Just put Jakob in a quarter mile with Dom and their cars of choice and I just know Dom will come out on top...

Just put Jakob in a quarter mile with Dom and their cars of choice and I just know Dom will come out on top. Why can't this movie be about a real race? Why does Cipher have to put her nose in their business?

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Really scared for the familia this time bro’s...

I-is this the end?

Can I still salud if I'm drinking miller highlife tallboys?

You can have any brew you want... as long as it’s Corona.

which cephalic vein is more kino? the tortuous right or the straight to the point left?


To build up Jakob's character for the alien invasion and space cars in 10

Ultimately both work together to create a kino character. One represents his pure desire to live a straight and moral life and resolve things with his brother, the other represents his resentment and anger towards Dom, further corrupted and intensified by Cipher.


>implying Dom and Jakob won’t team up to take down their brainwashed evil sister they never knew they had.... Cipher
Thus setting up an all female Furious spin-off series

so bros, who's gonna win the Race Wars this time?

Jesse possesses a VW and wins after it's revealed he downloaded his consciousness one night days before he was shot. He's currently a slave AI controlled by Cipher

When does the time travel start lads?

La Familia needs a young qt lesbian to be quite honest.

If Jakob wins how will the movie end with la familia bbq and everyone drinking corona?

Jakob and Cipher will clank Dos Equis as they bbq and cannibalize the dead familia.

After space travel

after the Furious: Killer Cars Out Of Space trilogy

if anyone here honestly works in hollywood, a ridiculous big-budget intergalactic car racing/stealing movie would be iconic. ill buy concession stand food and pay to see it

Is he natty??

Dubs and Jakob destroys the familia

Are you unironically in Vegas? Seems like whenever I'm there those puppies are some insane cheap price.


Faster Than Furious*

One last salud to my familiabros before it's all over...

we're halfway there. we just need a comfy cast and a punk alien that ends up befriending dom and saving his girlfriend's space-soul

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>Dom anchors part of an orbital elevator to his car and uses nitros to propel himself in space so he can move the piece of the elevator that broke off from the rest back into place before it completely severs and falls.
>The car whips around and the chain anchoring it to rest of the elevator becomes a makeshift bandage.

if such a movie isnt made in the next year, i swear to myself ill write a damn novel about this. itll basically be if dominic, star trek's data, and bruce willis needed to make a few bucks and have to work off a debt to society

would unironically be based if Trump made a cameo in order to defeat Cipher (Hilary)

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>In one final effort to stop the punk alien's species (who aren't familia, like the alien himself) attack on Earth, the military decides to use 408,000 individually adjustable mirrors controlled by computer coordination to reflect the Sun at the encroaching fleet. The fleet is decimated as their ships are superheated to the point of fracture. Tyrese and Ludacris look on in awe.

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the movie absolutely has to involve the sun's CORONA to some extent

One of the Familia was an undercover alien all allong who now knows about love, coronas and FamiliA

>Meanwhile, Dom, Letty, and the alien are trying their best to finish the fight by procuring an experimental laser weapon. A long time ago, during the early days of humanity's efforts to colonize space, one of the finished colonies was irreparably damaged. The incident is related to the undercover famAYYlia's arrival on Earth. One of the colony's sections was broken off and retrofitted into an enormous laser cannon, but ultimately left to drift in space.
>The only way to stop the fleet is to turn it on and fire it, which only Dom can do with the engine of his car.
>The problem is, our trio of heroes is being chased by three aliens.
>Eventually Letty and the Punk Alien sacrifice themselves and their cars so that Dom can make it to the engine room. He hooks his car up to the engine and uses the steering wheel to aim the laser. He hits the NOS, kickstarting the laser's thermonuclear pulse thruster. The laser is aimed at the remains of the Fleet.
>Dom puts his foot to the pedal and fires.

