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Orient Express edition

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Rewatch--just finished the Age of Steel two-parter. Tin Dog a best
The Deviant Strain. Around 1/4th through, good pacing but don't care for the Russian setting.
Paternoster Gang tapes

>started Part 2 of the first series
>Strax immediately asks Jenny to explain the concept of "time off"
Why is Strax so perfect, bros?

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le quirky lesbian couple and bad guy turned good gang

Remember when 11 programmed the human race to subconsciously genocide the Silence?

Was rewatching this. Do you think he would have made a good Doctor?

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Nobody's mentioned how fucking with the origins of the Timelords fucks with another theme of Who villains.

The trifecta of antagonists has been Daleks, Cybermen and Timelords. In classic who this was a lot more evident with them trying to police the Doctor's actions and being dicks, but there were real world implications underneath this.

inspired by fascist WW2 enemies of Britain. Kill anything that wasn't like us.
inspired by the contemporary Soviet forces. We will assimilate you and destroy what you value. We will also punish and snuff out any deviation from what the state wants. Also, you already have sympathisers to our cause within your ranks so be vigilant.

Time LORDS. Clearly a dig at the British aristocracy. Classism is a very real thing in the UK, and the doctor hanging around with humans is like the son of a duke running around with a bunch of norfposting football hooligans.

The Doctor rejects what he sees as the arbitrary and unhelpful customs of his culture, and while he does a lot of good overall, by the standards of his own people he's average at best-- his big plus is being proactive. Not being passive like the rest of his race, though they don't see it as a positive.

So what Chibnall's doing by gene splicing Timelords... aside from the other lore rapes... is validating the Timelords' whole superiority complex. They ran a eugenics program and came out better for it. They also kicked away the ladder for anybody else who was interested.

The formal aristocracy parallels aren't as strong today as they were in the 60s and 70s but it still boils down to Haves and Have-nots, and Chibnall went from the Doctor having a point about the society's at times flawed value system, into making Gallifrey's prejudices totally justified because their caste system isn't based off of upbringing or proven talent or assigned responsibilities, TimeLords are just flat out better than everybody else and they always will be.

NICE. Mickey is truly based.

Finally getting through classic after slogging through recons. I'm mid-way through Invasion, it looks like a Pertwee era episode written for Pat, it's got BIG ACTION and an Earth base, but I can't help feeling that this could've been a solid 4/5-parter instead of 8.
And holy shit 2, Jamie and Zoe is a perfect gang. The way the Doctor and Zoe are the "smart" ones and Jamie has to fight for respect is dynamite, that bit in The Dominators where Jamie has the good idea was great. Even little moments like when the model lady asked to photograph them, but said "No, not you" to Jamie, it's so good, I love him so much.
Also the misogynist argument bit was funny, wasn't expecting that.

Was thinking about picking up the Rose novelisation by RTD. Is it any good?

Series 9 soundtrack.
1DA, I just finished the one with the Master, it was alright. I'm only disappointed that the Master wasn't as interesting as he could have been, but I loved the story's concept, pacing always felt great too.

absolutely based

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And I hope you find your way, /who/. You seem to be lost, now more than ever.

it's not possible to

Fuck podcasts, fuck capeshit books, fuck fanfiction novels. Gather around the table with some friends and weave your own Doctor Who adventures.

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>doctor hanging around with humans is like the son of a duke running around with a bunch of norfposting football hooligans.
love me linear concept of time
love me dimensions non-transcendental
love me traditional view of mortality
h8 robes
h8 circular writing systems
h8 high collars
simple as

Doctor Who is only as dead as you allow it to be.

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Brooding angry 11 was gud.
Smith may be my favorite nuWho

every doctor after eccleston was for normies

honestly one of the nastiest things the doctor did imo is when 9 left that guy on earth with the datalink in his forehead

Chibgreus sits inside your head
Chibgreus lives among the dead
Chibgreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping

Chibgreus at the end of days
Chibgreus lies all other ways
Chibgreus comes when Lore's a maze
And all of Who weeping

Chibgreus taking Who apart.
Chibgreus fears the Fan heart.
Chibgreus seeks the final part.
The reward that he is reaping.

Chibgreus sings when all is lost
Chibgreus takes all those he's crossed
Chibgreus wins and all is cost
The Fan's hearts he's keeping.

