Is it just me, or is something off with them lately?

A few years ago they seemed like friends who actually enjoyed doing what they were doing. Sure there were a lot of cynical jokes about the movie industry but it seemed like they actually liked working with each other. Lately though there seems to be a fair amount of tension between them, like two people who used to be friends but who are now very sick of each other. Is there a reason for this, some sort of rumor? Did they have a falling out or something? Redpill me on this.

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there was a rumor that mike and jay had some sort of an ownership dispute over hintb but i don’t know how true it is. jack jumping ship and getting the doors barred behind him must have had some impact on the remaining crew though

They're 40 without families or actual careers. Theyre probably bored of spending their lives watching movies in a warehouse and editing the footage of it

Jay is jealous of Rich and Mike's friendship. Mike thinks he's the driving force behind the project. They're both think of themselves as big stars and are assholes..

>tfw your hobby is now your job

That's what happens to folks who don't APOLOGIZE.

Why did jack leave

That makes sense. I can see how working with the same people for years on what used to just be a fun side gig would get old eventually.

i saw mike at a convention once. he was smoking in doors and when a lady who worked there came up and asked him to stop he just laughed and said, “go ahead, put it out” and dropped it in her hand and walked off. it was fake.

>jack jumping ship
you mean them telling jack literally no one likes him, so hes not invited back

rich set him up with a gig reviewing games at the escapist. mike supposedly won’t speak to him anymore and rich is stuck in the middle - as usual

no way! when did this happen?

Yousa betta say it user

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They released a patreon exclusive video recently and it was really uncomfortable to watch. Like Jay would make a joke and Mike would roll his eyes as if he's fed up with Jay's opinions and attitude. You could feel it was tense filming too I hope they are ok because they are my favorite YouTubers. Would hate to see them break up

why do people lie on the internet

Mike never liked Jack, you can tell. I also find Jack forced and awful so I'm glad he isn't around anymore.

why are people so desperate to defend their eceleb fwends instead of admitting their flaws?

I won't know, I unsubbed after yet another Macaulay Culkin appearance.

Why does even go on there anyway? You think he would have something better to do than hang out with ecelebs in Milwaukee

I don't think anything's really changed.

>It's another "gossip and fabricate stories about RLM" episode

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didn't mike mention in an ama around the time of the adpocolypse that a "famous face" had helped them out of a financial hole? wouldn't be surprised if culkin had a significant share in the business and that's why mike has to placate him.

Jay and Macaulay have been dating for months now. Mike got to bring Jessie on so it's only right that Jay can too.

They're burned out and their love for movies is gone.

Also, this. You can kind of reexperience film through your kids which keeps the love alive.

Bunch of retarded children in this thread. Your parents must be proud.

Jay is pregnant.

and RICH is the embryo


if anyone is wondering, yes that post was horseshit. everyone knows that if this were the case, then beardfat would be the first to go.

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hasn't jack been on best of the worst since his shitty game thing started

whats that?

an acronym.

Yes but ignore that so you can play e-celeb drama pretend

Josh is one of their oldest friends, he was around for The Recovered

>calls him "josh"

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I haven't watched any of their videos since before the last BotW. I saw Home Alone was in it and ditched. I keep meaning to watch the Star Trek ones but I just don't care enough anymore, they feel and tired and so am I.

gilchrist coming out on top yet again

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why do you fags gossip like bitchy schoolgirls, get a hobby

>Is there a reason for this, some sort of rumor? Did they have a falling out or something?
maybe you should take it to reddit where you belong.

Too much time around schoolgirls, clearly.

mackaluy culcain probably gave them such skin crawling feeling they are each silently reassessing that their lives are entangled with the movie indusrty

Why does everyone hate Mackauley Culkin?

normal words but a pink guy


formally chucks

I don't know if any of these "rumors" are real, but according to Jack himself, it was more of a business relationship.
Yeah Jay wears his emotions on his sleeve. He obviously enjoys Mac's company, just like he obviously hated Max and probably danced when he found out they wouldn't have him anymore.

There is an established tone and humor to HITB, Mac doesn't quite fit into that for the most part. He also tends to be a bit too much.

Jack has literally been friends with them all since well before they even had a business

I signed up for average joes talking movie not some weird ex junkie pervert trying to dominate a room

You're watching the wrong channel then.

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So what new excuse are you faggots going to come up with when Jack is in the next Best of the Worst that’s coming out soon?

