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the fuck is third degree rape?

she WAS asking for it


regret sex.

Hes literally fucked unless they keep him in permanent isolation.

Reminder: Weinstein did nothing wrong, this entire thing was a show trial.

Where was the evidence?

He can afford protection.

First I’m hearing about it and I’m a notorious rapist. Fuck bros I’m scared.

where's the booty warrior these days

He was born a jew.
That is very wrong and an act against God.

But he gave them a choice to either be in the movie and have sex or not. They had a choice. I thought you guys told me the worse they could charge him with was kidnapping.

Zero thoughts. Who fucking cares. 'Current issues' are boring.

Initiation for 3rd degree masons

he didn't fuck little kids, he'll be okay

it literally means she said yes but then actual decades later said no so now you're going to jail.

Fuck you incel.

so he got the taxpayers to pay for his heart surgery?

when you fuck her at a very acute angle.

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> A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when:
> 1. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of some factor other than being less than seventeen years old;

> 2. Being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person less than seventeen years old; or

> 3. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person without such person's consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent.

idk, i cant understand wtf this is trying to say. sounds like the most bullshit asspull law ever to allow anyone to be convicted as a rapist

Having sex with someone because you want to be famous but the person is a gross overweight jew with vagina balls so you wouldn't be having sex with him if there wasn't anything in it for you.

Not surprising considering how fucking fat he is, probably hasn't actually seen his junk in years

What a lying jew. He's faking his health problems and a stent is not a big deal at all it's actually quite common for older people.

Doesnt anything to do with sexual assault put a target on your back in prison?

never trust a jew

I think I couldn't care less about this fuckhead

Basically just like "I couldn't consent because I was drunk" or "I couldn't consent because I wanted to be a famous actress and agree to fuck this disgusting Jew but now I regret it"

watch your language

This don't most modern prisons have separate wards for the vulnerable/rich/famous people who are bound to be exploited? I mean they aren't going to put him in the general population

It's basically accounting for all the situations where a woman could give consent but it wouldn't be "valid", for example if she's drunk or under the influence, or if there's some external factor that would drive her to give consent against her will, like her boss wanting a blowjob for a promotion or just to keep her job or some other type of power dynamic like that, which is I'm guessing the angle they went with for Weinstein.

>bullshit asspull law ever to allow anyone to be convicted as a rapist

yeah it sounds like pretty much a blank check to allow anybody to be accused ot rape. Incapable of consent could mean anything like felt intimidated, scared or wanted something from the accused.

>if she's drunk it's rape

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yeah nothing bad ever happened to a high profile prisoner in a private cell lol

What is this "he or she" nonsense? A woman cannot commit rape. This. Is. Sexist!




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I'm not saying I agree with it dumbfuck, I'm just explaining what the law means. Understanding something and explaining it in other words is reddit now? The absolute fucking state of this board.

So was Jesus though and he's God's kid (or he is God? Confusing tbqh)

>there's some external factor that would drive her to give consent against her will, like her boss wanting a blowjob for a promotion or just to keep her job or some other type of power dynamic
It always makes me laugh how this is framed, like a woman's desire to get ahead in industry completely overrides her willpower. She's using her body to get a promotion and she knows it. If she didn't want to whore herself out she wouldn't accept the job/promotion and would flat out say no. You don't get to have sex with a guy, reap the benefits and then 5 years later decide you were raped.

It can be. If you're sober and she's drunk why would it not be rape? If you're both drunk obviously it's not and it shouldn't be though.

>the absolute state of this board
Again go back whence you came.

first degree is if she withdrew consent the day after
second degree is the week
third is a year or more

He offered Jews salvation and they rejected him. He was born to end Judaism desu

>ctrl+f "epstein"
>0 results
bunch of limp wristed faggots in this thread

hes going to commit "suicide" or somehow die of a 'heart attack'; just like all Clinton friendos

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Harv 'you want be in mobie let me suc boobie' Weinstein

The funny thing is the 2016 redditor will scream "go back"at you for pointing this out.

Like it or not, it's the law

getting the government to pay for the stent

the more you think about it the more it boils down to
>he was ugly therefore they wouldn't have sex with him so it was rape
in retrospect he should have tried to chad it up instead of look like a decrepit old incel, it would have played better with the modern juror

She got rug burns on her knees while fucking Big Bad Harv.

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>Section 130.25
>Rape in the third degree
>Penal (PEN)

>>A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when:

. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of some factor other than being less than seventeen years old;

. Being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person less than seventeen years old; or

. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person without such person's consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent.

>Rape in the third degree is a class E felony.

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It isnt partisan to The Clintons or Trump, left or right; its both. Cant stand people who are so consumed by the culture war that theyre blinded by wanting to own what they deem to be wrong thinkers and think all this disgusting shit is exclusive to one side.

Yeah, I get why it's there in a more traditional industry, like a 9 to 5 or minimum wage job, if your boss is saying suck my dick or you're fired, then it makes sense. Sucking dick to get ahead in the entertainment business is just a decision you make though, but the system acts as if these women are somehow entitled to fame.

What upcoming actress could resist Harvey’s BJC?

t. toastie roastie

Most jurors took one look at him and said ew so immediate conviction.

D-did you jut say something mean about a woman?! INCEL! SEXIST! HOMOPHOBIC! RACIST! XENOPHBIA! D*:

The fact that Yas Forumscels sided with a jew despite the fact youre constantly telling everyone theyre the ultimate evil just because some "roasties" got epicly pwned proves that most of you are just shallow shut ins who found solace with other shallow shut ins and every is based in lack of sex, nothin more or less.
Shame. At some point you could, at the very least, be respected for being consistent with your views.
But I'm assuming that makes me a tranny, roastie or sjw for pointing thst out?

No, just kiddie diddling

It is possible to condemn everyone involved you black-n-white zealot.

The real question is who did Harvey betray on the upper council to end up getting convicted?

Women override jews in Yas Forums's hierarchy of hatred. They will do the same thing because of their love of cunny when a jew is accused of pedophilia, like Roman Polanski or Woody Allen, then they are based jews because they love cunny. Jews are surprisingly low in Yas Forums's ranking of based and cringe.

ask yourself if women have agency. if they do, then Harv did nothing wrong. and if you're being honest you'd be having a fit about Yas Forums no matter who they "sided" with.

him showing up in a walker is even more pathetic than using his influence to rape dumb ugly actresses

>The real question is who did Harvey betray on the upper council
John Wick

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Rent free.

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it seems like this article is purposefully trying to make him out to be some geriatric with that picture and immediately mentioning his age. trump is actually older than him.

I actually wouldnt, I admire consistentcy which Yas Forums used to be. Clearly not anymore.

holy fucking based

let a nigga eat he chocolate
who gives a shit about Yas Forums or your fucktarded opinion of them