Here's your fairy god mother bro

here's your fairy god mother bro.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I used to laugh at the notion of a "gay agenda" a few years back. Not anymore.

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>tl;dr wants to tell kids being gay is ok
did you even read the article lmao

well, its not ok.


it is though
have sex kiddo

Fuck off to twitter faggots

>literal christcuck news source crying about huffpo
two sides of the same retarded coin

why do 18 year old newfags act like this? it's truly embarrassing

why do faggots think they have divine intelligence?

imagine even just thinking about twitter lmao

Not diverse enough

nah just calling you a newfag
christcucks used to get laughed off the website

didn't we already got a Cinderella live action?


but you do tho, you faggots always think you are right and have the right to infect all our children with your degeneracy.

the story of cinderella is long in the public domain, apparently sony wants to do its own adaptation
the disney one was them remaking their own version

>it's perfectly natural to want to cut off your genitals
That's the message that LGBT activists are sending to kids. Of course that's wrong.

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Is this a troll or is it true? I can't tell anymore what's real and what's fake

That thing has to be a kike

No definitely not.

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not really kiddo
I'm content to sit here and look at bara
LGBT people aren't a monolith and plenty of us are disgusted by the situation with Desmond. it's thinly veiled sexual abuse, nothing more
you do realize most of this shit is being pushed by mainstream media and feminism, right?

You're retarded, like all faggots. Go be a faggot anywhere else.

literally TV VIOLENCE IS ROTTING OUR KIDS' BRAIN but about trannies lmao

nice argument kiddo
god i miss '06

Its the new fedora counter culture for teens and early 20's fags. There's nopoint address because theyll just reply with memes and buzzwords.

Yeah children couldn't possibly be indoctrinated via the media. Good point.

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and videogames are gonna make children go out and shoot up schools, right?
what a dumb fucking argument

>god i miss '06
Same. Even more people would have told you to fuck off.

revisionism doesn't work when the person you're using it against was actually there, bud

False equivalency. Childrens cartoons are often designed to teach. Video games often aren't.

>Why don't you want me teaching your fifth grader how to massage his prostate in sex education class?
Vile faggot.

if you honestly think a cartoon is going to turn your kid gay, you're not just an incompetent parent, but you're dumb

die kike faggots

Yas Forums has never been your personal hugbox, faggot, and you're not fooling anybody.

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rent free over things that never happen
have sex incel

Nobody's saying it's going to. The fact is that they're trying to. You're bad at this shit. It's embarrassing.

Except our parents were right and TV violence did rot our brains.

he's right christcucks used to be bullied more too, but since all the retarded incels went trad it happens less.

but Yas Forums used to raid christian and mormon chat rooms regularly and the site was better for it

>Sex education class never happens

>if you honestly think a cartoon is going to turn your kid gay
I didn't say that. What is Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria?

never did i say or imply that you illiterate retard
just that Yas Forums has always been slightly gay and that christcucks have never ever belonged here
people have always hated faggots here but if it was because "reeee god" you'd be laughed at

you're literally saying you're afraid it's gonna turn them gay though
nobody is trying to turn them gay
cartoons don't work that way and the people who make them know that

>sex ed classes detail anal sex
sure thing
what fucking universe do you people live in

galaxybrain take, truly

yet you sit by idle and don't do anything to clean up the image of the lgbtqp faggots you identify with. while you sit there jerking to twinks, other faggots are tying to indoctrinate our children, don't be surprised when you get included in their fucking degenerate social clic.

That child looks extremely malnourished

It also hated and still hates faggots and niggers. And now since faggots and niggers are doing more damage to the entertainment industry than any Christian, it's only logical that Yas Forums is going to have them in their crosshairs.
Use your retarded faggot brain for once, faggot.

disgusting, I'm a barafag
And I already spoke out about Desmond earlier in this thread
Don't fucking bitch about me not calling out the creeps, pedos, bugchasers, and child groomers when you straight-up ignore when I do so and do so frequently

Kill yourself. You've been considering it. Just fucking do it already.

It's ironic isn't it?
How your kind ultimately proved to be more irritating than the Christians we used to mock, to the point that most of your former allies on this site have turned against you and sided with the Christians.

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don't project, I'm happily married
I'm shitposting here while my husband plays some gacha game

yet you sit idle with a dildo up your ass.

It's a table turning I never would've expected but God I love it.

