

Attached: 3bb7c6ad8bd50553d7a4f130f11b3cb2b.jpg (429x666, 63.03K)

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old hags

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fuck your fbi honeypot


butthurt pedo bump

what the heck!

delete /teen/ and other pedo shit & you will get more traffic


I bet there are gardens of cuties better than that shit hole.

>delete /teen/ and other pedo shit & you will get more traffic

lmao, I don't give a shit about traffic


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>lmao, I don't give a shit about traffic
>spams this shit in every celebrity related thread
which one is it bucko

i went there and it was a bit pedophilic

But yeah delete those

that's just so old posters know the site is back

if the site has 5 posters or 500 is all the same to me

kekekek, if you think wikieat is pedo, you can go back to facebook, desu


>mfw both newfag pedos and newfag redditors literally fail to realize that wikieat have existed since 2012 with the same exact traffic and rules

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its fine if you just browse the age appropriate celebs

>that's just so old posters know the site is back
by now im sure most old posters know about it and they also know the guy running it is the pedo who always spammed tooddlers

based wikieat owner

delete /teen/


>delete /teen/ and other pedo shit
>But yeah delete those

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Literally everyone always knew that you fucking zoomer

I think they got it by now

you always ruined the /under18/ general gtfo

that's exactly what I mean, yeah

it's even safer than posting here, or any other alt-chan, desu

I don't just mean old wikieat posters, but old Yas Forums posters as well, so the site needs to be shilled here regularly forever


its too pedo

Make a thread about /our girl/ brehs. She's going to be big



see kekekekekek

>posting in generals

there's already one on /teen/, user...

wait or do you mean here?

what happen to the old /cel/ did he get vanned

all the wiki generals are pretty based, desu

No I didnt retard

delete /teen/

so?, you dont have to go to that page

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Here but i just checked imdb she seems to have a minor role in it so nvm i guess

>so the site needs to be shilled here regularly forever
>but i d-dont care about t-traffic

hebechads are the heart and soul of wikieat

wats this :3

uh oh spagettio

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nope, the old admin both couldn't afford it, and just got tired of running the site

he was doing it all by himself, didn't even have mods or any help


maybe nu wikieat which is souless but now based old wikieat

how do you afford wikieat, with low traffic and little ad rev are you a secret millionaire

lol i dunno *g*

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>he was doing it all by himself, didn't even have mods or any help
how do you kno

Should i use tor for this?

what the fuck do you guys even get from this? i get actually looking at pizza if you have that paraphilia but just looking and sharing ig pics of child models and actors seems so pointless, do you actually pop a boner from that stuff?

>and little ad rev are you a secret millionaire
yes :^)

Lol, there is nothing left on the open web that needs tor, it's all technically legal anymore. It's faggots in facebook IMs, telegram and other specific places that get themselves in trouble for breaking the law


see, this is what a pedo site looks like, redditcucks

yeah, the jani will be back at any second anyways

>little ad rev
does cel have ads? fuck that

>see, this is what a pedo site looks like, redditcucks
takes a pedo know huh? delete /teen/

>see, this is what a pedo site looks like, redditcucks

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>can't even grasp a super single argument

kek, alright

if anything, old wikieat was more hebe, desu...

post more bro

why would you go to wikieat for old hags? lmao

It's just a fun place to pretend to be a pedo. It's actually pretty fun. You should try it sometime

This literally you can get more from insta without having having to go to fbi honeypots

pls no bully

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>pretend to be a pedo
Yeah haha i would fuck little girls as a pretend game haha


brehs naked cunny petting her pussy

we're all doing pretty good financially speaking, so we're not even gonna bother people with "contributions" or any of that, like old wiki

cause I went and talked to him before re-opening the site

we're still in touch, actually

w-wat just post more

I prefer you to just post here breh like the old days beside i dont want to see someone else post my cunnyfus there. I always prefer Yas Forums style since beginning

is like collection stamps or coins, but with qts instead :3

>cause I went and talked to him before re-opening the site
>we're still in touch, actually
Sound fake and gay his site is still up but as just textboard why didnt he give to you if you 2 are such a good friends