What are some pro-firearm flicks?

What are some pro-firearm flicks?

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I'm the same as that guy. So glad I'm not a mutt. I don't think it's a thing that can ever be solved. There will never be good gun control that manages to take it down to manageable levels. The pandora box was opened when you wrote your retarded constitution.

Red Dawn, obviously.

I love guns yet I'm still paranoid everybody loitering in the parking lot is actually a shooter gearing up.

Be careful, you insulted their stupid-ass piece of paper lol

Americans are literally all bloodthirsty uncivilized morlocks. I'm glad their country is being eaten from the inside out by themselves. ISIS members are arguably more civil.

God I can’t will to read resetera all night election night

kill yourself pussy
rent free

muttoids are subhumans but their gun laws are based. they deserve a fighting chance against the paramilitary death squads they call "the police"


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Here in Switzerland gun ownership is allowed and we aren't killing each other.
Turns out that people don't just grab a gun and feel like going on massacres.
Turns out 13% of America doesn't agree.

Idk, tbpfahqyf, whenever I see someone open carrying all I can think about it grabbing their gun.

based and anarchopilled


>mfw euros would be crying and shitting themselves if they stepped foot in my country because someone keeps a rifle in the closet

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Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg. It's actually pretty good, one of those semi-down to Earth action/thrillers and the story is basically a former Marine uses the 2nd Amendment for what it was intended for.

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Dr. Sleep.

>guns terrify me

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Gun ownership is actually quite restricted in Switzerland, even moreso since the law passed last year. And as you know peopple with ties to several countries from the Balkans are totally prohibited from getting a firearms permit in Switzerland.

They have a chance against the police, maybe, sure, but their gun rights don't give them a fighting chance against the army. They might as well be ants.

Ah yes a thinly veiled politics thread on Yas Forums (Television & Film) once again.

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>mfw euros would be crying of laughter when the perpetrator shoots his family before he can get out the door

excellent point and very accurate user but I hate to derail the topic on hand but...is that gif file real? It can't be fake.

The laws are crap, I always go out with a handgun.

based and digitpilled


Thankfully, most of "the army" is the brothers and fathers of those same gun owners.

Good thing no civilized person wants to go to your country. I mean, the guns are bad enough, but you cut your dicks there too? Holy yikesola.

That's not terrifying, it's a necessity in today's world. What's terrifying is giving birth to an inbred fuck that will shoot you in the leg as a way to say thanks.

cringe. try harder europussy

the army is too busy dilating to put up a proper fight

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>oh no...is that a....IS THAT A FIREARM

Vietnamese farmers would disagree

It's real, I was there.

Are you implying city people are smarter?

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>most gun deaths are suicides
Lmao, weak gun fags. Buy more guns and kill yourself, oh wait, too late

>How do you guys live with a society like this?
Well the first step is not being a giant fucking pussy

The problem isn't guns, it's just mutts are retarded.

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>we just settle with what we've got and spread our asscheeks like good little obedient cattle
never gonna make it, but you already knew that
I wonder why the birth rates are going down the toilet

lmfao mutts

They are.
>dumbest people are religious
>almost 100% of criminals are religious
>dumbest and the poorest people are conservative, rural Christians
>b-but what about this study of 3 people that show how we're not retarded?

This makes no sense.
Looks like I broke him fellas

It's not even retardation. It's some kind of complex where you're compelled to be a diva and a show off.


Or you can just look at their political activism which consists of comparing the box office of superhero movies.
They are retarded, just a different type of retarded.

>I'm okay with living in a crime ridden ecosystem because I'm not a pussy
>a nigger will shoot me tomorrow, but hey! at least I didn't die a pussy

The dumbest and poorest people are actually niggers

>"based" gun laws
>murder rate still greater than western europe


morlocks? we're not morlocks. those are the ones that live underground, dipshit. maybe try like "troglodytes" or something.

Lmao imagine being afraid of something with the equivalent danger of an icepick or screwdriver.

>(Citation needed)


Lol, good for you.

not a LOT smarter, but maybe like 3% smarter, sure.
it's a natural result of the smart kids from rural areas being the ones that go to college and get city jobs. skews the stats.