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>your kind
Lmao, that wasn't me, but keep absolutely seething
Pointing out christcucks are and were annoying doesn't make him a homo like me

if you expect the fags to police their worst members I better not hear you complain about wypipo being yelled at for the nazi-sympathizers amongst them

>sex ed classes don't detail normal sexual practices
Are you saying homosexual sex isn't normal? Surely you're not saying homosexual masturbation is more inappropriate for children to learn about than normal masturbation?

peak dumbo

basically this
(Especially when I do frequently try to police the community with what limited ability I have)

>happily married
>happy at all

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lol yeah I'm sure the fag enabler is totally straight

that isn't a real article you absolute spastic
>but it may as well be!!!

It's more that sex ed is about procreative and informative purposes rather than "hell yeah sex"
Also we're like, a tenth of the population, if that much, I don't expect them to teach something most people won't ever do. Plus, STD prevention still covers homosexual sex
Good bait attempt though

there's nothing ironic about it, this site is mostly lonely young men and has had groups like Stormfront actively recruiting here since it's inception- the fact reactionaries succeeded in recruiting the main demographic likely to be sympathetic with their beliefs is not ironic, surprising or weird, but a natural result of the fact propaganda based on demographics works and this whole shit world we live on is run on this philosophy already

making you faggots feel like punk rock counter-culture is a branding strategy

Post husbands buldge retard or you are just a shitposting faggot.

straighter than you at least
dilate kid

gay men, when actually settling down, have the lowest rates of divorce and domestic violence
coincidentally, lesbians have the highest rates
food for thought

And then they grew up.

t. 17 year old

35 and married to a Christian woman. Enjoy you open relationship with a fat fuck who uses you as a beta bank.

Alright fuck it

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Unlike this thread, spiderman is television and film

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Completely monogamous but go off
What a surprise, a literal boomer Christcuck

>It's more that sex ed is about procreative and informative purposes rather than "hell yeah sex"
Of course its about "hell yeah sex".
Sexual shaming isn't allowed anymore, under current sexual mores there is literally no reason why sexual education classes won't come to cover prostate stimulation. After all some of the kids are gay, and we wouldn't want them to injure themselves while engaged in sexual play? Better to teach them all how to safely pursue their anal gratification.

Feel free to explain how I'm wrong though.

Faggots deserve to be hanged by the neck until dead

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And it will surely last, faggot. I asked you to post your husband's buldge. Are you going to man up faggot?

I'm a degenerate that's slept with 5 married women in the past few years, you might be in an open relationship and not even know it!

>Christcucks are not mature people, they just teens following the current counter culture!
>Lol an old christcuck, how typical.
Dilate faggot.

>35 is a boomer
You people are fucking idiots.

Back to your containment board fudgepackers

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This is how you know I won

Admittedly it's been ages since I was in a sex ed class but I remember it being strictly informative about what everything was, nothing about how to do anything beyond "put penis in vagina"
I doubt schools are teaching kids how to get off for fun

Kill yourself faggot

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It's joke

Not gonna post a pic of my husband to win an internet argument, sorry

>he's this mad and can't tell two different people apart
holy shit lol

the maddest

you first kid

Even retards who want to be horses are less delusional than faggots.

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It's normalizing something that's not normal. Gays are extremely over represented in media aimed at children. There's an obvious agenda behind it because kids don't care about sexuality. But by showing them gay shit all the time, they'll grow up thinking it's normal. Well, it's not.

>wanting to fuck dudes is weirder than wanting to be a horse
the amount of cope is unreal
how are you so pissed

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This is now a barrel general

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Well, you are sure fucking trying really hard to win it though. Maybe the absence of the buldge is what's keeping you from achieving your life's goal.

being gay is normal dude
you can keep crying about it but that won't change

I don't have to worry about her cheating on me because she's not a liberal.

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My buldge is bigger than his, admittedly
It's a bit disappointing

I ain't mad, you seem to be though.

You're never supposed to let TV teach. That is like parenting 101.

>being gay is normal
It's not. But you can post your husband's buldge to prove it though

Seething. You'll never be accepted by society. It needs massive amounts of shilling and billions of dollars to get your kind into mainstream media. More and more people are getting sick of it. It was fine when it was about what you do behind closed doors, but that wasn't enough for you. You deserve everything that's coming for you.

Faggots are gay as shit lol

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Then post yours. How will I know the difference?

It literally isn't normal you freak.