Got caught by a pedophile hunting group

>got caught by a pedophile hunting group
>video is already up online exposing me

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post it you dirty nonce


Lmao you faggot ass bitch loser nigger

Well come on user

Gas yourself.

Not only are you a pedo, you're also a pedo who doesn't deliver

that's what you get for going after little girls

are you going to appear on Anxiety War?

Yeah you are going to have to post link

>inb4 this is chris hansen trying to bait the actual pedoposters

Lynching peados should be a sport but “muh civilisation” n shit


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post a link and I personally will raid the comments with Sneed.

>Vigilante Justice is dange-

High test

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Of course he’s azn. Non whites do anything for a wiff of white ass. It’s the reason Muslim rape gangs are so prominent in west europe

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is that you OP? damn you look like the kid from UP lol.

If its recent it might be this

This is why I never go to meet little girls without a gun.


she was 17 you absolutely sick pedo wtf

the guy in this video did nothing wrong. being 19 and trying to fuck a 13 year old is only natural.

LOL who cares? its entrapment and there is no verifiable chain of custody of any "evidence" they likely altered logs and edited video to frame you

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>This is what frogposters look like irl

What the fuck are you pedos on about

Did he call you a nonce a bunch?


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It's not entrapment. And yes many people get arrested and serve prison time from these crime groups that look for people like you.

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damn imagine getting entrapped by this retard

Don't you guys have guns? Just shoot the nigger

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>looking for kids instead of hitting up a college party and getting instant pussy

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This so cruel.

But what does that mean for cunny posting on Yas Forums?

>getting instant pussy
balding + acne = nope

>This so cruel.

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That's why i never go to meet little girls without a nude

didn't you watch the video? he's a fat chink

They are probably secretly offending pedophiles themselves, catch them red-handed and you're in the clear

File a DMCA lmao

can't verify the evidence, can't be jailed
you faggots say one thing then alter the chat logs and go larp like little queens around some guy thinking he's hooking up with an 18 yeard filly

its well known

Of course it's cruel. It's the worst that can happen to a social being.

quads of truth.

They're probably not pedos, but the people that do this shit always strike me as compensating. UK nonce hunters are all chavvy benefits scroungers and the North American ones always come across as cholos, wiggers or child molestation victims themselves.

Basedboys hate pedophilia because they are brainwashed

image being such an incel faggit you go and make up nonsense to get people jailed for natural and healthy sexual preference

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if it's a real underage girl, she gets fucked with consent by a beta male. if she's not real, said beta male gets his life publicly destroyed... yeah, doesn't seem too fair to me.

truly on subhumans hate what is natural

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I don't get why they never say the girls/boys are like 8 instead of 13/14.

>they think there arent fat bitches at college parties looking for a quick dick
This place and probably porn has warped your mind, there is no such thing as "chads". im ugly as fuck and got a gf, stop making excuses for your laziness.

>And yes many people get arrested and serve prison time from these crime groups that look for people like you
No they don’t. You need more than chat logs and some guy showing up to get someone arrested.

If the kid is willing, then there's nothing wrong with it.

Yes they do. You're so wrong. Anyone can do what you're doing. Just keep saying "No". When there's so much proof that people that chat with a decoy, and meet them, get arrested and serve prison time.


>have one
>picture of those russian child models in skimpy clothes
>it sometimes keeps me up at night

Says the guy who posts on a pedo hugbox 24/7.
I draw the line at 16 and you probably should too before some girl's father beats you to death with a tire iron you pervert.

Okay then show proof.

It's not fair because that underage girl deserves a Chad, not a beta.

Fell for Bazza's trap did ya noncey

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That's called guilt user.

I'm not going to show you shit, you fucking faggot. I'm not playing your faggot little attention seeking game. I know what you're doing. It's fucking stupid. Now shut the fuck up and look for yourself if you're interested. It's easy to find for a brain dead cuck faggot like you.


>If the kid is willing, then there's nothing wrong with it.
You sound wise.

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There is no "line" aside from made up lines s oyboy faggots imagine. Kill yourself

>fat bitches
im not fat though

I think the funniest one I saw of these was when the guy said in the most friendly tone "basically mate, what I like to do, is I like to knock pedos out m8."

wtf I love Trump now

Ya boilin
Ya seethin
Ya vibratin

The modern day Yas Forums-pedo is just an impressionable incel who never experienced young love and is perpetually stuck in that phase of his life while everybody else naturally moved on. The irony is they wouldn't even know what to do with someone half their age.

