Say what you want about Cloverfield...

Say what you want about Cloverfield, but those two minutes are the most kino "army fighting a giant monster" scene ever made, nothing the japs did or the three american attempts at Godzilla come even close to such intensity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the tank rolling in is the best part

this is better:

cloverfield was good and I don't care what anyone says

>guys on foot firing at the 200-feet long beast
yeah I’m gonna go ahead and say that was cringe
JK Cloverfield was dope. But still (???)

why these retards running towards the giant explosions of death?

what a stupid kid


Realistically a nuke would have been dropped, and it would be called a day.

Hey, what the hell are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?

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>Say what you want about Cloverfield
It was good and I wish Pacific Rim and Godzilla were more like it in scope and tone, if not in style.

>dropping a nuke on US soil
>on a major metropolitian area at that

Nobody is going to ever to approve such a measure, no matter how much does it make sense.


> tanks
> rpg's
> fighter jets

Realistically, we would have fucked that thing up in the first half of the movie, right?

They end up nuking it anyway.

How about no fucking human lives out there on foot. Probably exclusively flying vehicles or armored transport for civilians.

I am SO glad that shaky cam has fallen out of vogue

this shit nearly gave me motion sickness going back to it

fuck blair witch

Not if those weapons couldn’t damage it.

>im a weak bitch who can't handle it so i want to ruin kino for others

fuck outta here bitch

For beasts like that, how about some of humanity’s strongest tension wire and some F-18s? Tie that thing up like the battle of Hoth.

> motion sickness
pussy ass cl0wn

Nope, they threw a MOAB at it.

I thought they explicitly state nuclear strike in the movie.

They do, that is why you hear the sirens going off.

This guy tanked a nuke right to the face and barely sustained damage. Who can stop him (besides Godzilla).

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Cloverfield >>>>>>>>> noncanon bullshit

How the fuck do people get """motion sickness""" sitting still in a chair watching a movie?

They never mention the nature of the Hammerdown but a MOAB makes more sense than a nuke, considering the camera survived.

I was in the throes of puberty when I saw this movie in theaters and I was so attracted to this character for some reason that when she died I almost cried. I was literally depressed for days afterwards

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>I don't get carsick, I'm so tuff >:]
fuckin 8 year old

this movie is one of my favs i wathc it several times a year.

>Category 5...
>first of its kind...


It might be my favorite movie of all.
>You can’t fight acts of God.
>You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way.
>But when you’re in a Jaeger, you can fight the hurricane
>You can win
Holy fucking kino. Goosebumps


So why didn't all that ordnance turn the monster into a pile of red goo?

Has any other film had a better ARG pre release ?


The whole first hour of war of the worlds is kino, until they do the locked in the basement nonsense

Why do people ask this question about Cloverfield but never Godzilla?

she was definitely an early Yas Forums waifu, same with summer glau

Cloverfied lane was the best

Because it's a giant monster, and tanking through military ordnance is what giant monster do the best, it comes with the job.


>There are things you can't fight - acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly you can finally fight the hurricane. You can win.

the CGI in this film is the best i've ever seen. everything has serious weight and momentum to it. the stakes are also high, as you see tremendous loss at every kaiju interaction. that opening scene of raleigh's brother being ripped out of the jaeger, later on when the chinese and russian jaegers just get practically insta-killed.

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holy shit you queer are you seriously calling someone else a 8 year old old when you can't watch something shake without puking like a baby? lmfao

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no it would be bomber after bomber after bomber running train on the thing.

How old were you all when this movie came out? Serious question

Pacific rim was a top film of the last decade

Fight me irl if you don’t agree

you're my little deuce coupe

Oh yeah?

Unironically Pacific Rim and Jaws are my two favorite movies. And yeah, there is a lot of soul in this movie.
Nothing gets my blood pumping more than literally humanity’s last ditch effort for survival boils down to a 1v1 human vs beast battle at the bottom of the fucking sea on a suicide run. That’s absolutely the most metal thing I’ve ever heard of.

2013? Born in ‘91 you do the math. 20s

How the fuck did that thing jump like 700 feet ???


lol fuckin why

>until they do the locked in the basement nonsense

Well, that sorta happens in the book, but I do agree that it just stops the pace to a crawl. That last scene with THE JAVELIN IS THE KEY, LOAD THE GUSTAV was kino, though.

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Pacific rim? 24

Clover field? 18

i was 25, but honestly when i first saw it i was too high and it was too dark, i couldn't tell what was happening.

it wasn't until a 2017 re-watch that i became obsessed. i listen to the OST every fucking morning.

based. i never hear it discussed and since i only got into it 4 years after it came out, i missed the threads on it in 2013. it's nice to see other fans of this film.

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One thing I really like about pacific rim that shit like MCU never does? Make the antagonists an absolute threat. Kaiju aren’t just fodder for the Jaegers. The first fight they job the main character to a cat3. That was fucking dope.

Oh I know it’s just the whole first hour builds this dread and hopelessness I guess they figured they need to give the audience a break because by the time Robby “dies” your almost ready just to give up and say “fuck it there’s no hope”

Not the guy you’re talking to, but I just don’t get what this film has to do with Cloverfield other than by name to draw dumbasses to the theater.

I hate zoomers so fucking much

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>bombs cant kill the creature because of le magic
the guy said realistically. even if the thing had tough skin, there are precision bombs that can drill into the ground before going off

>shaky cam the movie
It was trash, just like your opinion.

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Bro, look at the quote chain, they are talking about War of the Worlds.

The Spielberg one? It’s not fucking amazing but it’s definitely underrated.

No one
4 goats fucking
No one
Nice fucking post faggot.

Nigger, if we are going to impose "realism" then there would be nothing to drop any bombs at, as no living creature could get that big.

Ever see DBZ? Powerful beings flesh can’t be penetrated by conventional weapons. You need an even more powerful being to kill a being that strong, that’s about it.