Like it or not

Like it or not.

This is the best installment in the NuStarWars trilogy.

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not a high bar. nice thread op. check em

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TLJ is the best because Kylo Ren is indisputably the MC in that one.

Unnironically this

No, it's literally just a soft remake of A New Hope. TLJ is crap but at least it tried to do something new for a Star Wars movie therefore it is the best of them

Kylo Ren is the single worst thing about the new Star Wars trilogy. It's easy to overlook that because of how many distractions there are; Daisy Ridley being ugly and Rey being bad, his cool mask and unique lightsaber, etc.

No, it tries and fails to do something new at the expense of Star Wars' emotional center and the rest of its logic.

The shiniest turd is still a turd.

Rise of Skywalker is the best only because of based Sheev.

>glib facsimile

this. it's the only movie in the sequel trilogy with a shred of originality. TFA is just a new hope with different characters and TRoS is a dumpster fire. incels just hated it because of holdo being a stupid purple haired cunt and rose.

TLJ is the only good Nu-wars film

>rehashed 40 year old plot nearly scene by scene but now with niggers and womyn
>completely failed to set up the new premise or state of the universe

>>rehashed 40 year old plot nearly scene by scene but now with niggers and womyn
You actually think this horseshit? Jesus user get a grip

>You actually think this horseshit? Jesus user get a grip

How is it not horseshit? The super saiyan death star was the most retarded shit they could have done especially since it was supposedly built in secret by a nupire 2.0 who lacked manpower and resources

Common user. Do a bit of thinking for me.

why does Han have no trigger discipline. He’s a general wtf

get to the point if you even have one because trying to defend nuwars is the most retarded thing one could do


>get to the point if you even have one because trying to defend nuwars is the most retarded thing one could do
You get to the point user. You are beyond pathetic and i'm not going to spend another second on you.


It did have some interesting story seeds that weren't followed up on like Finn's betrayal.

Star Wars movies in general are overrated. Star Wars video games on the other hand, fantastic.

Okay retard that's enough

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Based and Kylopilled.

Coping cucks can't handle the truth.

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>You knew it was shit and all the "seeds" would go nowhere.
You have no one to blame but yourselves for expecting TLJ to be good.

Kylo is the definition of a cuck.

No one wanted the seeds to go nowhere.

Go to bed, John. Don't you have fans to be rude to on twitter?

Was Boyega really that rude? Rian was rude to fans too, it's hard to imagine something topping him.

>implying birthing hips has any real fans

He probably knows they only pretend to care about Finn for woke points kek

i knew when disney bought it that its gonna be trash with women, niggers and faggots

Then the first teaser hit and the we got the king of niggers ugly face to helm the future of the franchise

Recently Cuckega has been really rude to fans that tell him they like Finn. He's just such an insecure cuck that he even takes compliments as an insult now.

JJ shills attacking Yas Forums

No, fuck off, I'm not going to spend any money on any shit he makes.

I can't believe they gave him DC projects after the garbage he filmed prior

I'm saying JJ had no idea where all his plot hooks would go. It was obvious in TFA, the sequels confirm it.

He is trying to be like Harrison, but that manlet doesn't realize that he has no charisma and should stop acting like a retard even with his own fans.

>ruined star trek
>ruined star wars
>will ruin capeshit

kinda based

I think they only had an outline for Kylo/Ben but JJ fucked it all up in the end

He thought he was gonna be BBC2.0 samuel L Mace Dindu but ended up being thick hip jar jar 2.0

>Kylo Ren is the single worst thing about the new Star Wars trilogy.
Adam Driver is a good actor so he does well with the material. I could give a shit about the character.

>He is trying to be like Harrison

Fucking kek I didn't think of that. He probably really thinks he's on that level in his delusional brain, but he's just a an arrogant asshole with no charms or talent. Turning on his own supporters now because he's so paranoid and insecure about his failing career.

I was hoping you'd post some screenshots instead of just going yes. I wanted to see them.

It would've been so easy to make SW kino.

Yeah, we know.

Retards like him think force powers and being a jedi will make him a cool character, Han had neither of those things and is one of the most beloved characters in the universe.

He's a fat, ugly cuck. You don't need screenshots to realize that.

To elaborate on the "we know", I'm not even dismissing that Driver does a good job. I think he's done an incredible job to make so many people actually care about what happens to him DESPITE all the things I said about Kylo, which are undeniably, factually true.