Paid actor. I literally already have the 3 paragraph explanation typed up.

Well the interview is from 2017 and he at 1:30 he describes himself as a guy who happens to be a recurring actor. I'm sure they're friends, but its weird he doesn't describe himself as such in the interview.

>ITT when your friend simulator turns into a soap opera.

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I think Mike's Star Trek obsession is ruining the group because he'd rather bitch and nitpick Picard for three hours than do something worthwhile, even Rich seemed like he'd rather be in traffic court than being Mike's whipping boy for daring to play devil's advocate for the Star Trek writers by their episode 5 review. Mike seems to think Alex Kurtzman is personally out to destroy his childhood, which is embarrassing after he laughed off Star Wars' mishandling by Disney.

>not liking melodrama
Poor form user.

watch the linked vid. they met because mike hired him to do production. he says he isn’t an employee and “at most” gets a few beers for being in the videos. Mike also comes across as a very domineering figure.

Worthwhile..... Since when is anything they do actually worth a shit

>Mike also comes across as a very domineering figure.
Understatement of the century.

idk, they seem more chill (probably down to doing less of the VCR skit effort posting)

I used to really like these guys but I've since started to hate them lol. and mccauley culkin is the biggest asshole.. why the fuck does he keep coming back bros

You mean BOTW, but yeah I agree. An occasional appearance would be okay, but he is on like every recent episode and feels like a 4th wheel and his bunnyboi handler is insufferable (tho watching him cringe in pain for the entirety of Roar was hilarious). Nobody ever seems quite relaxed around him, and they seem to tread on eggshells not to say anything to controversial for fear of making him uncomfortable. They will all pause unnaturally when he speaks at the table.

Jack is worse than beardfat. Have you seen his escapist shit? He's an actual retard.

part of the non disclosure agreement mike had him sign before leaving obliged him to “pre-record” (mike’s term, a deliberate twist of the knife if you ask me) a number of episodes to see them through the next six months.

Eh. I think he constantly wants to be the funniest guy in the room and at worst is a shit friend, but I don't see him bossing people around.

The blowout in November that led to aidsmoby's firing left a lot of emotional scars on everybody.

How do you know they don’t have families? They keep their lives pretty private. They also make great money doing this shit

I havent seen jacks escapist thing whatever it is. But if beardfat had a show that you watched like jacks, you wouldnt be defending him.

>You mean BOTW
Yeah I did, i'm drunk. And yeah they act odd around him. Even beardfats roaring laughter is higher pitch when Mac makes a joke.
>shit friend
I cannot argue for any of the others but with Rich? After Mike literally poured booze all over the guys shirt after Rich told him to stop on fucking camera and Rich was still cool with him afterwards, I have to imagine they are like brothers. I'd only be ok with that if it was a life long friend.

I can see Mike pulling rank pretty often, but within business norms. Jay is actually the guy who i feel is the "bossiest". I can easily see him going full George kastanza with insisting his artistic view preserved.

I only watch half in the bags and Re:Views of movies I've seen. the rest is boring

You guys sound like a bunch of bitchy housewives

also i wanted to add to my below comment that i think Rich has the prettiest hair.

I don’t know if you’re just trolling, but I haven’t noticed anything different and I’ve been watching for years. If anything Jay and Mike seem more relaxed with eachother having differing opinions.

I have noticed that they don’t seem to give a fuck about uploading consistently or reviewing things the fans want. While it sort of blows, they continue to be their own bosses and you gotta respect that

>Jay is actually the guy who i feel is the "bossiest".
Yeah. I get why GilChrist hates him. Working with Jay behind the camera must suck.

Setting aside the fact that Jay instantly backtracks on his stated opinion when Mike (and often Rich) disagree.

We're talking working relationships here kid, not "my favorite cereal" opinions.

I dunno what you're talking about. Mike and Rich bitching about Star Trek is some of their best content.

honestly who wouldn't want to escape hollywood shit and hang out with normal people who adore you

this. I'm confused that men act this way

I want to see jim and colin treat culkin with disdain and drive him away for good.

I’m sorry, George.

Jay is definitely like a mean High School girl. I could see him backing down from confrontations and backstabbing. I think this is why Jay and Mike had that fight a long time ago (the Lauren thing was a plot in one of Jay's shitty movies; I think Jay is legitimately gay but only Mike and Rich know).