Cringe or based?

Cringe or based?

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Based pre-2014, cringe now

very cringe

Haven't watched him in a long time, what happened? Did he do something to hurt Yas Forumscuck feefees?


extreme cringe always


He lets black guys fuck his wife so Yas Forums should love him desu

bowsers big bean burrito was an inside job

Keep saying it


he peaked at that csgo video, he's been increasingly cringe since.

he never should have revealed he was a fat white guy

>continuously shits on jrpg nerds
I'm thinking he's based.

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His girlfriend owns his balls now. She's in every video now in some way.

He's just not funny anymore. He puts out a video like every week and the spark is clearly gone. Plus he's trying to shift himself into being a "serious" game critic when he got popular because of comedy videos

i think he talked shit about anime games too many times

I'm fucking laughing at his review of the shining, basic thoughts put in a quiet voice that means that he doesn't do any jokes without any interpretation or deep analysis. Not even Kubricks best film. Also keep saying it

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That video was so utterly bizarre.

Pretty based honestly. Some videos are cringe, especially the earlier you go, but dude has real talent at comedic timing and editing. His video on the new smash Bros roster was gold

Off-topic trash made by a zoomer discord that BG KUMBI is part of

He literally does
Although that video could be fake, if you trust the kiwifaggots

i mean it was the "kiwifaggots" who brought up the theory in the first place

His wife is a pedophile



keep saying it

Sexually harassed a 14 or something year old boy and solicited nudes from him

mrmeatman did an expose video on both of them. If you have nothing to do for an hour its pretty entertaining


You're wrong I win bye bye

His Mega Man 2 playthrough is still the best thing he's ever done.


Finally, I can formulate my opinion on Whiplash and La La Land thanks to acclaimed video game critic “videogamedunkey” recently dropping a video essay discussing both films. Emboldened by his adolescent fandom’s praise for his irreverent voiceover humor and pedestrian style of critique, the great Youtuber has now proclaimed himself eligible enough to share his own thoughts regarding something from a higher chain of art.

Dunkey’s thoughts of course aren’t already established talking points from other critics now being repackaged into the Youtuber’s own style of critique and vocal cadence that in turn becomes easily digestible for his uninitiated, predominantly video game consuming audience, is it?

To them, he may seem to know what he’s talking about since his affinity for going into depth about the intricacies of the “cinematography” sound like something only a real proposed movie person would know. No, that would be absurd. Dunkey wouldn’t do that—making funny noises with his mouth because a video game model glitched behind a wall would definitely prepare him for discussing the craft of delicate screenwriting and shot composition.

Thank you, Dunkey, for this video; from one cinephile, to another.

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Right my bad I forgot to post it

cannot find the video you speak of

timestamp where he actually talks about dunkey/leahbee? im almost 100% sure this video is about someone else entirely

Wrong guy you stupid cunt



sometimes he makes sophisticated and insightful points when he's being serious, and sometimes he makes retard dumbdumb videos where he doesn't understand basic shit and plays the game like a retard, blaming it on the game.

He's just not funny. Are all your opinions the opposite of what Yas Forums thinks?

keep saying it

he doesnt like games made in japan which didnt sit well with several corpulent cuck obsessed mutts

Different people you thick cunt

>you share a board with retards like this
end my misery. i didnt deserve to end up like this

This. Anything he does with only a comedic intent tends to be quality, but when he tries to provide legitimate critique of a game he's all over the fucking map.

Used to be based af like 4 years ago, now I can't stand his fucking voice

>put God of War as his game of the year
>can't master the basic movement system in Death Stranding
He's pretty cringe desu

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Peaked with this.

he definitely peaked with his rust videos and declined from there

>Are all your opinions the opposite of what Yas Forums thinks?

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This is Yas Forums and not Yas Forums so as a film reviewer he's a faggot. His Whiplash/La La Land vid was embarassing, not because of the films he reviewed, but because he just gloated on about basic technical feats as if they were the first movies to accomplish any of that. He also shat on Armond White because "le contrarian", which forever solidifies him as a worthless cinephile.

Some people need to stick to their childrens games.

>put God of War as his game of the year
I fucking forgot about this. What a pleb.

>is white
>is honest with his opinions
>doesn't follow trends
>is black
>is musically talented
>has shitloads of copy channels
>hates anime
can a man be more based?

Most based black guy on the internet

He’s literally a Puerto Rican spic though...

Keep saying it

based post

He doesn't believe in Armond White so anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.

keep sneeding it

>He also shat on Armond White because "le contrarian"
What's so stupid is his reasoning for evening mentioning White
>See this guy, he says bad things are good and good things are bad
>But when he says THIS thing is bad, that proves its REALLY bad
Are you a fucking idiot? What the fuck sense does that make?

His videos are funny but also the cuckoldry meme on him is funny, too.


keep saying it

>please post cuck porn!! please!!
fuck off mutt