Like I said, everything about Kylo is rotten on a fundamental level, but there are distractions abound so people don't realize that he's the most glaring problem.

either that or they promised to become the ladies man of the universe when in fact he got outshined by that pilot dude and later on darth rat boy

I need screenshots to take you seriously.

>about his failing career.
Well, in his mind he is booked and busy!

Kylo is the best character in all of SW. Anyone who denies this is a coping cuck. End of story.

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I'd rather make fun of your ugly, fat cuck favorite and watch you seethe.

>even Daisy managed to get on a tranny show while Bodega is still shitposting on twitter all day


>It would've been so easy to make SW kino.
People say Lucas failed with the prequels. It ain't that easy.

Girls like him because nothing makes them cream more than a white supremacist bad boy

Men like him because he reminds them of Revan


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In hindsight I would say TLJ is the best ST film, despite probably being the worst and being the biggest reason the ST was so terrible. It's the only film in the trilogy I'd ever watch again (and the only one I've seen more than once as is) because of how baffling and terrible it is. It's the RotS of the ST, it's extremely memorable because of how memeable it is.

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>t. Rey

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This is so cute

they are all terrible but TLJ broke everything and was the most talked about so in hindsight the drama coming from it gave the most enjoyment like it was with the phantom menace

Sadly there is nothing positive overall so you wont have the huur durr it was actually good like you have with the prequels

I don't think that Finn was my favorite.

Now that I think about it, maybe he is. The Stormtrooper Jedi thing was interesting.

Do older SW characters count or can we only pick from the ST.

Reycat licking(healing) Kylocat's wounds on the DS2.

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Ok finncel

Kylo even has his balls


TLJ coffin scene

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This > canon nu wars

Imagine liking JJ Abrams' Mystery Box shit over TLJ, which actually made sense from a writing and filmmaking perspective, just because you fell for Youtube memes.

The only way for me to watch nu wars again would be if it's animation done like this


Reycat just wanted Kylocat, but he wants to build a new box(Galaxy) with her


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TLJ acknowledged prequels and the mitosis of the jedi when in TFA we only got the rehearsal of a new hope


Last Jedi is. No contest.

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Ben is alive. Rey recently gave birth to their child!

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oh god its true and its deeply upsetting

people really love luke, man, thats all it really is

I still can't believe they killed such a cash grab

Ben lived and happily grew old with Rey and nothing bad like JJ's retarded fanfic ever happened to him. The end.

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I think everyone knows that, Rogue One used to be kino for some deranged individuals but now everyone agrees that Disney cant handle SW, they even backed off on some projects and the next trilogy wont happen anytime soon because they are afraid of putting out a SW and make less than 1B like Solo

>we want the fringe tumblr audience!
>tumlbr audience wants to get fucked by white nazi
>now no one likes nuwars


Some daily snippets from the Solo family!

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Here is his latest.There were a few threads when people here noticed.

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If they had learned anything they wouldnt create the High Republic that shit already gets laughed at in their official reveal video

We are not going to see the son of Han and Leia live after he redeemed himself, but after 5-10 years we will see another part of "skywalker saga" with rey and resistance fighting another regime.

......................................................... both of those tweets made me laugh .........................................................

That's because you're an insecure cuck just like him.

Wouldnt worry niggers have a habit of blowing all their money and no one including ridley made bank off of nuwars especially since the merch bombed so them selling their likeness was for nothing

..................................................................................................................................................... post another.

We don't want their feminist propaganda of strong independent and lonely women. I want to see Rey with the Ben rising their children.

>people really love luke, man
Then they should love that he got an actual character arc and some flaws instead of just being a fanwank like Vader and Maul in Rogue One and Solo.

it's a 5/10

Eh. Luke already got a character arc. This one sort of undermines his last one. But if it hadn't done that, I don't think people would have been mad.

No one gives a fuck about Rey and her diversity-quota friends. They won't waste another cent on her. They know the only reason this trilogy made any money was because of the OT cast and Kylo Ren. If they actually grow a braincell at some point, they will retcon Ben back to life and give Reylos their happy ending.

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It's not the latest one.

Last time fan told him how he liked his character even if sw in general was underwhelming and didn't give finn many things to do, our booked and busy guy responded with something retarded as usual

Tumblr wants the propaganda but they also dont want to end up alone

Rey getting nothing triggers and reminds them of real life

Ben Solo would have been the best dad in sw if they let him live

I didn't post that. Just wanted to point out the fact that he is an insecure, fat, ugly cuck and anyone who praises him is too.