>no buzz
>no hype
>no discussion

What the FUCK went wrong?


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Gonna go ahead and say based Vinpilled

Non whites love Vin you retard

no familia, but I'll still go to support familia

>Be me
>Sitting in the movie theatre a week ago
>Just seeing this trailer for the first time
>Half way through before I'm convinced it's not another Fast and Furious movie
Poor Sony is absolutely fucked.

is this the one where they reboot him to keep killing people? looks like a comfy action film.

Are my chromium covered Valiant comics with Bloodshot in them going to be worth hundreds of dollars after this movie comes out?

Attached: Bloodshot,204,203,200_.jpg (329x499, 35.63K)

nobody gives a shit about bin diesel, it's just china and the fast franchise that make money

You probably weren't even alive the last time vin was in a decent movie

If it wasn't for Yas Forums I wouldn't even know about all these shit movies

They'll be worth less after this flops im afraid

It looks alright. Maybe i'll go see it.


Turok > X-0 Manowar > Bloodshot although all the Valiant chromium stuff was based.

Attached: turok.jpg (663x1000, 208.09K)

only people with a low IQ say shit like this

The real shame it that its failure is going to kill our chances of other Valiant adaptations. We're not ever getting a ninjak movie and it hurts

Attached: NINJAK_001.jpg (714x599, 175.14K)

Why did they spoil the twist in the trailer?

Fucking retards

Fuck off shill

This is the kind of movie made for low iq fast and furious watching retards lol

I'm excited for it but there's really not much else to talk about until the movie comes out.

Movie will definitely not flop lol

looks like kino to me

It's Bloodshot's entire premise you idiot

I'm sorry Vin, but I'm not going to the cinema while there's a plague going on.

>tfw no movie with Magnus punching out robots.

Attached: 1541305672970.jpg (640x571, 55.79K)

Lmao are you genuinely retarded?

Yes, why you ask?

Looks like Sony needed Unleaded

Attached: bloodshot-action-figure-1192461.jpg (699x931, 92.78K)

Dang, I actually want that figure.

It's intended for the Chinese movie market and the Chinese market is beyond fucked right now


It's going to bombed in China since that what they are hoping since it's suppose to make the most money there.

theaters will be empty because of covid-19

movie is doa

>vins last solo lead film outside of big ensemble movies made only 40 mil domestic
>the one before that made only 27 mil
>last updated tracking had this opening at a hopeful 10 mil
>overseas is in current flux and vins beloved China wont save him


I watched the trailer one month ago and it's basically the whole movie.

Dis nigga be playing with homo dolls lol

sad thing is the comicbook universe this is set in is really kino.
a modern real world take on superheroes. not really any capes or elaborate costumes.
just cool concepts and powers.
sony really shit the bed on this.
they could even incorporate the spider-man universe into this universe and there's nothing marvel could do, as its not in the sony spider-man contract.
such a waste.

Attached: valiant-comics-bloodshot.jpg (1600x1200, 586.98K)

why does every vin movie that isnt fast and the furious flop? i dont think any of them have even made more than half a billion

Because it's a franchise. If they remove him and replaced it him it will still does well at the BO.

yeah, but why dont people watch HIM?

Because his movies outside of F&F are shit. But I like his Riddick series.

F&F movies only started making big money when they added the rock. Fast 7 making 1.5 billion was an anomaly, it was due to Walker’s death and the rock fighting Statham. He has never been the draw of these movies

This honestly doesn't look bad, but fuck that PG-13 rating. This is gonna flop regardless of rating so they might as well have went hard R with it.

I love Valiant's stuff. I just want a really good portrayal of Toyo Harada

Another action movie where the director of Upgrade or the best Universal Soldier sequel could have made pure gritty future kino. Vin looks nothing like the comic book either which had a samurai Dolph aesthetic

One of my favorite covers, this was so aesthetic the cover alone was like buying a new video game. I would eat three Klondike bars with a Fresca and just stare at it in the kitchen while my stepmother made quesidillas.

>a Vin Diesel movie that isnt Fast and Furious or Riddick
Thats what went wrong.

It's Punisher War Zone but for faggot niggers. Wouldn't see for $100

heh nigger


Is 90s Bloodshot worth reading? I've only read some of the modern stuff.

Valiants entire comic line doesn't sell as much as a single issue of Spider-Man or Batman. They have no presence outside of comics either. Maybe it will be saved by it's tiny budget because China won't be saving them.

You're right it's not a tragedy its a triumph that sony is helping to kill comic book shit

So ? Maybe 5000 people know who the fuck Bloodshot is. It was a retarded move

>Maybe it will be saved by it's tiny budget because China won't be saving them.
If they didn't spend that much on marketing this might actually make a profit. Rambo: Last Blood ended up making enough of a profit on a similar budget despite not doing too great at the BO that the studio is interested in making another Rambo movie.

that's sweet. you fat fuck. sounds tasty though.

There's a big difference between Rambo and Whoshot from the Wholiant universe

I know; I'm just saying this movie might not need to do huge numbers at the BO to be profitable if they didn't spend that much on marketing.

i got this one in a box somewhere

he doesn't do movies in which only he could play.

>the studio is interested in making another Rambo movie

zero source on this nigger

Rambo Last Blood definitely bombed

It was from Stallone himself, faggot.

>definitely bombed
>Stallone said the studio is interested in more Rambo movies

Does everything he stars in, aside FF and the marvel stuff, flop?

A 90mil box office from a 50mil budget is terrible

I have seen this fucking ad forever when I’ve gone to the movies.

Lmao. Your worthless ass keep saying that but there's still no fucking source dipshit. The most Google turns up is saying that Stallone may still want to continue. And that was before the movie released. Literally nothing to go on, so post a fucking quote saying talks are happening with the studio or fuck off

>Stallone said the studio is interested in more Rambo movies
>no source