
Commander Troi Edition


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hey goys, can we get a few subs for this youtube channel they do good vids bout Trek


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Wow you nerds are sensitive abour this

Why did Troi never wear that sexy skirt uniform from episode one ever again?

Why was there a Fenris Ranger medallion in the Borg cube?

A good question, for another time.

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The preview literally shows Seven of Nine boarding the cube to rescue twinko

Why did nobody comment on how Troi has been replaced with a reptilian alien?
Why were all Riker and Troi's children highly autistic and had to be kept away from other children?
How fucked up must their daughter be from growing up on a planet with no company but her two 60+ year old parents?
Why am I still watching this?

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autistic incel general

For me, it's Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective

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>tfw no romulan sister-gf

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Look guys, I really just want a torrent for What We Left Behind without causing some faggot to have a seething fit.

Hello? Based department?

>unironic Berniefags in the last thread


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What ever happened to posting shiggy? Why do I never see it anymore?

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Nobody said literally anything positive about Bernie, all that happened was that you were correctly identified as a Trumpcuck. Which you are. Not everything in the world is zero-sum. "YOU EITHER SUCK DADDY COCK OR A COMMIE BERNIEBRO HAHAHAHA", grow up faggot.

>watching voyager

She's quite sexy, but is the most generic of generic "evil bitch" mustache-twirling villains.

Oh, fuck. The commie nu-Trek shill is going to fag up this thread too.

>he doesn't support the literal only candidate who isn't bought and paid for by the same interest groups behind Trump and Clinton

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>Not everything in the world is zero-sum. "YOU EITHER SUCK DADDY COCK OR A COMMIE BERNIEBRO HAHAHAHA",
isn't that exactly what you did by assuming people who disagree with you are trumpers?


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>So, are you moist?
What did Riker's tomboy daughter mean when she asked Soji this?

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>reposting the same RLM quotes about Star Trek all day
Does /trek/ have asperger's?

Their first kid died, you're asking the dumbest questions, you should be asking:
how is their kid blonde, and why doesn't she have mind reading abilities.

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It's not hard to piece together what you believe in.

Mike showed himself up with being confused as to why Picard was angry and irrational in First Contact. He is a childless man child like Rich who just wants to go back to the 90s.

Yes and she's still the only good thing about this shitshow.
Really makes you think.

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>unironically feeling the bern when Bernie can't even win a fucking primary
sad, tbqh

judging from how angry you are, looks like he was right

>well, you see, that was my second son.
>my first son, after I conceived through divine means, eventually turned into a space sprite and fucked off to outer space.

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Who has posted RLM quotes?

I laughed, but I think this was a bit too much fanservice

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>Watch this week's Picard
>Think it was a reasonable episode
>Then realise that basically nothing happened again.

>arguing about franchise that's been dead for 30 years and waifu tripfags every single day
just move /trek/ to /trash/

I will never tire of the logic that people who criticize you are themselves, secretly mad like schoolchildren. It truly must be the best way to cope.

>the faggots are sucking voyager's dick in public again

>and then there's Will's first son
>who turned out to be a literal fucking ayye straight out of central casting
>so, you see, we're really bad at raising boys.

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Okay again, literally nobody mentioned Bernie but you but if you have to seethe over him, let me remind you that it's taking the entire DNC establishment to slow him down and Biden is STILL barely ahead in delegates.

Let that sink in, retard.

>just move /trek/ to /trash/
This but unironically. We deserve to be in there, and the normal threads that would happen afterward would probably be pretty good.

>he was right

Yea but I said their, that alien son wasn't riker's

>Let that sink in
What did it do this time?

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On the other hand, you did sit and spew a load of horseshit about Bernie being the future god king of America, apparently totally unaware of his complete inability to rein in the black vote and win the primary. You also have that typical leftist passive-aggressive attitude--more than enough proof that you are both delusional and a Berniebro.
Fortunately, your kike will never become President and his policies will die where they belong: in the trash.

What's the deal with Kira carrying the O'Brien's baby? Was the actress pregnant in real life?

>brings up Bernie
>throws a victory lap when people talk about him
Are you retarded?

Picard has had precisely one emotional breakdown, in Family, after fighting with his brother. He was about to breakdown again after being tortured for days but was released before he gave in. Movie Picard is the antithesis of TNG Picard. Anyone who brings up movie Picard to talk about his character development is a quadruple nigger and should be shot along with their entire family

Looks like an emotional Vulcan like in ENT or Sybok to me.

>you did sit and spew a load of horseshit about Bernie being the future god king of America
user, nobody but a single seething retard is even bringing Bernie up...you're mentally ill.

Peak Nana was the most beautiful Trek girl ever

>live long and prosper

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>and why doesn't she have mind reading abilities.
Only 1/4 Betazoid, and Soji doesn't have a mind that can be read. Obviously Maddox was hoping neither twin would ever be around Betazoids, or SOMETHING.

>inability to win the primary
This is some monumental cope if I ever saw one. Biden is barely ahead and there probably won't even be enough delegates for either of them. It's going to be a contested convention. It what universe does that mean he's unpopular?

What a retarded opinion. She wasn't even the prettiest girl on that show.

>inb4 some closet case posts Ezri

shiggy diggy

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I know Nana Visitor was pregnant at some point during DS9 so you're probably right


>She wasn't even the prettiest girl on that show.
Who was?

Picard was responsible for the Borgification of Earth and lost the plot a bit.

>Bajoran appears in Picard
>doesn’t have a crinkle nose, just an earring
>Bajoran says that only South-Eastern Bajorans have crinklenoses
>these Bajorans never show up in Picard

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Nana visitor and Alexander Siddig were involved during DS9, it was their kid.