Was there any real explanation for this episode...

Was there any real explanation for this episode? Even the trump family guy episode had an explanation on why they went there.

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Matt Groening is in Epstein's black books

Nobody watches that shit but you.

what am I looking at


what was the family guy explanation?

>Nobody watches that shit but you.

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Joe Biden looks creepy even as a cartoon.

It was a short and The Simpsons has been making political humor since season one.

Not many of those dems are left, ironic image is ironic.



>Not many of those dems are left

not really clear on how the primary process works are you

Oh shit I forget about that. Nearly pissed myself laughing and this is someone who doesn't like nu-Simpsons.

>political humor
But that's not it.

Daily reminder that 90% of those clowns are straight up grifters that ran only to boost their press and pocket donation money.


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What will the Sneedsons do when Trump wins again?

Why do Americans only vote based on "I remember that guy's name?"

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>The Simpsons has been making political humor since season one.

This isn't "political humor". It's very thinnly-veiled propaganda. It's basically a political commercial.
Also "humor" implies being funny.

Oh no! It's the Democratic candidates

what was the explanation for the family guy episode?

Um why is epstein in this image?

>lol who the fuck is Obama?

>It's another conspiratard thread whining about supposed DNC control of the media
good lord, take your meds schizos

South Parks take is gonna be worse i fully expect to waste the entire season this year crying about drumpf again with their over the top mr garrison strawman

What was family man's point? I actually gave it a chance and when yet another 10 minute 'fight' started I nopped the fuck out.

oh god forbid that US TV air overt political propaganda. what kind of effect would that have on the public discourse!

>what kind of effect would that have on the public discourse!
four years of screeching and hysterical faggots pretending they are being hunted down in the streets while literally nothing is happening

It's not DNC control of the media, you mong, it's the media all being aligned with the same party as the DNC and therefore trying to bolster support for their side.
It's the same thing as John Q Public going out and donating his time to work on a campaign committee for Trump or Obama or Roosevelt, only at a corporate media level.
HOW are you too stupid to understand that bias is a critical core to coordinate and create propaganda?

south park is out of touch and not funny anymore. south park was good before memes were what they are now (not memes as in photo with caption format that boomers laugh at in starbux)

>they gave tulsi cleavage

south park ended to me with the stick of truth everything else is just fanfic tier bullshit

you can tell the creators are having a midlife crisis and their views are the complete opposite of what they used to be

South Park sold their soul. They went from being rebellious anti-establishment entertainment to "this isn't done!" fainting couch conformists.

>Media being leftist
>a "conspiracy theory"

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you can tell that what they think kids are into these days comes from market research and focus groups. animation is a young man's game

I don't even think it's that. It seems more like they're just frantically gateguarding every topic under the sun to ensure that they're never ousted by establishment players. They're SO scared to have unapproved opinions now. I mean fuck... even Family Guy's stupid "Regular words, but a horse guy!" had more cultural edge than what they come up with now.

It's an attempt to be funny regardless of whether you personally find it funny or not, so yes, it is humor. Get over it, faggots.

>They made Yang a darker shade of yellow

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I know all the Drumpf shitters in this thread are probably excited about the upcoming election. Your president will not be getting a second term.

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It used to be funny though

FUCK I meant lighter

I'm retarded brb killing self

asians used to be white on the simpsons but i guess thats racist now

>It's an attempt to be funny

Then it's a miserable failure.

Simpsons was never funny, nostalgiafag

So your assertion is that political propaganda cannot take the form of (poorly done) humor?

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True, it used to be hilarious

>Your president will not be getting a second term.

Remember when you were equally sure he wouldn't get a first?

It's one of a variety of shorts that the Simpsons writers started doing online. Since it's not done on television the standards seem to be a lot looser and you see how hamfisted the writers of the show really are, which was already obvious with how the show has degraded over time, but still in a way it's fascinating to see how bad the show is now.

Pilpul. Nobody cares.

Using media intended for the creation of art as a means of pushing blatant, of-the-moment propaganda that outright states the creator's intent with no nuance, grace, or charm is laughably bereft of humor. It shows the real intention behind the rest of their work, too. They are not artists - they are frauds.

The propaganda machine of the mass media will be replaced. Soon.

Tulsi Gabbard still has a chance. She's still good. It's fine.

Hillary turned the numbers against us. This year will be different.

one of the new characters is a family called The Whites who are meant to be mocked for caring about "the Whites" or expressing indignation at hypocrisy

Replaced? Get real, brianlet. It's even deeper entrenched than ever because these people won the culture war. They're going to go so whole hog into it that it'll require an industry collapse to reset, and if you think that it's going to be allowed to collapse while that industry still has political power, well... you're even more fucking stupid than people who dismissively usually use the term "pilpul" usually are.

Tulsi hasn't dropped yet.

Please tell me you're fucking joking. I haven't paid attention to the South Park dumpster fire in forever, so I honestly can't tell if you're serious or not.

tulsi still in it you dumb ninja

Supposedly Homer's voice actor took to rejecting part's of scripts because they were making Homer himself too mean or awful. The writers have a sort of vengeful streak to them now that leads to more meanness to the writing rather than comedy. While mean things can be funny, you can tell they're driven more by this hate, especially in these shorts which makes it harder to laugh with.

>it's an attempt to be funny
It very clearly isn't. It's an attempt to teach the audience

i'm dead serious. you're meant to laugh at White people "The Whites" who are conscious of the mixed messages being sent to them or bias against white people

>ugh simpsons used to be counter culture
>so trump supporters are a minority?
>no we won by majority!

conspiracy theory itself as a term was invented by the cia to stop people from looking into objective facts


trump shit was the counter culture and even with him in office he continues to be the underdog because media is shilling so fucking hard against him its insane

to be fair i would literally hunt them in the streets if i could