I rest my case.

And you brought niggers by the boatloads to be as your slaves, had them become an enshrined part of your population, and now you impotently want them to get out, centuries later.

Your nigger downfall was caused entirely by your own selves. It's the ultimate proof of mutt retardation.

>t. False Flag

You shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm.

Or sucking and fucking


Guns are based and any man that doesn't like guns is a cuck and a faggot with no self-respect.
I'm not even american.

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Oh, I’m talking to a non-American. don’t care lol.

yes i should

>You shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm.

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>What are some pro-firearm flicks?
didn't read the thread because it's probably full of political garbage but westerns come to mind

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>nigger crime happens outside of inner city nigger areas
Stick to fear mongering in your own head, moron


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Says who?

No one is saying guns are bad. But having all the resources in the world and still having to worry that a 14 year old can shoot up an entire school tomorrow because they were sissies is not based.
Gun control must be strict. This isn't about being a pussy or braveheart, it's about being smart. I'm not going to provide weapons to some drooling retard who listened to too much Green Day.

its not a privilege its a right, and not a billion dead school kids can take that away from me

Remember that cuck that wrote for vice or something that got ptsd for months after holding one gun?

>it's about being smart

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Then what's the big issue? Stay out of these areas and live your supposedly wonderful life.
But you can't go on a whole week without having the need to be a white nigger it seems, kek.

>worrying about statistical anomalies
I didn't know you were a woman

Just put armed security on the schools if you're so worried.

Is Yas Forums a redneck board now?


>still having to worry

If you're worrying about something that statistically won't happen then you're the sissy here.

>Stay out of these areas and live your supposedly wonderful life.
>But you can't go on a whole week without having the need to be a white nigger it seems
What the fuck are you on about

Why is it America is the worst country in the world when Americans complain about jews and then the best country in the world when everyone else complains about America

If you have nothing to hide, or no ulterior motives, why do you shake at the thought of strict gun control? No one is taking your rights away, but at the same time why provide an easy means for a mentally ill person to kill you?
Are you really that prideful that you would allow a known fellon a weapon just because you like to pretend you don't care about consequences?

who has the uncensored pics?

Yas Forums is a constitutionalist board

>Is Yas Forums a redneck board now?

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You're still here.

>No one is taking your rights away
I ain't giving you any of my rare smug pepes, faggot

>No one is taking your rights away

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not that user, but he definitely shouldn't if he treats his weapons with the same level of respect as a screwdriver. being cocky is the reason so many dumbasses shoot themselves by accident.

>when Americans complain about jews
Yas Forums is not the average voice of America
>the best country in the world when everyone else complains about America
We're programmed to think we're the best at a young age.

Then why do you complain about niggers and jews? Kek, whichever way you twist it, I've already predicted it.
The fact of the matter is, certain people shouldn't own guns. If you're a normal law abiding citizen, you have nothing to worry about.
But as it stands, everyone and their dog can get one.

pretty obviously has been for a long time

>If you have nothing to hide
Oh fuck off with that shit, retard.

Why the fuck would you even greentext that you retards, it's the truth. Pass the test and get a gun or don't. Would you let a 5 year old behind a steering wheel too, retard?

I'm a euro-born American and I fucking love guns. I've got 8 in 6 different calibers and keep them clean and oiled. Shooting guns and tearing shit up is legitimately the funnest thing you can do outdoors. My girlfriend loves to shoot too and I've convinced at least 4 friends to buy guns. Also have a CCP because I'm working in the city relatively often and see the usual city dwellers (poors, minorities, homeless, drug addicts). In a liberal west coast state btw

>If you're a normal law abiding citizen, you have nothing to worry about

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I've been institutionalized but I'm not really mentally ill. My parents are just cunts who don't like weed.

>Then why do you complain about niggers and jews?
I never did, what the fuck does that have to do with anything
>But as it stands, everyone and their dog can get one.
No and you're a retard talking about things you know nothing about

Why does americans live rent free in everybody mind around the world?

>Why the fuck would you even greentext that you retards, it's the truth

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