Altered Carbon S2

Well shit, this was fucking bad

>let's remove any sort of coolness, humor and cyberpunk feel from our show

The only guys somewhat interesting were original Kovacs, who we already knew, Danica Harlan and pic related.
The entire fucking rest of the cast sucked, doesn't matter if new or old characters.

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i thought something was off, but I couldn't quite quantify it.

Also, does anyone else think quell is the most boring character? S2 is basically 80% “shit quell ran off better go find her AGAIN”. Mind numbingly boring. There’s no chemistry whatsoever.

are we never going to get any cyberpunk kino besides blade runner bros?

>Hey remember how the first season/book was a really good space opera about the imbalance of power in a world with literal immortality
>Of keeping your humanity when you are no longer truely human
>What if skip right to book 3
>Then instead of using the actual theme of book three
>Coping with your mortality and what it means to be alive
>We just make it ALMAOOOOS

>Also, does anyone else think quell is the most boring character?

Black Kovacs was even more boring than Quell imo
The writing was terribly dull, but Anthony Mackie is just a crappy, limited actor and has to take the other half of the blame.

Pic related was boring as fuck and turned into a cartoon villain at the end.

First season
>Bro Envoys are hard as fuck don't mess with him unless you have to and you know you can win
Second season
>Haha, he is just an Envoy, five mooks with guns should take care of him
It feels like none of this exists in the same timeline as the first season, I guess thats what you get when you deviate so heavily from the source material.

>immune bullets
>can wield guns
>can teleport everywhere he wants if he's close to his emitter or whatever it's called
>can touch and move physical objects

What exactly did the author of these crappy books think when he thought of the AIs? A fucking Envoy hasn't got shit on Poe lmao

Attached: Poe.jpg (1710x2628, 2.46M)

First season was also shit.



Literally not in the book.

It was never any good, even with steroid mischling

The AI stuff was pure Tumblr fanfiction shite, I was literally getting to the point of quitting the series because of it especially the whole "MS ELIZABETH" one cares

I fucking HATE that Envoy intuition and honest detective work got swapped out for 'imma stab myself so hard my flashback vision is 20/20!'
I'm happy Poe is still around, though he feels tacked on. New Takeshi isn't as bad as I feared; just imagining Takeshi 1.0 wearing a black soldier skin and trying to ignore the mamnerisms he shouldn't have. Just tell me: does it get better?

If you plebs only read the books you would have realized this was inevitable. The first book is hardly cyberpunk and was fucking mediocre and netflix already removed most of the cool shit from the book. It only follows the second season was going to continue this trend.

This. I don't know why people didn't drop it after the first establishing shot. Looked lower budget than syfy programs.


this nigga ain't that interesting but he's the only actor doing a good job, actually selling the character and delivering his lines well, not too flat, not too over the top
everyone else is either embarrassed or embarrassing, fake and self aware
every interaction and scene is an uninspired badly written cliche

Finished season 1 and I'm on episode 3 of season 2.
This literally exists just to scratch that blade runner and cyberpunk itch.
How different is the source material?

She was insufferable when she was mind broken. She was better when she got her memory back.
Like a less boring Jedi master.

I haven't watched the show but outside of one or two scenes extremely brief scenes and the noir theme there isn't anything remotely blade runner /cyberpunk in the first book.

did they really expected Falcon to carry the entire season?

>How different is the source material?
Season 1 is decently close to book one, season 2 is only the general plot points of of book 3.

I thought they did the cyberpunk themes quite well in the first half as we were introduced to the Meths and impact of the stacks to the average people. Then the melodrama parts came with Rei. I also hate with every fiber of my being, that flashblack of Quell shouting Tak as she explodes/orgasm

I for one actually think the Tak + Quell interracial pairing is pure kino

I honestly like the asian actor way more than both the jew and the black dude. They really should have found a way to make him the lead of season 2.

Hell the easiest way to do it would just be, instead of the meth giving him the black body, he gives him his old body fully upgraded and whatever.

The actual season itself was pure syfy garbage and nothing like the first season. Budget must have been dropped a heap cause the set designs and everything were wayyy cheaper. And they started doing the typical low budget scifi shit of go run around in the forrest.

>And they started doing the typical low budget scifi shit of go run around in the forrest
lmao it's true

what does the forest thing mean?

How many times did they “hack” their way to the next plot beat. It’s like cyber security got shittier in the future.

Sets cost money.

Forests do not.

It's common for syfy shows with budget concerns to just film episodes in the forest claiming they are alien worlds. See: 90% of stargate episodes.

AIs also seem to be the strongest things in the show.

question for people who have finished s2

when you needlecast to a new planet aren’t you put in a difference sleeve? They don’t keep a clone of you right? That being said wouldn’t they have to recast Quell?

I forgot what needlecast is

Ryker kovacs was 100 times better.

Attached: 180201-alteredcarbon-kovacs.jpg (2070x1380, 168.86K)

Worked in 1, not in 2

The visuals and action in the first season were really good. Did they change sfx or was it really budget cuts

Yeah or into a synth. Obviously has to be recast as Quell is too infamous to just walk the streets anyway. So yeah, season 3 is set up to be another search for Quell season but this time there's double sleeved Kovacs! Which one will find her? Which one will she love? So exciting! This show has become so shit after the first season.

