ITT: Things that were hyped up so much but when you watched it you said "that was it?"

ITT: Things that were hyped up so much but when you watched it you said "that was it?"

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OP pic unrelated, also OP sucks cock

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What exactly were you expecting? Have you seen anything by Verhoeven before?

are you me, op? i just watched this and yeah. not for me.


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I've seen Robocop, which I like, didn't even know it was the same director.

>ITT: Things that were hyped up so much but when you watched it you said "that was it?

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Op you fucking idiot. Starship Troopers is awesome.

But to answer your question:
Black Panther
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Dark Knight Rises
The Matrix 2-3
Superman Returns

>didn't even know it was the same director.
You absolute retard.

you had to watch it in the theater to get the good surround sound

>Black Panther
everyone knew it was bullshit, doesn't count
>Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
it was lackluster but only in retrospect, at the time most people liked it
>Star Wars: The Force Awakens
>The Dark Knight Rises
it was shit
>The Matrix 2-3
I saw them at the theater due to the hype, liked them at the time just to avoid buyer's remorse
>Superman Returns
there was never much hype around this one, I've grown to like it over the years
never saw it

zoomie zoomer is a late bloomer

Sorry I don't check IMDB before I watch every film.

His name is in the credits.

I don't read them because they don't pertain to the plot of the film.

based. you don't forget to fast-forward the "boring" scenes, right

How the fuck did you not know. He directed 3 classic Sci-fi movies. Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers.

No, I don't fast forward through any part of the film. I just don't read credits.

Sorry I don't check IMDB before I watch every film.

Who the fuck watches movies and doesn't know the directors? How old are you?

I-it doesn't pertain to the plot of the film, user!

Why are you so rude? Does anonymity make you feel tough?

No one over the age of 18 would say this.

Which also means you haven't watch a lot of movies and which might also means you probably don't know a good movies from a bad one.

based, this movie suck major asshole.

List 50 (fifty) good movies and 50 (fifty) bad movies.

You're right. I haven't watch a lot movies

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These is only just the sci fi alone with a couple of fantasy movies:
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. 12 Monkeys
3. Alien
4. Aliens
5. Annihilation
6. Arrival
7. Avatar
8. Back To The Future
9. Battle Royale
10. Blade Runner
11. Blade Runner 2049
12. Brazil
13. Chappie
14. Close Encounter Of The Third Kind
15. Contact
16. Dark City
17. District 9
18. Donnie Darko
19. Dredd
20. Edge Of Tomorrow
21. Elysium
22. E.T the Extraterrestrial
23. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
24. Ex Machina
25. Gattaca
26. Gravity
27. Inception
28. Interstellar
29. Jurassic Park
30. Looper
31. Lord of The Rings Trilogy
32. Melancholia
33. Minority Report
34. Moon
35. Pans Labyrinth
36. Predator
37. Primer
38. Ready Player One
39. Robocop
40. Serenity
41. Snowpiercer
42. Super 8
43. Star Wars
44. Sunshine
45. Starship Troopers
46. The Abyss
47. The Martian
48. The Matrix
49. The Mist
50. The Hobbit Trilogy
51. The Host
52. The Prestige
53. The Terminator
54. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
55. The Thing
56. The Time Machine
57. Timecrimes (Los Cronocrímenes)
58. Total Recall
59. War Of The Worlds
60. V For Vendetta

AT LEAST half of these are shit, try again.

Tell the half that are "shit" retard.

The Empire Strikes Back
Holy crud, what a waste of time. So few kino moments. Yoda and the big reveal are kino, sure. But it's just nothing. People hype it up as the greatest achievement in history

Blair Witch original.
I missed the fucking boat, I guess seeing it at home years later doesn't have the same effect as in theaters during its run

It wasn't good in theaters either, it was all hype

I really love that movie but I get why some people hate it. I just think the atmosphere is spooky which elevates it.

LOL you fucking spoiled idiot. I bet you wouldn't say that when you first saw it back in 1980. Just like fucking spoiled idiots who watches The Exorcist for the very first time after the 90s doesn't think it was that scary.

The only thing scary/spooky about that movie was the ending and that's it. Throughout the whole movie it was nauseating with the wobbly camera shake.

watching your mom get railed by BBC with my drone

So name us half the list of what you think is "shitty"? Come on now, don't go into hiding.

>I missed the fucking boat, I guess seeing it at home years later doesn't have the same effect as in theaters during its run
You didn't miss the boat for not watching it in the cinema at the time.
You missed the boat because you didn't partake in that early example of viral marketing that hallmarked the blair witch experience.

I remember hearing about the film that was coming out and so looked that shit up online. The creators had seeded the web with fake historical accounts and other shit to help fuel the hype for the film.

When it came to watching it, funnily enough on a cammed VCD I got in Thailand, I was freaked after weeks of hype and reading "historical sources" and watching that faux documentary that was released before the film that corroborated what was read online etc.

The film only "worked" imo, when you partook in all that shit the creators put out there. The online articles about historical accounts and legends etc., the "documentary".

Watching it without all this build up would've given a pretty unsatisfying experience, hence all the
>i don't get it
complaints after the film aired.

Let The Right One In

>>Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
>it was lackluster but only in retrospect, at the time most people liked it
> at the time most people liked it
LMAO what?

>5. Annihilation
>6. Arrival
>7. Avatar
Stopped reading there

I miss goofy 90s scifi

That makes sense, I do remember some of the faux news stories and the like. Kind of like watching a halftime show at a later date.

Not him but people ate that shit up. Brand new Star Wars after 16 years, are you kidding?

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The fucking Sonic movie.

I saw this like the second weekend it was out and it was better than the (at the time) lukewarm reviews indicated. Now that 20+ years have passed I appreciate it and the source material so much more.

Entry level pleb filter.
The movie keeps warning you "THIS IS PROPAGANDA, NOT A RELIABLE NARRATOR, DO NOT TRUST" and plebs still falls for it. That is enough to make it a great movie.

This and shining are the only two Kubrick movies are didn't like.

They have to announce it because it doesn't make sense.

What doesn't make sense ?

How does it not make sense?

Yeah, everyone went to see it sure. Doesn't mean it went down well though.

>What I expected:
psychological thriller about the dangers of space travel, pushing humanity to the limits, defying nature, etc.

>What I got
a literal haunted house in space

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>psychological thriller about the dangers of space travel, pushing humanity to the limits, defying nature, etc.

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Princess Bride. Is it just nostalgia?

>hyped up

I don't think you know what that phrase means.

Wow, racist much?

such an overrated 'underrated' film

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I have to agree with user. A lot of those are bad. I'm way too lazy to make a list, though

It was considered to be one of the biggest disappointments of all time

One of the most awkwardly paced, written, and acted movies I've ever seen. I have no idea why it is a classic other than the title.

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