What's the right thing to do in this situation?

What's the right thing to do in this situation?


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Louie could take that little twink

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe...

Whip your dick out and start masturbating

Walk out with your date? If she thinks less of you ditch her ass

The dude in that is cisko from me robot. For a Manlet hes got this weird ability to come off as really intimidating.

Don't talk shit to someone you don't wanna fight.

This pissed me off

Take it. Even if you can beat the kid up, he has all his friends who will come in and help him. They'll start stabbing you with forks nad knives before losing a fight to an old man.

This. Keep your head down and accept that you're a twerp, or stand your ground and prepare for a fist to contact your face.

>don't make me hurt you kid

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Accept the fact that you're going to have to do time for manslaughter and do the deed.

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>leaves us on a completely shit season
>gets #MeToo'd
fuck you Louis

>yeah let me finish my date and i'll meet you outside in 20 mintues, but i'm legally obligated to inform you that i have AIDS and if i get my infected blood mixed into you, you will likely contract it too

>pull on some old guy in a restaurant
little dude couldn't pull that in a freedom state without getting shot in the chest.

Who cares? It's a cuck fantasy that doesn't happen in real life. Zoomers these days are timid faggots.

>I have AIDS
how does that not ruin the date? even if he walks it back and tells her it was a lie, why would she risk sleeping with an admitted liar who said he has AIDS?

Listen here champ. That's short for champion.

Start going to the gym 4x a week 5 years ago

It wouldn't work in Louie's case since he's obviously a beta bitch, but if you look even half the part, a line like this will throw almost any guy off balance:

well, it doesn't usually happen with kids who look like the guy in the red jacket. Stuff like that definitely does happen though. Although, it's usually just a random sucker-punch followed by a beat-down of a complete stranger, not a verbal confrontation like that.

actual random ass kickings come out of nowhere. the slow burn long build up shit never actually goes anywhere.

Proof guns are for weak, faggoty manlets and niggers lmao

Show him my superior Yugioh card collection

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>tfw been in almost exactly the same situation even in location

Got anxiety just watching this desu, im a unironic big guy but i still reckon most people could kick my ass

I could care less about dumbshits getting Bernie Goetz'ed

>hit him
>not strong enough? hit him with a blunt object
>he wants more? hit him again until he doesn't
But I have to agree with this shit is not that common, also it's more likely you'll get ganged up by drunk retards and that's not a favorable scenario for any kind of tough guy shit

Sucker punch him

>opens my jacket pocket open revealing my glock 22
now boy, thats all you're a "boy" not a man a fucking boy that cant get a job to purchase himself a gun, thats why you go the gym like the retarded bronze head you're to get that lil edge over someone, to feel more powerful than them... well boy, listen close I don't care how many times you hit the fucking gym because what comes out of this fucking barrel will hurt a lot more than a human fist to the fucking stomach... now I have 15 lil friends in this firearm that are just dying to meert your lil play friends... so, we have two options you can fuck out of here go study hard or hit the gym more who knows you could still be a live and go pro thats if you choose right, right now your life is in your beaten up hands that you probably beat up the wall because your father never has the time for your annoying ass instead of your so called story or we can have a party.

People act like theres a right answer because of the "just world" delusion but it is a lose lose situation.
>chooses to fight
>gets stomped, probably suffers life ruining injuries and maybe even death
>is mogged and humiliated in front of his date, confidence shattered, potential ptsd
>chooses not to fight and bends over
>is mogged and humiliated in front of his date, confidence shattered, respect for himself gone
He gets fucked either physically and pyschologically or just psychologically, theres no way around it.

>respect for himself gone

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the real answer wouldve been for louis to go "N-NO!!! PLEASE!!! Have mercy I'm fat and old, one day you could look like me please don't do this!!!" and piss his pants, if you make yourself look pathetic enough it'll ward anyone off, speaking from college experience

>Wins (probably because the kid was never expecting him to swing back)
>Assault charges at worst, at best an annoying encounter with law enforcement and getting kicked out of the establishment forever
The point of the scene is that people with things to lose do poorly when they're up against people with nothing to lose. Or at least, they don't do well when violence is verbotten.

oh fuck your right

1) throat punch with full force when he leans in closest
2) grab knife/fork/spoon/house keys or whatever is available (preferably something sharp & pointy) jump up from booth - "next one loses an eye"

Don't hang out at low class areas. A decent place would have an owner that would handle distributive customers instead of one that tolerates it.

