So now that the dust has settled: who was in the wrong here?

So now that the dust has settled: who was in the wrong here?

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Love this scene. Imagine a gigantic gold covered Persian twink grabbing a hold of you like this. Genuinely terrifying

Xerxes = Yas Forums
The turk = reddit
Simple as

What did he mean by this?

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Persians weren't t*rks you nignog faggot

Sparta kicked ass so the answer is rightfully xerxes

Where did I say they were, braindead mong?

Persia was pretty based and Sparta was some backward city state

God i fucking hate bongs

the ONLY person who did anything wrong was Ephialtes.
both the Spartans and the Persians were in the right, trying to do the best for their people. but the hunchback was a traitor.

Was he real

fuck persia and fuck iran fucking corona virus faggots

IRL Alexander was more of a degenerate faggot than movie Xerxes

name a more HOMOerotic scene in all the history of cinema. Protip: you can't

Most scenes in Fast and Furious

>Genuinely terrifying
fags amirite?

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Get your fucking hands off me.

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I really wish the Spartans had worn armor in this movie. Partly because the flick is homoerotic, but mainly because it's silly for them not to. Cool movie otherwise though.

weren't they completely naked in the comic?

>mfw Sparta was actually real

How fucking cool is that?

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Maybe. I haven't read it.

Was 300 a one hit wonder? Snyder doesn't have a good record.

>Pre-modern setting
>The "monster" is just a bigger version of a real-world megafauna

Honestly one of my favorite tropes.

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yea, pretty much. 300 was so fucking good though.

>mfw Spartans were actually gay

How fucking cool is that?

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They were naked irl too. Spartans all got together and had a big gay bath together and washed each other before the last battle.

user, most militarism is homo-erotic. Just imagine never seeing women for months (years at a time). We had a guy that was the most homophobic as they come, while having a known homosexual in our platoon. That guy softened up, and even contributed to the jokes about it. A lot fear what they have never formally known, but spend some time with those guys you know are gay, and they still come out as your buddies. Because you have each other's back. The gay guy I knew wasn't shy, even during "Don't Ask, Don't tell", but he did his job, and he did it well. He was a quality soldier. And none of us doubted him because he did the job, just like the rest of us.

Also just look into the Band of Thebes.

A lot of you are making mountains out of mull-hills. I'd trust that guy with my own families' lives.

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Leonidas straight up told him he had a cramp in high legs, Xerxes should've just let it go.

Sounds like a gay old time

How is washing each other gay? Americans say the damnedest things.

If this movie came out today, I wonder how many of the Spartans would be black. Starring idris elba as leonidas


>Starring idris elba as leonidas

based. he would make an excellent leonidas.

As much as I hate it, Watchmen was a pretty well made movie in most aspects. It's just a bad Watchmen adaption.

good opinion

I havent read the watchmen comics, but the watchmen movie was one of the few kino "capeshit" out there.

Explain why Snyder decided to give Ozymandias fake abs and bat nipples.

Spartans and other military men being gay is fine. I implied I only partially dislike their lack of armor because I'd rather not watch a legion of oily bodybuilders with shaved chests walk around in speedos. I mainly dislike it because it's dumb. They wore armor in battle.

Their descendants are the Ram Ranch cowboys.

Fair point.

Why the fuck didn’t Leonardo just throw the spear to kill Xerxes instead?

I agree. But that's not the point

That's because it's based on one of the most well-written stories of all time. The movie is a hollow shell compared to it's source material.

Unironically because he thought the batman suit with the nipples in batman and robin was really funny. That's the actual reason.

>I haven't read the watchmen comics
There are no "Watchmen comics", just the one. Watchmen. Go read it. Everything else that tries to use the name or the characters is an irrelevant cash grab.

It isn't that easy, hell shooting someone with modern rifles, at 100 meters, is not that easy.

Ackshually there are 12 Watchmen comic books that were eventually combined into 1 big comic book.

No user, it's a graphic novel.

IRL Alexander wasn't born yet

my apologies, gentlesir.

>attacking a sovereign nationstate and allies brutally to sell all but the royalty into a cog in their imperial serfdom along with a side of forced religious conversion and the cherry on top, swearing fealty like a bitch to a lowly messenger.

Hmm, this might be hard(pronounced "easy as fuck")

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t. American that can't use sights
Modern fire arms are frighteningly accurate. So accurate infact that the army wanted them making less accurate since ww2

I like how our European ancestors kicked the Persian ass. Very nice, proud to be European

Yeah, until you are under-fire yourself. Combat is the very definition of an imperfect situation, and it never goes as you plan. You are focusing on the weaponry, without any consideration that they are used by fallible human beings.

It isn't like video games, and you realize that you could die (forever), by doing something stupid. I'm a combat wounded vet, and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Pray tell how you would go all Rambo with ROE holding one arm back, and engaging combatants that know the terrain better than you ever could.
>Modern fire arms are frighteningly accurate

it is the human factor that makes all the moot. Until you have been shot at, don't talk down to me as if you have any better idea of what it is really like. I've been there and done that, how about you?

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i am sorry that man triggered your ptsd that you for your service

You can come and wash my uncut cock then, bro. Just be gentle or I might coom.

>Villain decked in gold.
>unnaturally deep voice.
>suffers from a god delusion.
>has access to peternatural and even magical tech.
Should have been a Stargate prequel.

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Intimate hygiene is important, bro. I better be thorough over here.

Their "magic" was grenades, they've existed for a very long time.

What education system failed you so badly?

Snyder best film

>not blaming who the Greek Persian conflict on the Phenocians and the Trojan War
>"The Persian learned men say that the Phoenicians were the cause of the dispute. These (they say) came to our seas from the sea which is called Red, and having settled in the country which they still occupy, at once began to make long voyages. "

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What do descendants of Spartans look like?