This is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. Post your comedy kinos

This is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. Post your comedy kinos.

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Mother fucker, I didn't ask how gay you are. I asked for comedy fucking kinos. Now post them,.

I love this film, I don't care of people give me shit for it

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I'll add it to my list. I'm just now getting into 80's comedies since I was born too late to enjoy them.

He's really not

I think it's a great film, I also recommend Space Balls too

10/10 taste user

I haven't watched that one yet, but I've seen a lot of memes from it. I'll add it to my list.

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I can't think of a funnier movie that's come out since this and that was in 2008.

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I love it for the tits alone

10/10. Vacation is pure fucking kino. The Great Outdoors is also kino. “Old” comedies are great. Everything doesn’t have to be crude and be filled with curse words. Those 2 films proved that.

Not going to lie, after 2010 there aren't really that many hilarious movies. I wonder what happened. Capeshit seems so dull compared to the earlier days.

The best dadcore of all time

I agree with this. And I also think my comment about Vacation and The Great Outdoors reigns true. Comedy has gone downhill. It’s become who can be the most crude and most vile, and that’s not what makes comedy.

Saw Murder by Death the other night and I couldn't stop laughing. 10/10

Niggers and women get offended too easily to make anything funny.

there’s literally never been a funny movie

It’s not that. Too many movies try to add all these swears, ridiculous scenarios, etc. They lost the meaning of comedy.

I'm OP. Not that it matters, but I'm Puerto Rican which is like boarder line black. You couldn't offend me if you tried.

You’re an idiot. Go back to Russia.

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Arsenic and Old Lace
The Bird Cage
The Great Outdoors
Harold and Maude

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>the great outdoors
One of my favorite comedies of all fucking time.

The Producers.

I'll check out the great outdoors, I've never heard of that one either.

aside from the kino already posted,

hot shots!
airplane 2
weird science
sixteen candles
what about bob?

John Candy going all out, non-stop gags. Very memorable too.

Slap Shot (1977)
Bad News Bears (1976)
What's Up, Doc? (1972)
Fletch (1985)
The Money Pit (1986)
Midnight Run (1988)
Kelly's Heroes (1970)
The Longest Yard (1974)
The Last Detail (1973)
The Heartbreak Kid (1972)

Oh wow. It’s John Candy and Danny boy at their best. It’s a great movie.

Planes, trains and automobiles
Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

What We Do In the Shadows and The Death of Stalin are pretty good, but this #metoo era sucks and kills comedy

> Fletch


What did AMH do to get so many iconic kid/teen roles in the 80s?

The dance sequence and subsequent cliff fall is one of the funniest things I have ever seen

Comedy is garbage and the easiest thing to write because retards laugh at anything.

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Yep. I feel bad for the younger kids that grew up on Seth Rogen and that type of horrible comedy. That’s not comedy. That’s just vile shit. And even Seth would give appreciation to the greats before him, and Candy and Danny are in there.

t. autist who doesn't understand comedy

Christmas Vacation > Vacation > European Vacation > 2015 Vacation > Las Vegas Vacation

There is no such a movie as "Christmas Vacation 2".

Not true. It’s only easy if you’re a young fuck with no taste.

Well shit I rec stuff older than that easily. Oldest comedy I know and love is Arsenic and Old Lace. Comedy has been alive for hundreds of years. This modern stuff is crude sure but it isn't totally devoid of spirit. Just gotta search for it. I ddin't mind Ready or Not. Maybe try that?

How has nobody post The Jerk yet?

As someone who is both political and cynical, the movie "Wag The Dog" has everything.

I will still laugh to the point of tears watching this film.

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OP here!
Im adding everyone's Kino's to my Spring break list. I have an entire week off from school so binging these shouldn't be an issue.

How in the fucking world do you put the remake before Vegas? I mean seriously guy.
>lemme get some of that yellah

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You're going the wrong way!

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OP here. I grew up on the Seth Rogen movies, but honestly, we didn't have much to watch. I started watching 70's and 80's movies recently on Hulu and I feel like I was born in the wrong generation. The older movies have so much heart in them, that it makes a lot of my generation's movies seem so drab.

I’ve seen Ready or Not. I went into it expecting nothing. Surprisingly, I liked it a lot. Good satire, funny, the right amount of “action”, and the ending was great.

Vegas > Europoor

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Add American Graffiti and Dazed & Confused to your list dude

At least you can recognize that. That’s what matters.

Born in the wrong generation? Nonsense. You have access to 100 years of cinema. There is no end to the amount of comedy you can now find and enjoy. Bask in it. Do not lament it.
Same, it was like a reverse Clue with more grit. Did you see You're Next?

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I have not

Christmas vacation and Vegas Vacation feature similar levels of comfykino, based trips poster

If you enjoy that kind of slasher comedy tone you'll like it.

10/10 list

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Reminder, Vegas Vacation>Europoor Vacation

>I'm Puerto Rican which is like boarder line black
No one asked, no one cares. Nigger.


Literally, the best scene in the entire film.

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I’m wrong. I have seen it. I just looked it up. I just forgot what it was called. Yes, the family sitting at dinner and arrows and shit start coming into the house and stuff. Yes, I saw it.

You're not wrong. I just wish my generation wasn't so obsessed with representing specific things in media. The older comedies have a charm to them that probably can't be touched today.

hasn’t been a single movie posted yet that would honestly make you laugh out loud