Every episode has at least 1 character go on a monologue about how Picard is an arrogant piece of shit while he just...

Every episode has at least 1 character go on a monologue about how Picard is an arrogant piece of shit while he just sits like a confused old cuck and takes it.

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stewart is great but what do you expect from the person who acted in nemesis and the emoji movie. not everything he touches is gold. picard is shit.

Not real Trek. When's the Orville coming back?

Modern Trek is doing a good job of making me actually love and appreciate Voyager.

Lulu Wilson a cute

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reminder: stewart hates picard because thwy would never let him be a flaming lala homofaggot

Picard is a vanity project for Stewart, a way to live out the lefty fantasy of being Christ on the cross. Suffering for his virtue, betrayed everyone, and constantly dressed down by his contemporaries. To be the struggling minority trying to absolve a malicious world of its sins.

its not a vanity project. stewart has always hated picard because they kept trying to force heterosexuality on him

Pretty much an allegory for the modern world.
You just need an angry young white male (incel) and the allegory would be perfect.

I recently watched through Voyager and it's alright. Not as good as TNG and DS9, but still very entertaining besides a handful of really bad episodes.

Troi getting pissed at Picard for not understanding Soji isn't even on the same level as Sheer Fucking Hubris bitch. For one thing one of the first things Troi talked about with Picard was protecting her child. He looked her in the eye and said he completely understood, so when she saw that he didn't even understand what Soji was going through she got pissed and essentially laid out the entire theme of the episode in her speech. Everyone has been emotionally battered and tossed into a situation where they have no idea which way is up and if they're going to make any real progress they have stop and at least take stock of the why's and how's of where they've gotten to emotionally and in their actual journey.

Secondly, even if that kind of counseling hasn't been her job for the last 35 years she and Picard just have that kind of relationship where it's probably not even the most she's ever been pissed off at him. Not to mention the fact that they're both civilians now and she doesn't owe the guy bringing Romulan death squads to her front door anything. And in the end she's not even really dressing him down, but just trying to remind him of who he really is which is the point of this whole season I'd wager. I thought all of this was stated clearly enough in the episode on it's own but I'd be shocked if TNG fans really didn't pick up on it in the subtext as well. Which all leads me to believe that the people whining about this are just bitter incels that haven't even watched Trek. Dumbasses.

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The real test of a trek fan is enterprise. If you can tolerate that, you aren't one

Last episode was trash

I'm watching it right now and it's a slog. I have to force myself to watch it, unlike TNG/VOY/DS9 where I had to pace myself.

Pretty much the only things keeping me from dropping it are T'Pol's tits and Hoshi's DSLs.

So stunning and brave

I was never able to make it passed six episodes. All the characters are insufferable and bakula acts like every episode is quantum leap, except hes randomly a retard or a super-retard.

He's got a Dog of Peace, he's used to being savaged by "Friends" he trusts.

>Every episode has at least 1 character go on a monologue about how Picard is an arrogant piece of shit
whatever do you mean?

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user in the show Picard has some form of dementia, most likely alzheimer's.

>how Picard is an arrogant piece of shit while he just sits like a confused old cuck and takes it


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>Suffering for his virtue, betrayed everyone, and constantly dressed down by his contemporaries
He manipulates his black female colleague into burning a friendship for his benefit and then applauds as she relapses on drugs while getting it done. This Picard is a total dick.

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>I never watch TNG and think people screaming at picard, while picard just takes it in quite is a new thing

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first time in a long time i got a legit laugh out of a spoiler gag
thanks user

Yeah, T'Pol would be okay if Vulcans hadn't been done to death, but everyone else is completely forgettable or downright annoying. Trip is okay for the most part.

The worst thing about ENT for me is it just doesn't feel like Star Trek. It feels like a bad fan made attempt at a Star Trek series. I think it being a prequel was a huge mistake.

T’pol was difficult to pull off because it was right after we saw what is perhaps the greatest Vulcan performance with Tuvok.
The voyager writers knew how to use him properly: as comic relief

user that wasn't even a complete sentence are you ok? Are all people that try to defend Picard this retarded?

>> I thought all of this was stated clearly enough in the episode on it's own but I'd be shocked if TNG fans really didn't pick up on it in the subtext as well. Which all leads me to believe that the people whining about this are just bitter incels that haven't even watched Trek. Dumbasses.

Head on nail

The show is humanizing picard and the crew but the retards just absolutely cannot pick up on it.

Its a normie show pandering to a nerd fandom, or is it a nerd show pandering to normies?

>muh kid died of a super rare disease that could have been cured if androids weren't banned

Fucking seriously!

if even one child's life can be saved then the potential robot revolution and billions dead is worth it, bigot

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This is real? I thought it was just shitposting making the show somehow seem even worse than it is.

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Yeah, Troi explains how her and Riker's first child died from a silicon based virus that could've been easily cured by positronic-technobabble, if only it weren't outlawed.
Seems like the kind of thing a TNG episode would've solved by creating it anyway, but I guess they don't care that much about their kid.

