was starting before lelftist extremist hijacked it, I wonder what Russia would be like if Germans didn't ship Lenin to fuck everything up.


Yes it was a popular urban legend that she had escaped west. Then DNA testing came along and ruined it, turned out she got raped and murdered like the rest

No, they were generally horribly incompetent/blind and the ones who weren't rarely had much power or influence. Nicholas II especially, while not a bad guy, was an absolutely horrible ruler whose combination of obsessive micromanaging, lack of willpower, and devout Christian faith meant that he was simultaneously out of touch with reality, prone to getting manipulated/taking bad advice, and utterly confident that things would just work themselves out in the end. There were plenty of opportunities to avoid the Russian Revolution and Nicholas missed all of them.

It's sort of funny but not watching leftists rail against the US as "babykillers" but then go into detail about why the Soviets were completely justified in raping and murdering the Romanov children and why that was actually a totally smart move

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I prop never watched it, but for some reason my wife loves it. Song is cool.

oh god...the daily mail

>her body was in the fuckroom
specyfic or one with other bodies?

It's like when they criticize America for being intolerant and then turn around and defend Soviet persecution of gays/jews/poles/greeks.

>Soviet persecution of jews

nah, he did agree to establish a governmet, given enough time shit would have worked out.



It did exist for groups of jews other jews didnt like. Happend in Polen once or twice before Solidarność in 80s

Stalin fucking hated the long nose tribe, user. Lenin having a jewish great-grandfather and Trotsky straight up being a jew didn't change that.

Look at them squirm.

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Stalin famously didn't much care for Trotsky too

Yes, I've heard rumors that they didn't get along

I can't find a single photo where they both look happy


You know the man who killed the Tsar was literally a Jew, right? Look it up.

>le jooz
Yurovsky, the man who oversaw the execution of the Romanovs, was a Jew. I know Yas Forums blames the Jews for everything, but sometimes it really is a Jew who did it.
Rasputin was murdered more than a year before the Romanovs were executed, how could he possibly have had anything to do with it? In any case the Romanovs loved him, he was executed by other Russian nobles because he had too much influence and he was horrible for morale (made the Tsar look like a spineless cuckold and the Empress look like a traitorous nutjob).

Anybody has the post of Anastasia with big tits that an user made years ago?

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