I'm glad your on the train brother

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Go back. Go faggot, run, faggot.

based pedo lecturing others

There's pre-pubescent and post-pubescent or is that too complicated a concept for you. Your hostility reveals your internal conflict.

Wing-wonging a 16 year old isn't exactly pedophilia, though

cunnyposters should get the rope


>>they think there arent fat bitches at college parties looking for a quick dick
that's a Hollywood fabrication. real fat bitches are too insecure and/or bitter to go to a college party and give themselves away to the first beta who shows up

why don't they just run away? Like if I was one of these guys I would just spint as fast as I can to get away, they aren't police so it doesn't matter.

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I'm not a pedo myself, 21 years old and a hebephile/ephebophile, however, i fully support pedophilia and pedophiles rights.

I’ve had sex with multiple 12 and 13 year olds and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.

>Try to meet with someone six years younger than you who wants to sleep with you willingly

These people are so much worse than their targets. Incredible hypocrisy.

I mean the logic makes sense, but you have to pick an age to cap it off? Whay age? Or do you decide when someone becomes legal by another metric?

I just downloaded a couple to test if I could go that far; I actually couldn't so I deleted most of them but then I saw one of them while looking for anime pictures in my hard drive. I'm really disorderly.
I'm not even trying to save face here. I lost track of it.

I don't think any of these guys go for 16 year olds tho. Isn't that age of consent in a lot of places?

Imagine what this guy smells like.

All that matters is attractive or not. Just shut up lmao

Sexual activity occurs before and after pubescence. It's not relevant.

Not that I watch a lot of these vids, but I don't think I've ever seen one where the guy who gets caught tries to knock anyone out. Some of these pedo hunters show up alone and even take them to more private places, even if they're complete cowards, there's gotta be ONE dude that tried it, right?

gotta make sure someone is 10000% defo a pedo and it's not hearsay
like if it's proven they found CP on someone's computer they should hand that person over to the public

>this is what gen-x-ers pay tuition for

thank you

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Yeah but if you are a lazy faggot with no self esteem, thats the only type of girls you can get. Accept it appreciate theres some cunts on the planet that dont have standards.

Are you that user who talked about going on Omegle and picking up 14 - 16 year olds?

Like fruity hair all natural conditioner at the moment.

check'd and correct

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So basically you have no proof that any of these videos have lead to a conviction? In fact if they had they would brag about it. The truth is these guys are hampering true justice by not allowing the cops to do the sting as all of the chat logs are inadmissible in court as no law enforcement was involved at any point.

This wouldn’t even get that far to the courts let alone jail time or getting registered as an offender. Think about it all this does is make the offender extra careful and he has his face on a YouTube video and that’s pretty much it.

Nope. That guy was probably based though.
>stop having empathy for people who accept their natural feelings

There's nothing wise about stating pure facts. Most people are unable to think logically.

I stand with you brother.

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fuck empathy, fuck trannies, and fuck pedos

Bullshit, even the fat bitches want guys way out of their league.

knocking them out would just get you into more legal trouble, but its not a crime to run away, dont understand why more pedos dont do it. Maybe cause most of them are fat fucks?

You wish you'd get arrested, it will be the community that will tie you behind a truck and do few laps around the block.
Can't wait for the liveleak video.

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>natural feelings
If you have that kind of feelings you were either molested or exposed to porn at an early age. There isn't that big a difference in their psychological effect anyway.

Why fuck trannies? Trannies/faggots/women are anti-pedo. You should side with your fellow estrogen filled morons.

>You wish you'd get arrested, it will be the community that will tie you behind a truck and do few laps around the block.
>Can't wait for the liveleak video.

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Imaging being such a failure at existing that you cant progress past adolescence mentally and socially so you devolve into raping children.

>It's not relevant.
Sex is an act for the purpose of reproduction.
Breasts are a reproductive organ to feed a woman's young.
Girls don't have the physically structure to give birth without complications before puberty.
>just shut up, reeeee
Your brain is broken mate, I prescribe a bullet.

You = mentally ill