It's a really awkward scene. Troi is staring daggers at Soji the entire time and you can't figure out if there is supposed to be some mutual tension there or not. Sertis' face doesn't move much anymore due to botox so she can't really deliver subtle emotional cues. The Zdar chick is part chinky pan face so she doesn't do emotions good either. It's just a really odd scene, but it turns out they're supposed to be bonding.

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Hey, no cp on the board. At least not a blue board anyway

It was revenge for being white, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it. Raffi was a burnout and Picard wasn't. And he had to sit still and take it. It was among Starfleet Officers. It was real liberal shit.

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>He would slice the hasperat so thin it would liquify in the pan

But it's not even Picard we see in the show. Picard was last seen in the last episode of TNG.

Movie Picard was a totally diferrent character. Hated the Borg with a passion, liked to drive around in his dune buggy and was quasi action hero.

Picard was an intellectual that did not like kids, was interested in archaeology and was very reserved.

That new show isn't Star Tret yet alone has anything to do with the Picard character. It's not even movie Picard. It's just an old man that gets talked down to - and secretely enjoys it. (And the writers use every opportunity to kill off old characters because... lol)

Picard is like Bernie Sanders getting the mic stolen from him

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>Picard was last seen in the last episode of TNG.
This faggot gets it.

Stop trying to change the subject, election tourist.

It's a show meant to be commentary on Brexit and how Trump is bad, you fucking retard. Patrick Stewart admitted as much.

Orville had the right style but was crippled by Seth's shit writing duuuude space weeeeed

I couldn't get past S1E3.


S1-3 was insufferable garbage.
After they fired the writers it at least became VOY levels of watchable.

Are you aware that Patrick Stewart is happily married with a lady?

Modern tele is shit
But tele was kinda always shit

Still would.

This take could've been a decent TNG episode with a subverting expectations twist under proper writer and director. Maybe a mediocre DS9 episode. It's not fit for a season or at this rate show long arc and Picard has started acting wildly out of character where you have to wonder if he's just senile.

I think you are taking out of this way more than you are given.

Lucky you. I made it to Icheb getting killed and dropped it. Not even Discovery made me drop it completely.

It's the writing. Everyone on the show has the weird emotional incontinence that comes off as deeply narcissistic, probably because the writers are deeply narcissistic themselves. And sometimes it comes across as autistic, especially during the "reunion" scenes where Picard is warmly hugging these people that he really never had that strong of a bond with. I wonder how many millennials are actually writing for this show because it has that vibe of someone who has heard of emotions and normal human relations, but mostly experiences them in the abstract and if they do have relationships, they're typically dysfunctional and awkward. Or maybe that's just user projecting.

* autistic in the sense that this is what autists think human relations are like, not that this is how autists behave.

>Picard was last seen in the last episode of TNG.
You mean the one where he's portrayed as a bumbling old fool with future-Alzheimer's? The one where Riker chides Worf on being manipulated by an old man into letting him wander off into a war zone? The one where he almost destroys humanity in his prideful attempt to save it?
That last episode of TNG?

What are you actually mad about, user?

The one were we see the characters progressing. Because they know the group will fall apart if the let it come to it. And Worf and Riker decide not to let it happen, after they are told of the future. And the reserved Picard even grows a bit as a character, when he finally sits down to play cards with his officers.

And gay aliens, haha an entire culture of gay men, isn't it great?


Stewart is a fine actor but he has no idea what made Picard a good character. Hence him wanting Picard to get action scenes in the movies like riding that dune buggy.

Everyone who is writing this show remembers Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. They have never watched an episode of TNG in their lives.

I can't take seeing all the characters so old and fat

>Picard has started acting wildly out of character where you have to wonder if he's just senile

Nemesis was seen as an insult to ST at the time.
Compared to everything at around 2009 until today, Nemesis and Enterprise are the last pieces of Star Trek DNA, I dunno what this cheap Firefly rip off is.

No, like every other Vulcan in enterprise she was an emotional cunt who petulantly yelled when she didn't get her way instead of using logic and reason, enterprise butchered every Vulcan character in it right out of the fucking gate

Season 1 and 2 were slow, but to counter the argument "All ST shows are bad in the first seasons so don't hate Picard":
Enterprise was still purely ST in the first 2 seasons, also they had an identity to built for each character. Picard already starts out with an character who was already fleshed out for 15 years and had a 18 year break in between. And somehow they manage to show a bald guy who is completely different in everything to the dude he was 15 years ago. From a respectable authority figure to a screeching leftist cuck.

Why is anyone watching this pozzed up piece of crap, the script, characters and overall production of this show is so sub par it's hilarious. Hopefully it'll get shit canned after one season just like watchmen did lol.

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>That episode were they are literally zombies
Just what the fuck happened behind the scenes of ENT?
We even had a whole rape sub plot revolving around the incect xindi and human females