
RIP GEORDI edition

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/trek/, I think you have something to say to this man

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Never relax!

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hail the basterds

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So are they going to kill him next? The writers seem to love killing off minor characters from other shows.

RIP in Peace mah nigga

Gong to point something out

Recucks "son" Thad was a language genius, Recucks first officer knew over 100 languages

Best captain (in The Cage, the STD version might as well have been a new character)


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Should've rolled.

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hey goys, can we get a few subs for this youtube channel they do good vids bout Trek


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everyone dies

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>kept faggotry aside from some hot lesbian kisses out of Trek
>told uppity talentless whores to fuck off and then replaced them with more attractive women
>bullied Asian men, just as god intended
>didn't have a single unaatracitve woman on his show
>all his men were real men
>always respected Gene's vision
name me one thing outside of writing some stinkers that he did wrong

I thought I had more Emily Coutts in my DISCO folder. I don't.

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Wasn't much of a ass man

he was killed super shittily in the latest episode, user. Edgy incest sister threw a knife into his throat.

Don't worry, nobody is ever really gone.

I don't even remember ear muff man, or the alien on the left, the white guy that isn't saru barely.

Reminder ENT and DS9 were the best series.

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Oh, the new episode was already released?
This is why streaming systems suck.
No group watching.


Troi was also a noted language specialist and so wet for Riker she though him how to read her mind.
Project your cuck fetish elsewhere Steve.

post more incest sister in /trek/ threads please

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That's the USS Shenzhou crew. Half of them died in the first episode.

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You're the boss.

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Just watched the episode where he fell in love with a holodeck version of an engineer, dating back to the construction of the enterprise.

She kisses him and says when he touches the enterprise, he's touching her. I reckon he went to find some holes down in the engine room that he can stick his probing device in.

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Already dead, in the arms of a stupid new character that knows nothing about him nor should really care.


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Killing off a black iconic character? Seems pretty problematic.

So did this guy accurately predict the episode?
Someone forward this leak to doomcock.

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I can't believe they had the audacity to have Geordi lynched by the Space KKK while they chanted "Make America Great Again." This is a fucking outrage. Fuck these writers.

she did a really great job in the opening scenes, i'll grab some caps later
I'd blow up Earth for her

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>Short Bus Treks

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Bros am I insane for not hating this episode? I thought the Riker family drama was comfy. I went on my phone for all the Borg action shit though.

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I have seen the awful show but dont know any of these characters the way I know the Berman characters.

Keep watching. A follow up episode is among the worst cringe/awkward shit in Trek. If it aired today it would be slammed as character assassination.

This but replace DS9 with TOS

Cute Butt Treks.

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all the scenes on the Borg cube were complete ass and killing off Hugh was a mistake. But honestly, the Riker family scenes were pretty good. It's just a shame the preview for the next episode looks like a fucking headache.

Riker family was comfy.
But you will pay for it later, they are totally going to get tortured to death when the Romulans come.
The little girl drawing Snojh was the foreshadowing.
When they show up Riker will be like "nothing to see here" and she will be like "oh then what's THIS", -romulan acid spitting or ninja antics ensue

You only need to know one.

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Yeah I liked how she put Picard in his place. Finally someone checked his privilege.

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Star Trek Cruise Update: Decorate Your Door Edition

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That mostly seems to just be stuff that was already known (particularly all the Fuller bits), and I'm not totally sure if this was before or after but scenes from this Picard episode had been leaked on Yas Forums a couple days ago.

no no, i am watching now, and not sure why I fucked up on that bottom whiteness on my cap, ummm I was talking about the peyton list/rizzo scenes at the beginning.

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not gonna lie, but I also wondered about that, though I don't think they'll dare kill off the Rikers. The nerd outrage would finally tip over. So far they haven't actually killed any of the old main characters on-screen (just raped their characters), so even the biggest shills can excuse the shitty writing. But this would be too much.

The Riker homestead bits were max comfy.

Old bear Riker is one of those top tier things.

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So he was actually white.

I watched the episode where wheaton wants to fuck a shapeshifting lightbulb yesterday
what the fuck was that

And the redhead Cruise-fu makes another appearance.

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Its was very comfy like the start of trek V camping trip. Honestly peak trek is ,2,3,4, and the start of trek 5.

the fact that they haven't killed any of the main characters off is precisely why I think they're gonna murder Riker (or at least his family).

This triggers the /trek/

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what's with all the malarky comm badge?

3 fucking sucked without Spock for the crew dynamics and for other reasons besides that like the villain being a retread of Khan but worse
2, 4, and 6 are the best Trek kinos, don't @ me faggot

>introduces us to T'Pol's bum, Seven's bum and Kira's bum, all in tight catsuits.
I'd say he's earned his keep.

There's music.

"I'm a roc---ket---man"

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They couldn't resist getting their sticky little hack fingers into that cookie jar.
Rikers and Troi are dead walking, mark my words.

Actually 1 is the patrician choice.

Dude -- future Dr. Beverly.

Crusher-play is her thing.

Link to Picard's latest episode please
Link to Picard's latest episode please
Link to Picard's latest episode please
Link to Picard's latest episode please

Don't be greedy fucking Ferengis pls

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Predict which character will die or what planet will explode in the next Picard episode

"I put this up after my parents died and left me the house."

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The worst part of 1 was Kirk, the movie should have just been Decker and his hot android-mutilated bald Deltan waifu, so much time was wasted getting Kirk back in the Captain's chair that the entire Decker/V'Ger storyline was rushed at the very end

>going on cruises

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>star trek

It's a bit rich to cry "triggered!" here when you've been posting this in thread after thread for weeks now.

that trips though

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>tfw jj and kurtzman have broken you

I fucking hate nu-Trek.

Cause I've got faith

Faith of the


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>still can’t stop responding
thanks for proving my point :^)

not liking horny teenage angst spock

>muh cluedo in space

>oh yeah bro I got your FTL warp drives right here, just give me a small cup of negative energy and I'll get you sailing across the stars
The greatest conman of our generation

So nerd orgy on the trek cruise when?

I can't decide if she or Jolene is the GOAT trek-fu

How dies Kurtzman get work? His track record is awful

Isn't that what cruises are for?

>hate this show with a passion
>scene where Picard meets Will and Troi again
I really hope this show is just Picard's farewell tour and won't be getting a season 2.

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