Is this really common in Asia? Why do they do it?

Is this really common in Asia? Why do they do it?

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Why are gooks so based?
Excluding the Chinese, of course

yes, we do it all the time over here
and we do it for the same reason that your janitors work for free - because its fun
anime is based on the average japanese highschooler's life, didn't you know that

japs = nips
chinese = chinamen or chink
vietnamese = gooks

know the difference, it could save your life

then what are koreans?

also gooks

Made for BWC

All asians are the same. Btw OP's dude is ugly AF imagine how flustered if that chick in the webm saw a specimen such as myself. NIPS GET RULED BY PEOPLE LIKE ME! THEY LOOK UP...AND SEE A FACE LIKE MINE...LOOKING.DOWN ON THEM!

do asians really?

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Fake. Asian men are betas


yellow = nip, chink, gook

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no there's actually a difference between gooks and japs. also note that having plastic surgery is common, its mandatory in entertainment.

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Is this really common in Asia?

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dunno lol

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Zipperheads, in the Korean war the treads of tanks left a "zipper" imprint on their bodies so they started calling them that.

unironcally a clever gag

Truly Lynchian

Koreans are the original gooks, gook is a korean word.

incorrect. gooks are koreans.
the korean word for nation is 국 or "gook".
a korean person is called a 한국 사람 ("hangook saram" or "person from the nation of korea").
an american person is called a 미국 사람 ("migook saram" or "person from the nation of america").
when the americans landed in korea during the korean war, koreans would ask them, "migook? migook?" and americans, not knowing a word of korean, would hear the koreans and assume they were saying "me gook." hence why GIs started calling koreans "gooks".

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>based as fuck Kota Ibushi is there
So what if he's a Yayoi?

Why does the top right pic show Jomon in Europe?

>nips desperately wanting to be caucasian lol

The jomon weren't caucasian, dipshit. Btw they barely even exist anymore. The average nip looks almost exactly like a chink now. Kinda sad because some jomon look very aesthetic but they'er really not around anymore

gook is korean, comes from the word miguk

Because every woman wants to be dominated by a strong and handsome man.


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"I want to cut your hair!"

why are nips like this?

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Yayoi vs Jomon

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Japanese men are so socially awkward an autistic, you can literally see the virgin autism coming from the writers/directors who have obviously never touched a women before. This especially shows in anime, nothing but a projection of autistic Japanese men that have no idea about women or social interaction. Inb4 weeb seethe.

it's based as fuck though

The Japanese drama acting stems from their traditional Kabuki theatre, which is like if you saw a Shakespeare play and think all white people act like that

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All I see is two feminine looking weak men

Yeah you'd think that being an autistic socially inept retard. Literally have sex incel.

It stems from autism


t. anime gf got fucked by school bully

Thanks for reminding me, watching Sargent kabukiman nypd now

Literal beta. Imagine being an adult virgin. "buh I'm a volcel". Nah, you're just ugly and never touched a women.

Why is there a door there? How does it work? What does it do?

kek, I have a gf, we just don't fuck because my irrational fear of sex

That's some high level kabedon.

>literal beta

>have sex
i honeslty cant think of a weaker argument than this
>if you penetrate vagina you will suddenly agree with me and inflate my ego by calling me right
pretty weak bud

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is this porn? is there more?

Fucking animal

Cope, and learn to get sex


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Okay incel

Is that lady snuggling basketballs? Got dam...

okay copecel

Gooks since Gook actually comes from the Korean "hanguk", which means Korea.

GIs took the "guk", which is pronounced like Gook

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I heard there's evidence that Americans were calling Asians gooks as far back as the Filipino War, back in the 1900s.

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>The goo-goo term, whose origins are similarly uncertain, was first used in 1899 by U.S. troops in the Philippine–American War,[7] although nigger was more prevalent.[8]

RIP my sides

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"Guk" said out loud sounds like the word for soup in korean

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>Americans have been calling foreigners and enemies ambiguously niggers for nearly a century
The blood of our ancestors flows through our veins.

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the word for america is Miguk

civilians ran at GIs shouting MIGUK MIGUK MIGUK

>Yankee Doodle
>The song was a pre-Revolutionary War song originally sung by British military officers to mock the disheveled, disorganized colonial "Yankees" with whom they served in the French and Indian War.
>...and the British troops sang it to make fun of their stereotype of the American soldier as a Yankee simpleton who thought that he was stylish if he simply stuck a feather in his cap.
> It was also popular among the Americans as a song of defiance, and they added verses to it that mocked the British troops and hailed George Washington as the Commander of the Continental army. By 1781, Yankee Doodle had turned from being an insult to being a song of national pride.

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God, it was so funny seeing his wife get mogged by based neat nip.