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>He hooks his car up to the engine and uses the steering wheel to aim the laser. He hits the NOS, kickstarting the laser's thermonuclear pulse thruster. The laser is aimed at the remains of the Fleet.
>>Dom puts his foot to the pedal and fires.
it's amazing how i can picture this with some real intense michael bay-type soundtracks


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The next one, Fast to the Future, after Jakob kills Dom and La Familia go back in time to bring past Dom to the present time to fight Cipher

i think you got this put together man. hollywood really needs to embrace the absurdity kino, it could be truly artistic

right makes me feel uncomfortable

Letty and Dom have to fall through the collapsing debris of the laser (because its faulty for some reason and falling apart now) in slow motion and hug each other. Then their alien friend saves them and they return to Earth while people in the audience go, "Didn't they used to boost DVD players? What the hell happened?"

jesus, you could sell a fridge to eskimos

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>an all female Furious spin-off series
ngl this would be friggin kino

> "Didn't they used to boost DVD players? What the hell happened?"
i know ive been suckin your dick, but i really wish i could have a couple drinks with you. im cracking up, but genuinely interested in seeing this

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It's alright, user, I love these movies too.

Have you unironically watched them all? I want to F&Fpost more but I've only seen the first few

I'm not sure. I don't think I saw the last one, or Fast 4.

I just watched Tokyo Drift, and gotta say DK did nothing wrong

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is cipher really as evil and vindictive as they say she is?

these threads are making me want to watch the whole series


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1 and 3 are great, 2 is cheesy, the rest are junk

99% of all posters in these threads is Hispanic.

no joke, the constant SAW threads made me download all of them, im up to number 4 now. ive downloaded like 5 or 6 of these movies just to keep up

of what?

>he doesn't marathon the entire Fast Saga at least twice a year
hand over your Corona
and your other Corona

Cool it essay

>watching kino so you can get the memes

I mean I guess it works

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that the image I posted exists, dummy

Tokyo Drift is retarded and fun
>Kid from Sling Blade

does 3 mean tokyo drift or the one with the mexican drug trafficker?
I'd already seen 1 and tokyo drift before, 1 is unironically kino while tokyo drift is fun
2 is dumb fun while the drug trafficker one is dumb

The time travel will actually be real and they're going to save Paul Walker.

poor attempt at an optical illusion to make dom look bigger than the rock

jesse comeback would be kino
whatever happened to the other guy that got btfo by the trucker and had to be airlifted to hospital?

Fast & Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Tokyo Drift
Fast & furious
Fast five
Fast & Furious 6
Furious 7
The Fate of the Furious

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forgot the first one is "The Fast and the Furious", so movie 4 has a different title

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I didn't realise le conversation is now over girl was in F&F

what illusion?

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>miller high life
my motherfucking niggaemphasis on the ownership

I don't think she is it was just an attention-grabbing webm I found

how would you rate Fast Five to The Fate of the Furious?

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Dunno. She was introduced in Fate. Didn't see that one. I saw Hobbs and Shaw though.

honestly I don't remember, only 1-2-3 stand out to me, the rest was all a blur but the first 3 are so memorable and quotable



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>Hobbs and Shaw though.
was that as shit as I thought it was going to be?


One of the most quotable scenes:

1 has the best lines and feel. I still remember when they're watching the karate movie at dom's house, pure kino
4 is when it entered clown territory

Fast and furious 20: This time it's personal
Dominic Toretto: One laahhst raiiiide

i still quote "i used to drag here back in high school" sometimes when i'm driving around with friends

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Well, I liked it because of the absurdity of Brixton/Idris Elba. He was hilarious, and the whole plot is insane. But thinking back on it, no, there's something about Hobbs that's a little cunty, and I don't like Shaw that much either. I liked Shaw's sister. God almighty, she's such a babe.

Some cool stunts. Whole movie is basically building towards the dumb ass ending fight though, which is cool conceptually, but way too obvious to be cool on screen after all the other shit.

Damn, I thought I'd go into this post recommending it, but now I don't know what I think.

Well. Maybe try pretending the movie is called Black Superman, and you'll have as good a time as I did.