Was there a qt cutter girl at any of your stays at the psych ward?

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Not cute but down to fuck and suck in the middle of the night.

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No, she instead took pills to try to kill herself but we actually hung out the whole week her and I were in there. She was a blonde girl a few years younger than me. She was really cool and we just kinda connected pretty quickly. One of the other guys we hung out with was this dude that did actually cut and his fucking arm looked like it had been split wide fucking open and was still healing. It was grotesque. We didn't really stay in touch much afterwards since we lived a couple hours apart, though. Also, my roommate there was this cool elderly guy that used to play linebacker for the Patriots back in the 80s. I guess I got pretty lucky with my experience there.

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Why didn’t you put a baby inside of her?

I only met crazy girls in university. The drama gets tedious after a while

What the fuck I self admitted and we were kept completely away from the girls.

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Makes sense. This movie gives hopeless people dangerous expectations of psych wards.

what about to feed and seed?