I can't believe our boy alucard is fucking gay

i can't believe our boy alucard is fucking gay

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He looks like a finnok

and that's a very good thing

How's the third season?

They made Alucard gay. Dropped. Thanks Netflix.

I don't care that he's gay. It's lame he's the bottom. And not even a power bottom. This is NOT castlevania. This is some white genocide bullshit.

Vampires suck


I can believe it.

You actually believe this horseshit? Get a grip

With Jewflix, degeneracy is the name of the game.

he is a girl after all

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Apparently shit. Issac being gay made sence because how game Issac looked. Alacard isn’t sexual at all. He’s also my favorite character. Bullishit stunt for ratings. Well done Konami.

guess ill be skipping season 3

thanks op

How is that gay? Did he get aids

I don't care that he's gay. It's lame he's the bottom. And not even a power bottom. This is NOT castlevania. This is some white genocide bullshit.

ya'll think Disney will eventually just buy Netflix? It's all just propaganda anyways, and the kind of (((values))) pushed by netflix are the exact same kind pushed by Disney, albeit just edgier. Maybe once disney comes fully out of the closet as what they really are and stops masquerading as 'wholesome' and 'family friendly' the charade can stop. Prob once the next democratic president is elected, all guns are banned, reparations are issued, and whites are given a birth limit (a la China) Disney will also come full out with crippling propaganda. Then they and netflix might as well just join forces. Netflix doesn't even hide this shit anymore.

Castlevania died when IGA left. None of this new shit is canon.

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what race is that man?

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>muh canon

Pretty much all Netflix shows after the third season Jump the shark with progressive memes. Just because you can make Alacard take it up the ass doesn’t mean you should.

>The foppish vampire that sticks swords into people is gay.
Could have fooled me.

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Is this real or just you guys memeing again?

i thought he just fucks everything and anything with a hole.

Wait, did they really? Why the fuck would they do this, he's my favorite vidya character?

It’d be funny if he farted blood and shit everywhere then they kissed lol

Remember when people thought LoS was the worst thing to ever happen to Castlevania? It's not so bad now, huh?

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Who is that fucking Twink! Why is he pounding Alucard.

No, Alucard literally gets dicked in the ass

What episode is it in I want to skip it. I’ll read a breakdown of the episode and watch the rest of the season I don’t care. I love castlevania and I’m not gonna let this shit ruin it, better to act like it never happened

All good think must come to an end.

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pagan athiests BTFO

this is what you get for putting your faith in a godless church-hating show!


Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain (pic related)
Show Trevor:
>Militant atheist (like the show's writer who's never played the games)

Yet another source material raped by Netflix. This trash is made for reddit and tumblr plebs. It is not Castlevania.

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I wish I was Hector

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he has sex with a brother and sister that come to his castle because he's lonely. he only fucks the girl

>i can't believe our boy alucard is fucking gay
Hes a vampire lovechild of the embodiment of hubris and hedonism. Honestly I'd be surprised if he was straight

This vampgal is the only reason I wanna watch this (well, and my qt ginger Sypha). What's her role in all this?

He has sex with both the brother and sister but only fucks the girl? I’m not following

Reminder that this trash show is written by someone who's never played the games.

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

>Warren Ellis: I have never played any of the games, never even looked at them. I wrote this entire show using Wikipedia and fanpages so I wasn't really aware of any of that. When I was originally contacted, some 10 years ago, Kevin Kolde, our Executive Producer, pointed me at a specific part of the game's sequence that he thought would make a good film

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It's a cartoon so I'm wondering if any kids watch this.

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kikeflixvania was never good

Why does that matter in the slightest? The games had a paper thin story at best

She basically seduces beaten naked Hector and then OOPS it was a ruse and now you’re my dog and slave.

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take your meds

>we must insert faggots into every-fucking-thing
Commies should burn in hell.

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not only that, but it's a cartoon based on a childrens videogame

the make your own shit

Are you fucking kidding me? I refuse to believe until someone posts a webm or link.


>being surprised a vampires sexuality is as fluid as rainwater
You're new to vampires aren't you?

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okay tranny

Give me the sauce now

>the make your own shit

Its gorier then most anime. Its not for kids.

I wouldnt say paper thin, there's plenty of lore there. Its the fact that he clearly delved into the faggot fanfiction and tried to storyboard it that makes the whole thing retarded.

He gets into a 3 way with twins and the guy fucks him. Then the girl and him betray him and try to kill him.
The end of the season has him walking back to his dads mansion and the twins bodies are impaled on stakes.

takes one to know one tranny

>Show Sypha:
>>heathen Gypsy
>>Says she's an enemy of God
>>Says she needs to destroy the Church

>Show Trevor:
>>Militant atheist (like the show's writer who's never played the games)

Can we have webms of this? I want to laugh at pagan athiest cringe.

lil moonie

>watching globo homo wannabe chink
lmao glad I dropped it as soon as that bitch said I believe in science in episode 1

Neck yourself, shill. The stories in the game manuals aren't nearly as shit as this kikeflix show