Kinos about the nature of women?

Kinos about the nature of women?

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women are so gross, this is why im gay

Imagine the smell in that room

all wifey material

God I love white girls so much, bros.

God I fucking hate women

imagine the smell

Fight Club you could never make that movie nowadays. You'd be cancelled on the spot.

No matter as dumb you're, you'll never be as dumb as the average woman. Fells good bro.

No matter how dumb you're, you'll never be as dumb as the average woman. Fells good bro.

Imagine the smell in that room

the duality of man - seprated by a mere 10 posts

god imagine the sweaty, mildly fishy/foot odor permeating throughout the room

black swan

Is this the mythical breeding grounds?

Woman are disgusting, idiotic creatures, worthless sacks of fles that barely register as human. I fucking hate all of them goddamn.

Also, bros, why I can't get a nice gf? ;_;

with a hint of iron/blood

I hate women and I don't want a gf

The joke is that people with bad attitudes towards women can’t get a girlfriend BECAUSE of their attitude

Then why do women routinely fuck prisoners, criminals, serial killers, and other deviants?

they're actually physically attractive

You are the thing women fear the most.

Men develop bad attitudes because of women. We arent born mysoginists.

Ted Bundy did nothing wrong(except putting the handcuffs on the wrong hand of Carol DaRonch)

Goddamn, I totally hate women.


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>Then why do women routinely fuck prisoners, criminals, serial killers, and other deviants?
People are attracted to violent individuals because of their surivival instinct, they think having those on their side is the best possible outcome.

*bbc sounds grow louder*

where's the video of them getting BLACKED

Do girls actually do this?

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I fucking love women bros

How did today's suicide attempt go, Tenda?

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kill all women

Same. I've come to embrace inceldom.

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Women are so fucking stupid. They're like fucking barnyard animals.

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And dead, soggy skin trapped between the thighs

Suggested kino about the duality of man?

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imagine being so on the spectrum you wouldn't want to fuck these women

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Now post them getting fucked by black guys

Millennials are too busy with their boy vs girl internet slapfight for that.
Lack of wartime spawns generations of autists and whores.

What sois don't realize is you can get a girlfriend by being smooth whilst still holding these opinions. The one thing you'll never hear a successful dude say is "just be nice to them constantly, never say anything off-color"

yeah it's way less gross putting your dick in a fucking asshole with literal shit in it. You are nature's abomination. The human body didn't download the drivers to have things go up your ass, but you routinely defy nature with your blasphemous actions. Kill yourself.

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>single mothers


some do

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Millennial and zoomer women are by far the worst generations ever, this is indisputable and why they are so butthurt about boomers all the time

it was a joke lmao, imagine being this mad

i wish i was gay now so i would live rent free in your head

when twerking was still considered edgy and fashionable

Pathetic. Try to get laid one of these days. It isn't hard.

If I walked in there and pulled my shorts down revealing my rock hard throbbing dick do you think I could fuck at least one of them? I'm really desperate & there's a yoga class at my gym. It's either that or beg my cousins for pity sex.

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y r u women like this?

lmao fags are basically what happens if you take the filthiest, trashiest of all whores you can find and give it a dick.

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Women shouldn't be allowed to vote or hold any authority over others. I do not care about the 1 in 100,000 who is capable of doing so, the costs of allowing the rest to have power is not worth it. They're just so unbelievably vapid and stupid.

Hating women has nothing to do with that

>room with 40 women max
>mirror makes it look like there are 100
>Yas Forums thinks ALL WOMEN ON EARTH are degenerate

Then why have I never seen this in the real world once.


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Post women getting BLACKED

Have sex

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No one should.
Autocracies and monarchies have always been far more stable than democracies, and the average civilian is too stupid and too easy to brainwash to let them have any say in how nations are ruled.
Civilians are cattle, they are barely sapient.

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i take it you aren't american
out here we literally have women twerking in the streets every day and it's everything

*nods approvingly*

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how the fuck am I suppose to no fap with all this shit going on. I go to Yas Forums to ESCAPE THE RIGORS OF NO FAP AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME

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>Why yes, I do support a return to theocracy under Biblical Law, how did you know?

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If all women are whores then why are you a virgin?

All been BLACKED

I don't give a shit if it's biblical law, I care about not letting civilians have any power.
Democracy ruined the west.

I already do. I'm normal.

My bad user. My city is filled with them and they piss me the fuck off. Can't avoid them.

I fucking hate women, bros. What are some televisions and some films?


This. Women are easily malleable. The ones that actually date don’t have any real views of their own and just parrot what their men say. My wife used to be opposite spectrum politically but now agrees with me on everything. I honestly never gave a shit what she thought because she’s retarded and didn’t vote but now she is just another ballot for me.

Because he's a supreme gentleman

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never. seethe more diseased roastie scum


Mine doesn't care about politics, and I like it that way.
Idealists and activists are all potential terrorists and subhumans who need to be jailed.

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