Chibgreus seeks the Writers's pen
Chibgreus needs the story to rip
Chibgreus sups Who at a drip
And life aside, he's sweeping.

And he set then his course
To a scar on the face of Who
Where the actors lived and died in the churn of one night
Where the character motivations might move in the blink of an eye
And decay was the only true constant

And the gate of Chibgreus opened before him
And all of the Retcon was releaved to him
And its terrible beauty ached in his hearts

So through them he ventured
There to do battle with Chibgreus, the Beast
Never resting as long as Who is lasting
Until either or both are laid to waste.

Chibgreus waits at the end of Who
For Chibgreus is the end of Who
His time is the end of canon
And his moment Who's undoing

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Why does the worst Doctor get one of the coolest openings?

He later went on to team up with The Master against the Doctor then sacrificed himself and became a 'good guy'.

lol, BF I assume

Comic, whoever does those.


JFC...I had no idea it was this bad...I am so glad I haven't watched since Capaldi...

11 could be a real asshole. remember when clara got uploaded to that wificloud and he sent the spoonhead android to break into the office and assimilate the woman responsible, to frighten her into doing his bidding? he had a dark streak.

ah cool thanks i'm going to find it

that's really nice. peter is so cool.

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It was the 50th Anniversary comic that was released across 3 soft cover books

thank you thats great

when did clara show this much skin

in mummy on the orient express obviously

why was danny pink so unconvincing?

because he was brown

It was forced, a bit out-of-nowhere. And they were saying they loved each other about 3 episodes in (episodes where Danny appeared, ofc)

people don't fall in love that quickly
for example i'm 30 and no one has ever loved me

There was no reason for his last name to be "Pink." His role in the story was ill-defined and poorly developed.

idk but the caretaker is one of my favorite episodes and he is just fine in that, him and the Doctors mutual dislike really worked in that ep

your mum did

he was forced into the show so the writing can drive an additional wedge between clara and the doctor. that was his purpose and nothing more.

rewatched last christmas recently and noticed that 12's whole "clala never looks any different to me" shtick wasn't just flattery. when clara wakes up for the last time, she asks if she's young again and he has to bring her a mirror because he has no idea. just thought it's funny how faceblind he was.

yes its a great little moment

3rd Doctor Rewatch, finishing The Sea Devils. Delgado is the best.
The Stones of Venice.

His actor is bad in everything he's been in.

it's because moffat made the moments right before and after regeneration very psychologically central to the doctor.
remember when 11 is about to regenerate he straight up hallucinates amy? she was his first face and he imprinted on her, and it appears 12 imprinted on clara a lot more strongly since she was there before, during and directly after his 'birth.' that's why he's so autistically devoted and thinks they're the same age and doesn't really see her as an entity separate from him, and that's why he's always so off-balance once he loses his memories of her.

Was he in that new BBC thing about black people ruling the world?

I seriously am having trouble understanding this hate for Pink, he's far from the best character or actor they've had but i'd take him over say the goblina any day

>that look
Did they...?

aint no black in the union jack

thats it really? because he's black? so was the Tin Dog

So with the reception of The Timeless Children, what could they do to savage this trainwreck? I'm just going to pretend the series ended with Hell Bent.

for me its twice upon a time, just cut at the moment he regenerates, I wonder who 13 was

Isn't 11 13?

Literally just have Capaldi wake up just before regenerating.
Bonus points if he says something snarky like "Christ no, anything but all that!"


The scenes she saw in the Matrix were elaborate lies to get her into the right mindset to want to crack the redacted part's encryption for the Master

11 is 12, due to 10 being a colossal ego maniac so 11 is 12 12 is 13 and their it ended

What about the War Doctor (9)

dammit ok so 8, then 9(war), real 9 is 10 and 10 is 11 and 12, then 13 then 14

What about the black female child refugee?

Chibnall is such a fucking hack. Get ready for a billions Z list actors showing up for one episode as "Division Doctors"

fan fiction

>60th anniversary is jodie with a bunch of new division doctors

> The Chibnall Master Plan is to erase the actual actors who played The Doctor from the history of the show

>But Doc', We've never seen any of these peoppe before!
>[Jodie turns to face camera smugly]
>No of course you haven't, these were me, before human raciarchal prejudice entered my time-stream and made me keep regenerating into white men.

>Fivish Doctors Rebooted 2 is canceled because Chibs stole their plot