What is it with Hollywood and their fixation to emasculate black men?

Why is this the trend?

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>magic has no gender
Wheel of Time in production right now says the exact oposite

They already emasculated white men so now they are moving to the niggers

No leftypol you aren't tricking people into accepting this non gender nonsense.

i dont know, i guess this is what hollywood people think is an important issue that needs addressing. most working class people probably disagree. but who cares? they’re gonna do what they wanna do. just watch old movies and enjoy your life.

Black “men” were conquered by White men and to this day are constantly killed with impunity lol

>"Pose" actor
more like pozzed actor

Sensible post

Pretty much this.

Will the little Chinese fellas allow this?

black men were emasculated as slaves by white owners raping them in front of their women. Who, in turn, didn't see them as men after getting raped.

white rates of faggotry are actually low compared to spics and niggers, despite the media over-representation

because jewish girls are after the BBC too much, and not only the fat and poor girls like with whites

This incel shit is cringe worthy. The only acceptable 'masculine' mainstream culture in America right now is hip hop culture. You know its true so stop getting so offended to the point were you feel the need to reverse virtue signalling.

I'll never understand this. I'm sure they had some conception of germs in the 1800s.
Why would you stick your dick in the unwashed asshole of a slave just to prove a point?

Or so you tell yourselves

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the jews that own hollywood love nothing more than to destroy anything natural, to subvert it, to twist it, to make it do things beyond its comfort.

hip hop and rap are entirely homoerotic, most mainstream rappers are gay

What does "genderless" mean? Do they speak like robots?

because they were jews, user.

Based and truthpilled

And black people are their easiest to manipulate cucks as we learned on tuesday

A genderless magic experience

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Southerner's arent the brightest.

whats funny is black people are homophobic as shit. never met one in my life that was tolerant of the gays.

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What does mass replying mean? Why do you speak like a robot?

>hip hop culture
Go back to your BBC porn Chang you're not convincing anybody

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>Dave redpills the nations brothas about ''the dress''
>never appeared after in a movie and people have been trying to cancell him since
this nigga was onto something

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Youre trying too hard, you know this isnt true.

Rap is pathetic, it’s female not masculine. Imagine being the poorest people in the world and inventing a singing style where 90% of it is inflating your ego

Blacks are just pathetic copers, it’s their culture, and they’re so pathetic that jews love them for future more easily controlled people.

you also gotta consider that no man worth anything could be taken as a slave, blacks today are descended from the cowards who couldn’t fight and lost in wars and shit.

just to put thing in perspective

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>gender less

Your ancestors were likely indentured servants in Europe.

>yooo dawg look at my designer clothes :3

No leftypol its not da joos

Then why don't African-Americans have Jewish DNA?

The black church is based and redpilled and must be stopped at all costs

He has a face like a tinder box. Does he have the aids?

What expression / emotion is this face?

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All of them at once.

I remember that, lmao. They should call the phenomenon Dave's Law

Its posturing. I didnt say it wasnt cringe but it isnt gender or race exclusive
Stop trying so hard, I'm right. Name one other 'masculine' culture accepted by mainstream media in this country and I'll concede.

These are the people calling you an incel. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

What the FUCK is wrong with Sony?!?
That type of talk gauarantees a bomb and with the last Cinderella (that no one saw, having come out in 2011...) it's a case of forcing it during fatigue AND it's not even Disney making it so you dont have that built-in audience. Guaranteed flop. Sony needs to fire the production manager on the US side.

Thousand Cock stare.

Untouchable diva who only answers to a few *very* persuasive masters.

Standard nigger dead fish eyes, no discernible trace of intelligence or human emotions.

all those faggots could get laid in seconds on grindr

they just want chad but chad doesnt want them

They literally brag about how many shoes they buy in rap. Hell yeah its feminine.

didnt he disappear into africa or smething

>It’s posturing
It’s extremely feminine. Look at young thug, uzi, carti. They’re the biggest rappers and they’re extremely sus

Yes it is and only leftypol would deny it and the to shift blame...leftypol

Almost every group has been enslaved idiot.

I dont agree. Just because you dont like something doesnt make it feminine. Is getting a rolex and an overpriced suit made feminine because its pretty much the exact same.

Where did it all go wrong?

>whites: songs about women
>mexicans: songs about women
>blacks: songs about muh brothas, prison, and money

Maybe it's time we stop acting like we owe black people something for their turn in the trade then

Yeah pretty much. Fashion and status-chasing is the realm of women.
Style and being comfortable in your own skin despite society and others is for men.

>black people never made a love song

The black plague wiped out the bottom 75% of the white gene pool 500 years ago, we are all chads

>black people can experience love in the way white people mean when they use the word
Lol never gonna make it

No but showing it off, constantly name dropping it, and being flashy about it is gay as shit. Just buying it and wearing it isn’t but rappers make it gay

You can see white superiority right here in the 2019 worlds strongest men. The worlds strongest men are always white and always will be, being white is like natural steroids.

>people who get mad about billy porter being a fairy godmother will get called racist
>billy porter will be great in the role like he always is
sometimes things work out alright

>Cinderella is a goblina
top kek, the mutts are at it again

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It only wiped out those with weak immune systems and normalfag extroverts with low IQ

What does this even mean? R&B is about women 90% of the time. Even rap is majority about women (or hoes however they call them).

Have you ever thought it's because blacks never join world's strongest men competitions?

Fair enough that you apply the whole fashion is feminine to everyone but you know a non black mainstream musician couldnt release a song about objectifying women, fill the video with tits, ass's and violent imagery and not have the online media and woke twitter types try to cancel them.

Black people owe us for slavery. Slavery was ended by white people because it sucked for white people. Only 1% of people profited off slavery and the rest of white people only suffered devalued labor. And in return for inconveniencing white people in their history they now commit crimes and act like entitled bitches.

Lol black peoples cope knows no bounds. The only races that perform in strength competitions are european and occasionally east asians.

Nogs literally still practice slavery in the modern world.
It's not white people's fault they still haven't figured out it's wrong, despite white people's effort to civilize them.

If you dont think she's fine, you might be gay

this is painfully stupid, even for you leftypol raiding faggots

>He doesn't know.

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>Blaming the indentured labor force instead of the rich faggots who pushed you to the size for cheap labor
Every fucking time.