
What makes it so good?

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he's just like me

When he walks into the club and smashes the dude's hand

ticked off a lot of boxes for millennial men: asexual guy that lives alone and doesn't have a real job. Lightweight heist film with electronic synth pop music (playing on their 80s nostalgia) and cartoonish characters. It's basically a Grand Theft Auto film. Came along at the right time.

every frame

>doesn't have a real job
he's got 3 jobs

There will be a lot of answers here but they are all wrong. Its 100% the music that carries this flick, without real human bean it would be nothing.

haha sure he does

Unironically this. He is an incel.

Name a movie, one i've heard of that's not from your gay hidden gem collection

only god forgives is, imo, better

Terribly wrong, there is nothing majorly wrong with anything in the film, stop nitpicking and being a little gay faggot

It's not good, though.

>OP seething that not everyone agrees with his opinion

t. schizo

Wrong, i'm not op and you lack evidence to back up your claim, you just don't know kino if it hit you in the spot where your balls used to be

You people think you know everything. I do like this movie. Saw it in theaters opening weekend.

you said the only thing that makes this film good was the music so i doubt that you like it

That wasn't me genius.

why were you replying to me? I was clearly talking to someone else GENIUS

excellent summation
Still enjoyed the movie

Don't forget the single mother and el goblino.

the first 15 minutes is pure kino
the rest is forgettable tv tier cinematography and a predictable boring story

haven't seen it because Gosling is a hack who hasn't been in anything good.

Its one of only a few movies to capture what modern LA is like. Others are Falling Down and Friday.

>asexual guy that lives alone and doesn't have a real job
I feel personally insulted by this. At least I have a real job.

There's not enough spics.

zoomers hate on this movie because it's literally made for millennial (i.e. 30yo boomers) white hetero males in current society. its literally our banner.

not as good as Only God Forgives.
but only because I can relate to it much more.

I thought zoomers loved Drive. Wtf?

they love Babby Driver

What is this movie about? Copy/paste Drive for zoomers?


He is a mechanic, stunt driver, and getaway man.

Granted the last one is not a "real" job, it's a crime. He still has 2 real jobs, and was being offered a third as an actual racer.

It came out at the peak of Yas Forums as a board. I remember every other post was about this movie and it’s still talked about to this day. I don’t see it discussed anywhere else lol. I just recently rewatched it too

he was in In Between The Pines which was good

yes to appeal more to zoomers they basically synced various songs to whatever action is taking place on screen - or actually viceversa

The lack of dialogue.

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and the 80s aesthetic.

I found the music grating and obnoxious, meme potential aside


>doesnt mention Nightcall
>doesnt mention I dont eat I dont sleep

lol pleb

The music. Though, I knew most of the songs beforehand because that style is all I listen to.

>nothing majorly wrong with anything in the film
lol, there is loads wrong with this film, from plot points, to character development, to technical details about the cars and driving. It's a bad 'Thief' facsimile with a shiny soundtrack, and cinematography, and a retarded plot.

>Between The Pines
are you retarded, or just pretending?

I get told I look like Ryan gosling a lot and I'm also an autist so I love all goose kino

its meh if you watched michael mann and michael knight kinos beforehand.

Because goose is a qt with 'tism

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Underrated point. A movie that is able to tell a story without needing gratuitous dialogue is often kino. I think that's what carried the shining as well.

I liked Nightcrawler more.

just the cast in general was great. ana de armas, the rock, sylvia hoeks, harrison ford, jake gyllenhaal.

this. it's the intro I keep returning to. something about it speaks to the /nightdrive/ in all of us. the yearning. the crinkle of leather gloves against the steering wheel. the cool elegance of his satin jacket. the "asmr-tier" tick of the watch as he winds it on the wheel, and the gentle tuning of the radio knob. the colors. the camera angles. it's all very well done.

This is absolute cringe, nothing about this film resonates with some likely Yas Forumsfaggot

thank you for the cool pic user

>muh pol scarecrow argument

But it’s true, in what way does this film resonate with you? At best your closest to Standard Gabriel, and even then, he could get laid.


because it has a engaging story that makes you care abour the characters, especially/ourguy/, plus nicholas winding refns cinematography alongside the soundtrack full of synth gems. It's a good film, if you disagree you're most likely just a contrarian

nice incel argument, faggot

How about the accurate portrayal of the cutthroat nature of Jews when it comes to money and a blonde haired, blue eyed dude taking them out while leaving the money behind? Seems right up Yas Forums alley