Why is Seinfeld a cult classic but Curb Your Enthusiasm isn't?

Why is Seinfeld a cult classic but Curb Your Enthusiasm isn't?

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Curb is still running. give it time.

Neither of these shows are cult classics. A fair amount of normies love this shit

It is. The theme song alone is already as iconic as Seinfelds.

Seinfeld was wildly popular when it was airing, thats not what a cult classic is

Curb is much more like a cult classic

>number one show


one of the most popular shows ever cannot be a cult classic

it has no character, its just larry fucking up like a retard, and its so played out, boring, doesnt even try to be funny

curb is way more racey, itll never have seinfeld level fame

curb is the comfiest show to watch ever period change my mind

Larry David is too much of a scumbag, I don't ever root for him the way I still rooted for George or Jerry.

>cult classic

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Entourage is my go to comfort HBO show but Curb is definitely up there.

this season is very funny man

can't binge this show like seinfeld. first few seasons were funny but then it just got dull.

>turn on any curb episode at any minute
>jewish or black woman screaming in high pitch squeel calling larry a bad guy
Gee I wonder. I want to like the show but holy shit the women in this show are unbarable.

Curb is way waaaaayyyy better than seinfeld. my normie friend fails to understand this and needs canned laughter to know when the funny bits are

Curb is the cult classic you retard

Curb is like Seinfeld with none of the charm or likeability.


You sure? Usually women screeching reee annoys people instead of making them laugh. Why didn't Seinfeld ever use this style of humor?

Normalfags flock to garbage like the office, big bang theory, how I met your mother, and sunny. Curb would be too kafke-esque for them.

poo poo padoop

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Seinfeld was always filmed in front of a live audience you tasteless pleb.

it's a great show but it manages to be even more formulaic than Seinfeld so I can't watch more than a couple of episodes at a time

psych is way more comfy if we're going comfykino

it's in front of a live audience but the televised laughter is canned to make it consistent because the footage is edited

I'm pretty sure Curb has had like ten seasons, has consistently got good ratings, and is loved by critics and general audiences, so I'm not really sure where this narrative about it being cult or too risque for the normies comes from.

it is...

its very cult relative to Seinfeld which was literally the most popular show on TV for a while
Curb is on a premium network and while critically loved and popular amoungst people that have seen it has still been relatively obscure through its run. Its never had particularly high ratings, and especially early on very few people could actually watch it

Only Zoomer faggots don't like this show

Curb S1-5 were amazing, 6-7 mostly great but after it lost the subtlety needed to work. Still funny moments

insomniac with dave attel
courage the cowardly dog
king of the hill

George's parents...

Even "zoomer faggots" like it.

Pretending to be retarded hasn't been funny for years. Stop it user.

>one of the most popular sitcoms of all time
>cult classic

What are you even fucking talking about?


How is it not?

Curb is what you could call a cult classic. Seinfeld was the number 1 show on television and will make bank in syndication for all time, nothing "cult" about that. As for the question, network television primetime vs. HBO, do the math.

please stop using word that you have no fucking what it means

Have you actually seen Seinfeld?

Funny story, George's dad was originally written to be a beaten dog of a man who just absently nodded and drifted away as his wife screeched and fussed. The character we got was all Jerry Stiller.

Too many shouting Jews to be considered "comfy"

>hates seinfeld
You have pleb taste.

Everyone in Curb is unlikeable

especially ted danson

>implying theres anything but a linear correlation between how comfy a show is and how many yelling semites there are

>change my mind
Who gives a fuck

Curb is nowhere close to being kafkaesque, moron

Isn't that some stupid Berserk reference or something?

fucking hilarious but def not comfy, so much second hand embarrassment its stressful

Please, no touching the meat ma'am.

Entourage is normie exclusive trash

I feel that way now but I used to find the show the exact opposite of comfy, I'd get too emotionally invested in Larry's side of a given retarded issue and feel dismayed when whatever little advantage he gains turns to shit. I'm disgusted at how thrilled I felt on episodes like the one where he gives Jeff's dog to that woman he couldn't get back because he offended her when he pointedly thanked only her husband for dinner, he gave a bullshit apology which she accepted until she realized he wanted the dog back, but he fucking uses that whistle to summon him and manages to get away with it. It was a rare victory for him

I've never felt this way about genuinely distressing dramas that are perfected to fuck with the viewer like this

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Is that a Mission Hill reference?

The cringe comedy is sometimes too much, I love both shows but especially some stuff in Curb makes me cringe so hard I can hardly watch it.

>laaaaaarrrryyyyy fuuuuuuuck you reeeeee
>this goes on for the entire episode
Can't watch it. Find me episodes where this cunt isn't in it at all and I'll enjoy those but this cunt needs to die.

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Latest episode was good

Watching her flip the fuck out at Larry is hilariously based

do african americans really do this?

Seinfeld was first to do the formula, on network TV when sitcoms were at peak popularity and it had a decent looking straight man and goyim could still relate, while George wasn't the main focus, it had Elaine, the wacky neighbors etc
Old Larry is on HBO and jewy and autistic af
Not hard to understand brainlet