A stupid liberal wants to connect with the "common" people and ends up getting mugged or worse.

>>Wins (probably because the kid was never expecting him to swing back)
stopped reading. slow, fat, old never been in a fight (like you) louis can do nothing this young, strong, pyschopathic brawler and his friends havent seen. he doesnt win here, ever.

Listen kid, how about you and your boyfriends get out of here before I go loco
*grins a Cheshire cat grin*

then 5 guys promptly beat the living shit out of you, and where they usually might have just left you roughed up, spurred on by your brazen/ dumb attitude decide to keep going and beat you to an inch of your life or actually kill you.

scene doesn't quite work. the bully kid just doesn't have it. the sort of person liable to fuck you up always has that glaze behind their eyes, anyone who has suffered a random beating will know what i mean. this kid is way too thoughtful.

Ah yes the throat punch, i can tell you sir, are a man of action. Much like myself. I tip my hat to you and bid huzzah

It's always possible to get a lucky shot. Or maybe the kid isn't as tough as he pretends to be. Either way.

it's not just the kid though, it literally doesn't matter how tough you are or how trained you are, a large group of people will kick your ass in every single scenario. a random group of kids arent just gonna let it be 1 on 1 for the sake of honour lmao, the second a fight starts they are all going at you and they are going to win

Pull out phone, dial 911 and show it to him.

>It's always possible to get a lucky shot
hes sitting down...

The right thing to do would've been to pay for your check and leave, then shit talk the store for letting kids act like niglets and not do anything about it

I could definitely beat the shit out of 5-7 high school students if i had room to move around. Ydksab

He shows incredibly poor judgement in raising his voice to a group of loud obnoxious teenagers. The right move was never to engage at all.

>tfw you read the comments saying how they wouldnt be able to live with themselves if they did what louis did or didnt take the beating and how pathetic he is
>tfw ive literally run away from fights with groups of people like this multiple times

"I'm a police officer".

Works every time I get approached by a gang of niggers or the like. As soon as they hear that they run off as quickly as possible.

Is this the only scene most of Yas Forums has seen from Louis?

People have been concussed with a slap to the face. There's video of this one buff college dude taking a slap from a cutie sorority girl and she HEEMS him with it. Lucky shots really do exist, more so when the fighters are average joes.

Perfect position to nutcheck. When he's backing away, covering his balls in pain+shock, you get up and clock him in the head.

be like 'i'm on a date fellas, can we do this some other time'
when they push back you go 'listen fellas, you don't want to do this' and give them the weirdest look you have
if they push back again, which they won't if you followed the last steps perfectly, grab the salt shaker and slam it into the first guys face, salting his eyes when he goes down. crash bandicoot spin any others that attempt to interfere.

The thing about people fighting in crowds is that they're terrified to get hit. I've been jumped several times outnumbered as high as 8 to 1 and they always end up running even if you get fucked up. I've taken 4 bottles straight to the head in a row and they still end up shitting themselves once you heem one of them.

epic fantasies

>I fire a shockwave blast up into the air, bringing down part of the ceiling and creating a wall between us and the rest of the establishment.
>Just you and me now, kid. Your boys can't save you from this.
>The boy breaks into a grin and jumps up onto a nearby table.
>It's over old man. I'll destroy this restaurant and your low class cuck dream along with it.

>it's fantasy that people have been knocked out with one hit
There's video proof at both the amateur and professional level of it happening. If that's not enough then cup your hand and slap his ear really fucking hard.


>crash bandicoot spin any others that attempt to interfere.

>>it's fantasy that people have been knocked out with one hit
its not applicable in this situation. like youre actually delusional if you think fucking louis ck sitting in a booth while a pyschopathic brawler with a clear affinity for fighting is threatening him has any more a shot of landing something effective than he does of the kid dropping dead from a heart attack.

tell him to fuck the hell off

hes fronting like a bitch

Ignore them, mind my own business. They wouldn't have bothered Louie if he just did the same.

>a clear affinity for fighting
Literally means jack shit. Professional fighters have gotten knocked out in one hit. The kid is cocky as fuck and not even in a proper stance ready to fight. Even giving his hand out for a handshake is fucking stupid because you can easily get fucked up that way by someone who knows what they're doing. You've deluded yourself into thinking that because someone comes up to you looking for a fight you can't do anything about it.

you're delusional. go get your ass kicked fucktard.

I'm not an ape who looks for fights. An unlike you, I've actually done combat sports so I can actually handle myself.