I Am Jazz Season 6 General

I Am Jazz Season 6 General

Discuss the hit TV show. Qotd: Guess how much Jazz weighs.

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240 lbs


I want to save him.

Somebody give me a tldr on the recent episode

You guys should link the previous threads when you create new ones. Would help continue discussion and stuff you know.

It's too late.

>Kid cuts dick off with parents' blessings
>Kid regrets it, but now has cameras shoved in his face so he has to still go along with it
>Cake Boss makes him a new dick out of cereal treats and FONDANT!

show is boring shit without the surgeries

>when the circumcision goes too far
You know it was them who caused all these shit

No it’s better now then ever since it’s evident that jazz and her parents are regretting the surgery

>Guess how much Jazz weighs.
like 160 pops

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i thought Yas Forums hated trannies

post jazz acting like a drag queen thinking that's what females do.

it pisses me off and is cringey

Every Jazz GEN gets deleted now.

Fuck off jannies

How egotistical is Jazz?

Binge eating will eventually take Jazz to my 600lb fatkino

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It can't event act like a girl lol


This thing didn't even want to be a girl. It was told it was transgender and then forced to be one. And it shows. It's literally just "learnt" to be female by watching trannys and drag acts.

what is this phenotype called?

why does Jaron do this same walk and pose everytime it's pretending it's confident

Listen mate drag acts are More fem an appealing on stage ... why is I this an I needc to do this an get an not

goblino de rapina

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someone call an ambulance

jesus christ imagine having a mother like Jeanette, as another user said its pretty much too late for Jazz but i hope the other kids GTFO of there soon

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>Jazz acts like a drag queen instead of a woman
>Sander is 100% better at it

Because you are just spamming garbage from Yas Forums
Just go and make your circlejerk there. Nobody wants you here, incels.

SORRY I was saying the other freaks are better than this fat lad

next week is already the season finale?

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Mr. Jazz's hobbies:
Eating in the car
Being a tranny

los goblin de la 40%

did this nigga get his surgery yet? Can we save him?

i wish that burrito was my penis

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OI... deformed dog pic OI LISTEN THIS DOGGIE WOULD LOVE SPEND LOADs TO HELP HIM , DONT I would .. But Here she


He's been chopped, it's ogre.

she sure is a handsome woman

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El judeu eunuco

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ugly jewess

Favorite times Silence of the Lambs was referenced in other movies or TV shows?

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He can't even try to LARP as a woman without a giant swatch of fabric to flail around, like a model or a stripper. Being "female" is a performance.

Who will be Jazz next victim? That fat golbino?

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Yeah. And then JoJo next

Then they'll come for Charlie.

Will Jazz be alive by then?

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Damn, is he gathering people for a peepee removal cult?


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We discuss how often you should dilate and the best ways to remove teratomas.


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Which is fucking hilarious.

Can we discuss the bonus situation?

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based incel containment thread

Quick rundown on his meeting with Michaela? What's the story there?

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based tranny seethe thread

God, he hates Jazz and is only in it for the notoriety. You can so fucking tell by the way he got disgusted at the discussion of the "bonus situation" and Jazz is such a clueless tranny moron he can't even tell.

>jazz starts binge eating again
>grabs a bag full of pretzel sticks
>dips them in a jar of nutella

is... salty pretzels (not even freshly made soft ones btw) + nutella actually a good combo, bros?

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If I were an incel I would still not have sex with a disease ridden woman (male) troomer