There was no kino scenes like this either in all of season 2.

In season 1 kovacs was a stoic arrogant super soldier who could decimate a room full of people easily.

In season 2 he's an emotionally unstable baby who gets his shit kicked in by anyone and everyone.

That was a truly good watch, that dude is intimidating as fuck.

He did fuck up the room of people when that black lesbo bitch with the coils borrowed his sleeve

alright bros right or left?

Attached: altered carbon.jpg (1592x1080, 1.12M)

>Mackie played a more charismatic Kovacs who smiles. 10/10 - Critics

i'd rather the tibetan fox girl or the governor desu

Left, she had some nice tits

>we could have had Kovacs' adventures with Sylvie's Slip-Ins or Kovacs getting drunk on a beached boat on Sanction IV.
>instead we get this.


It’s just SciFi.

so uhhh why doesnt tak use poe to his advantage?
>can physically touch and shoot guns
>a hologram
>can appear anywhere
in fact why the fuck don't meths have an army of AI
and the absolute biggest plot from this dog shit season is how in the fuck can an ai download a DHF if thats the case how in the fuck can any meth die? they could just have millions of backups

they also didn't explain how poe came back
why in the fuck does that black lesbian bitch cry when her father dies when the only times she's interacted or talked about him, she loathed him
tak's sleeve death was retarded, anthony mackie was just terrible and now where near as good as kinnaman

i was really excited but we got this CW-teir shit

they steal it from us and they give it to the cat-ladies who watch netflix
literally the narrative is to cheer for the poor blacks in this show.

left's body with rights attitude

Holy mother of speed watching.

the tell me why im wrong

Quell is easily the worst thing about this show. She's got negative charisma, the character is awful, and her scenes should have been given to Reileen to flesh her character out more season 1, which she desperately needed. And season 2 she should have been dead.

>oh no this super alien can kill us for REAL
>Make an offline backup of your stack

Seriously, they have nanotech on this level and they still use faggots with guns.

Pure bullshit.

>in fact why the fuck don't meths have an army of AI

Didn't you notice when that dig bitch was instructed to reveal secrets to the kovacs dude?

>so uhhh why doesnt tak use poe to his advantage?
Poe is literally falling apart before our eyes for 90% of the season. He/ all ai needs a projector and nano swarm to be effective and that is more easily disabled than a custom sleeve.
>in fact why the fuck don't meths have an army of AI
As above and also AI aren't obliged to help humans, in fact as seen in this season and the one before AI can quickly grow to resent humans and you don't really have the same amount of control over a sentient program you do of a human.
>and the absolute biggest plot from this dog shit season is how in the fuck can an ai download a DHF if thats the case how in the fuck can any meth die? they could just have millions of backups
That is literally the plot of season 1 you absolute retard.
>they also didn't explain how poe came back
Dig wrote him a recompiling program, it has 4 long scenes dedicated to it.
>why in the fuck does that black lesbian bitch cry when her father dies when the only times she's interacted or talked about him, she loathed him
Oh so you are just retarded and autistic, death of the family hurt even if you aren't on great terms.
>tak's sleeve death was retarded, anthony mackie was just terrible and now where near as good as kinnaman
You got me there.

So make AI without that issue

>like only 5 different stages in the entire season
>black wakanda panther as the new kovacs
>interracial lesbian couple with a brown child
>evil white people in charge
>quell this quell the other, but quell is just a lame ass character with no charisma
>oh no another long boring scene of a character having hallucinations with someone we don't even feel any emotions for
s1 was kinda comfy cyberpunk but this shit feels like another budget sci-fi show with 90% cheap dialogue and 10% action

Quell is so fucking ugly

>Poe is literally falling apart before our eyes for 90% of the season. He/ all ai needs a projector and nano swarm to be effective and that is more easily disabled than a custom sleeve.

in ep 1 we see tak having an emitter so couldn't he take poe anywhere? yes poe is broken but tak hires another ai Dig, so whats stopping tak to hire another ai with some combat skills and use that to his advantage?

>That is literally the plot of season 1 you absolute retard.

the last scene of this season we see tak's DHF backup so why don't meths do the same?

>Dig wrote him a recompiling program, it has 4 long scenes dedicated to it.

i was referring to ep 1 where i thought poe had died in s1

>Oh so you are just retarded and autistic, death of the family hurt even if you aren't on great terms.

IIRC she mentions how her father was on ice for most of her life so he's like some stranger to her contrasting her relationship with her brother where she was with him for most of his life therefore having a much better relationship with him then her dad

Wanted to like it and had so much potential but was mediocre at best
S02 was pure garbage and finally gave up half way through ep 3

Wasn't Harlon a Slav?

>the last scene of this season we see tak's DHF backup so why don't meths do the same?
They literally do, "What ever killed him also erased all his backups."
They have Literal satellites full of back ups, season 1 virus corrupted them all and the elder burned them out because psychic tech.