Didn't laugh once

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What are his unusal tastes?


Who would have thought that an incel is too insecure to find a woman funny?

I've never meet a really funny woman.

she does stand up?

That's ok user no one has

Women can't be funny
Please prove me wrong

only ugly and weird women have the ability to be funny
key word: ability

Emmy Blotnick had me laughing recently.


I know plenty of funny chicks but zero female "comedians"

Women aren’t funny. Their humor among each other is often cruel and superficial. Sense of humor is also connected to intelligence and emotional intelligence.

T. Failed roastie comic.

At best, a funny woman is just doing a subpar impersonation of a much funnier man

Attached: comedians.jpg (1046x929, 731.8K)

Maria bamford might be one

Who's funnier than Sarah Silverman?
besides dudes

Lesbians can be funny. Humor is a turn on for chicks which is why men and lesbians are funny


does every fucking female comedian have to joke about secks?

Attached: 1579835154940.png (1022x731, 642.76K)

There are not clean female comics either. Men are dirty too, but there are notable exceptions. All female comics feel that they have to be raunchy

There are some that are cute and funny

She funnier than most males comedians and anyone who tells you otherwise is a retarded faggot

Because that is the only thing they get validation from.

name one
ellen degenerate has preemptively ruined your assertion


Lesbians are even less funny than straight women

There is that one YouTube series of comedians just talking about the industry and it's usually all famous men, but they talk about how they fear for the next generation of comics because every comedian they knew growing up and every comedian that became massively popular grew up in really shitty situations. The best comics turn the worst experiences into relatable comedy.

This is the problem with female comedians. They don't experience shitty situations and the only bad experiences they have, relative to men, is bad relationships and bad sex. So it's literally all they talk about. Imagine a woman talking about getting drugs like Tom Segura does. They are just given drugs by drug dealers trying to fuck them. Imagine a woman talking about shyness and being unable to speak up about what you want like John Mulaney. Everyone bends over backwards to please women.

They have no good material because they have nothing to turn into good material.

Joan Rivers was actually funny.

Phat pharts.

Women used to be funny because they actually had things to complain about back in the 50s and 60s

Tina Fey

Dreamt that this girl from my college class was relaxing with me and shittalking social media and laughing at my stupid jokes, then I woke up just as she was about to kiss me on the forehead.
What's hard for roasties to understand all we want is a personal connection.

I like her a lot, the only female standup I like
Tina Fey is also brilliantly funny, but only as a writer, not really as a performer

Men can't get female humor, either because they can't relate to women or because they never had the experience of being a female.

Just assuming that women aren't funny is a low-IQ move.


She's adequate to comedy roles in series, she's not funny herself

Every now and then I ask for people to prove me wrong and I get very few recommendations that don't make me laugh. I'll give her a try.

>Men can't get female humor
I used to be that way but after doing three-year in the pen I was raped several times and I dunno what it is but I suddenly"got" females a lot more

She is a foot model but her feet are disgusting, what gives.

Yes that's right, men and women are two different species and cannot relate to each other and have different senses of humor. It's a matter of years at most before the absolute behemoth of world genocides will take place to make sure there is only one gender.

this, 30 rock was solid


Attached: herschlag.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

They just do 80's tier "edgy" man jokes, but with the genders reversed, they're all hacks.
It all comes down to "I'm a woman so I'm not suppose to be filthy, yet I am hehe"

Yes, the Matriarchy is coming to get you lol

I Love Lucy was pretty funny.

Women have no biological nor social incentive to be funny.
Theyre just not funny. Sorry bro, find something else to be upset about.


That's edgy humor in a nutshell, yes.

After that I rather doubt you're getting any women

There's funny women, but they do it just because they find it fun, but because they're trying to prove something. It's very rare and they're never comedians.

Whos the author that posits that women are sexual creatures and their entire world revolves around sex? It gets posted in /lit/ a lot. Its basically intelligent incelposting but it sums women up quite well.

No because its not an inherent trait they need to learn growing up. Boys that aren't uber chads need to learn humor to be charming. Women need to learn how to be pretty.
Theres no situation growing up where they would have to learn humor to gain friends, get out of a sticky situation or gain a partner. All of those are exclusively male happenings.

I don't even laugh at my own incredible jokes, never mind whatever the fuck holes call that.

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>Ceara Lynch
wait is this a real show? She's a pretty well-known femdom porn star, she does a lot of POV stuff.
>didn't laugh once
who fucking cares can I masturbate to it?

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Skinny and fit women

I like this gynecology joke:


Are there any female comedians that dont make
>muh pussy

my gf is funny to me, but not to most people. Women aren't generally funny.

that is because you are a trained animal

I know she decided to go into femdom instead of regular porn after a guy offered her $400 for her shit, so I'm guessing she's telling her "origin story."

Not in standup.

that's so creepy and pathetic. You can get a dominatrix to shit directly into your mouth for $400, why on earth would you pay some woman to put her shit in a ziplock bag and mail it to you instead?

Where else then

Yep, thanks friend
Arthur Schopenhauer, On Women.

In sitcoms and sketch shows women can make jokes that aren't
>muh pussy

So it's not their own material

because they have male writers dumbass

Tiny Fey writes her own material.

>Women have no biological nor social incentive to be funny.
This. Men work on being funny. They consciously work on thinking of clever or amusing comments to post on Facebook, or a witty pick-up line to send a girl on Tinder. Comedy is something that a lot of men use to gain social acceptance, especially from women. But women are already socially accepted and can already get a date whenever they want, so there's no need for anything else.
Even the women who might be naturally funny never put any work into perfecting their craft. Male stand-up comedians don't just walk on stage and be funny, they spend years fine-tuning jokes and gauging audiences to figure out which jokes land and which don't. Women don't need to do that. At best, the funniest women are on par with funny 16-year-old boys: They might have some raw potential but they haven't really figured it out yet.

Maria Bamford.

Honestly bizarre to think that Schopenhauer was such a genius but the thing he gets cited the most for is his writing on women because incels want someone smarter than themselves to justify their hatred of women.

>its mens fault women arent funny
Should have seen that coming

When hes right, hes right

He gets brought up more by feminists just going off of SEO hits. Feminists love writing blogposts about how hes such a mysogisnist