

Attached: ray bans.jpg (960x925, 118.71K)

inb4 that faggot from reddit who pretends he's welcome here

Anyone got pics of two slices Frakes?

>tfw you realize Wesley has a better ass than all the women on the Enterprise

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yoda yeed looking fucking retard bitch

Alright /trek/ yeah!

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Everything after enterprise is gay except axanar

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>dat ass

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This is such a lame VF thread.
Go away. Not contributing.

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What if Riker and Troi’s kid is actually. A boy but was raised as a girl?

I-is grandpa Riker going to die soon?

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>hey remember data?
>yeah he had a kid
>and now she's dead
>also picard is more of a little bitch now
fuck you show

Ex-Star Wars fanboy here, when are you Trektards gonna come to the realization its time to give it up?

>also picard is more of a little bitch now

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considering that /trek/ had a headstart on Star Wars with SUBVERSION by like six years, probably never

>also picard is more of a little bitch now
Is that how treat all old people suffering from PTSD and alzeihmers user?

Why do Riker and Trou have a dead kid? How does that add to the story other than making this shitty show when more depressing?

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Axanar is a scam and Alec Peters laughs all the way to the bank.

Prelude to Axanar was kino

>Is that how treat all


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Just more injection of politics into the narrative. Stem cell research in this case.

Me on the right.

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Something something anti-vaxx

To be honest, I thought it was a boy, when only her voice was heard on the trailer.

Why did Riker have a dead mum? Why did Troi have a dead dad and sister?

This photo struck me as odd. Is it just me or did they not shoop his head on correctly?


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Despite how shitty all the other episodes have been. I fucking loved this last episode. Felt like the good ole Picard TNG days for a sec.

The pic is a super subtle reference to the swolecard comics, where all the heads are drawn-on in a really awkward way.

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It's clearly a stock photo baby, photoshopped in. To get that smile, you know the photographer had to have wait hours for that split-second. Only a professional model baby, specifically chosen for it's cuteness, can smile like that. Real babies can't. You can feel it's not real.

>they used a stunt baby for a photo.
no, seriously. fuck this show.

Why would you even care, autist?

They also had to use a ~15 year old photo of Patrick Stewart's head too. So, of course used a stock photo baby.

Me in the middle.

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it was a joke, autist. the phrase "stunt baby" didn't clue you in to the non-seriousness?

Why would it, autist?

because you're smart and can read, autist? Or did I assume too much?

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I'm betting it's a in-joke of some sort. Maybe a fan in cosplay with their baby, and the show creators decided to shoop PatStew there.

Why would "stunt baby" specifically indicate that it was a joke?

Romulans without bowl cuts are a sin against creation.

Thanks for posting that good image.

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Marina should play Morticia.

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>Not even a picture of Payton List

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She had more work done for the show. She's looking extra "pulled back".

Why, Marisa. Just accept your age. Fans don't care about it.

Yes, it is. Did you know that face blindness is a symptom of autism?

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>She's looking extra "pulled back".
Like this?

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I don't know what's up with these women who try to get plastic surgery. Once you hit a certain age, there is absolutely nothing you can do. There is no surgery that will ever defeat the wall. It just makes you look less human and more like a wax sculpture.

I genuinely think people who get plastic surgery are mentally ill narcissists who just can't accept the natural process of aging.

Yeah or that thing that Gina Davis and Alec Baldwin do in Beetlejuice

That is not the Yas Forums approved Payton List.

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Not really something that someone who wasn't autistic would know.

Wrong franchise.

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>tfw no romulan sister-gf

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so is she from Yeed's species or what?

This episode was actually not bad.
>very little crappy action
>new characters are actually in character
>little new stupidity (most of what was stupid is carried over)
>people mostly talked it out
>actually felt like Trek
Dialog wasn't great, but it wasn't cw-tier either. I can forgive the lack of excitement, because Trek was often not exciting (and often had forced excitement as well, especially in TNG). If every episode had been up to this standard, it would have been an acceptable show: old people doing stuff in old-people ways.
Too bad it's ep 7/10. Too bad they're STILL introducing new important characters. Too bad they still have to explain the plot to every new character (though that did mean that you could show someone this episode, and only this episode, and they would still get every relevant plot point except one - I don't think they explicitly mentioned or showed that the silly not-tilly killed Maddox). Too bad they had to have Picard get berated by a woman, again. Too bad they waited until the end of the 7th ep, of 10, to actually bring back Picard, in a show named Picard. Too bad Riker has fallen to the status of Pizza Artist, because he's a male. Too bad Riker and Troi waited until they were old to have kids, so they spawned two autists in a row. Too bad they still don't know anything to do with the oc characters, and still have them being stupid or puking everywhere. Too bad next episode will certainly slide back into being trash.

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>We will never get a bonus episode featuring Thanksgiving at the Riker-Troi household with Kyle Riker, Tom Riker and Lwaxana showing up.

It does have a point. It makes it so that it makes sense that Picard wouldn't immediately contact his good friend Admiral Riker, still held in high esteem by the Federation, to help him with his mission.

Show still sucks, but the ded kid had a purpose.

>not inviting Tiny Riker

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this is why botox should be banned