“It hit me when I was on the set last week...

>“It hit me when I was on the set last week, how profound it is that I am playing the Fairy Godmother — they call it the Fab G,” Porter said in his CBS News interview. “Magic has no gender.

>He added that playing the role as genderless is “powerful” and that it is going to be “a classic fairytale for a new generation.”

>“This is a classic, this is a classic fairytale for a new generation,” he said. “I think that the new generation is really ready. The kids are ready. It’s the grownups that are slowing stuff down.

>In Cinderella, Porter will play Fairy Godmother to Camila Cabello’s title character. Joining them is an all-star cast that includes Pierce Brosnan, Minnie Driver, Missy Elliott, Idina Menzel, Nicholas Galitzine, Maddie Baillio, Charlotte Spencer, John Mulaney, Romesh Ranganathan as well as James Corden, who will produce the film through his Fullwell73 banner with Leo Pearlman.

Celebrate this Yas Forums

This is history and it is powerful

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>the kids are ready

for what, rape?

>Magic has no gender

I wonder how well it's going to do, surely a commercial and critical success

nah cuz you still jiving around in a dress for massa don't try to spin it

The absolute state of black "men".

sounds really weird and jewish agenda driven

> genderless
> godmother

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>genderless mother

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>Magic has no gender.

Shamans across the world who talk with plants and animals assign them gender. This is why we hear about brother bear and grandmother maize.

Also, one of the laws of hermeticism is the law of gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine
and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all
planes."--The Kybalion.

black guy with a goatee: 'i am your genderless fairy godmother'

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Please God just let the coronavirus take us all.

that's the end of the discussion right here.
mother can't be genderless by fucking definition

>as well as James Corden, who will produce the film through his Fullwell73 banner
Oh boy.

Hollywood deserves a nuke.

>The kids are ready.
kids are always ready to be BRAINWASHED BY PIECE OF SHIT ADULTS

>magic has no gender
>still has a race

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Reminds me of a dream I had the other day that would be a movie called "the Tranny Games" all the worlds problems are solved by having them fight to the death in the fagyiest outfits they can make and the winner gets a free sex change and retirement on the secret island of Frootopia never to be seen again

>no one even commenting Cinderella is being played by a cuban

faggots will never be normalized if they keep doing faggot shit like this

Hello, fellow hermeticist

somebody just fucking eliminate the lgtbq already for the love of sanity

They should have cast an actually non-binary/agender actor

>Genderless fairy godMOTHER
This is some advanced autism

>Genderless Godmother

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why is the niggerfaggot famous? Seriously, what has he done that deserves so much recognition that he's being promoted everywhere?

b-but the Force is female

Why are they always like this?

if there's one property that needed to be poisoned by sjw bullshit it was Cinderella

i hope they're ready to lose money on this trash


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>that cast

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>Pierce Brosnan as the King
It's not a question of how poor Cinderella is; it's a question of how much she weighs.

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Dave Chappelle gave up millions of dollars because he was disgusted with Hollywood forcing this kind of cross-dressing fag shit on blacks. I hope he writes this trash into some good jokes at least.

is this also Disney?

>mermaid turns black (from being white)
>fairy godmother turns black, and gay (also once white)
>everybody in Milan stays Asian

at least this shit is waking the normies up, ngl

He pleasured a lot of Jew dicks.

>It's not a question of how poor Cinderella is; it's a question of how much she weighs.

There is no way that The Architect's daughter could wear a glass slipper.

nvm it's Sony. Sony? Wtf.

Also it's a gay musical featuring brown people. So, nothing to get outraged over on this one folks, unless you give a fuck about Sony or musicals.

The Jews are pushing their agenda too far. Its going to backfire on them soon enough.
Sure change the race, fine. Annoying but fine. Change the entire character, not okay and I can only hope normies are not okay with it either.

why do (((((they))))) do this bros?


i don't understand ;_;

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>magic negro
I thought the darkies were offended by this trope?

Checked. Because that's what they want to do. They have a plan and they need to do whatever the plan requires.

Thanks to the complete and utter faggotisation of American culture, parents will take their kids in the millions to watch this garbage.

seeIt's a musical comedy crapfest being made by Sony. It's not like it's being the given 2020 Disney, remake seal of approval. It's got nothing to even do with Disney, who apparently already made a Cinderella remake several years ago. This is some gay nip shit. In 2020", you've got to expect faggots, browns, and brown faggots in a musical in 2020.

literally to rub it in our faces
there was absolutely no one asking for this decision to be made, but they did so anyway so that they can write an article in the New York Times about how horribly bigoted people are for not accepting this

Where's Iger when you need him?

>Written and directed by a woman

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I'm more or less convinced that all these "remakes" are really just big money laundering schemes.
Theres absolutely no way the people involved in this aren't self aware enough to know its a fucking joke.
...then again, its hollywood, so I don't know.
Maby they actually do believe people want this for some reason.

I'm not mad or upset, it's just more of an exhausted sort of feeling these days.

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>The Jews are pushing their agenda too far. Its going to backfire on them soon enough.
There's no sign of this 'backlash' whatsoever. Western audiences gobble this shit up, for the most part, without complaint. Denial of basic biology is now part of the political lexicon ffs.
We would all, unironically, have been better off if Adolf had won.

Hopefully the corona virus consumes the west coast asap.

This. It's literally being made by gays for gays. It's a fucking musical. Why are you retards getting so upset?

>magic has no gender
Well Yas Forums, he's not wrong...

>the kids are ready
the homosexual reveals its final form
they want to indoctrinate kids, because they want to fuck kids.
the left is a cancer on humanity, they want nothing more than to fuck kids, cut their cocks off, and fill every country on Earth with niggers.

>I'm more or less convinced that all these "remakes" are really just big money laundering schemes.
Is it possible it's also a form of kickback to unions and such to keep people in the industry employed with wildly inflated production cost. I think they can also use the money they 'lost' on one project too offset the taxes they'd have to pay on the blockbusters.

children will be the primary demographic retard, it's a fucking fairytale movie

I've always figured thats whats going on when they make those movies with all the old, semi-retired actors and whatnot.
Like the Expendables movies for example. A bunch of old guys who really need to just lay down and stop, but still pretending they're in thier prime, all so that they can stay in the unions or movie clubs or whatever they're in.

>jews force black man to crossdress for main role
Why do they alsways do this?

Yeah and how do gays procreate? In the past they had to molest individual kids, now they can brainwash millions in one stroke.

>tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn !!!1!
dumb nigger if that's your argument against any piece of media that comes out that you deem degenerate,' you sadly don't realize you're fighting a losing battle. It's ultimately the parents retard, and no amount of bitching on here is gonna change leftist parents and parents who don't give af. Pick a new battle, overseer of how to raise children is a role that doesn't suit you.

Isn't it a bit problematic to be calling an LGBT character a fairy?

>Fairy Godmother

What's that thing where they brain wash you to accept different definitions of words? Doublethink?

>The kids are ready
>movie proceeds to bomb horribly

Absolutely disgusting.

>Magic has no gender
This is specifically wrong in almost all occultic culture around the world

>porter will play the fairy godmother

I'm alright with gay people. There are gay people more manly than I am. But this dude is a colossal faggot.

Yeah, I'm not saying we can stop it, but the fact that this is a movie that will absolutely be directly marketed to children is the problem here

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