Dude capitalism bad

>dude capitalism bad
is this the height of intellectualism in film today?

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>dude communism bad
is this the height of intellectualism in film today?

the rich family dindu nuffin though

If thats message you got from the film then youre an actual downie.

Films will never be nor have they ever been "intellectual," and anybody who pretends they were is an even bigger faggot than OP.

Better than Jester (2019)

Movies have never been intellectual and you're pretentious if you think otherwise. Kino is always and forever pure aesthetix.

It's always been like that you underage twink. Drop your capeshit incel bs and discover cinema more.

Are people not allowed to criticize Capitalism?

no it's just boring

the director says so himself, not sure what other system he wants. Communism perhaps, they love talking about class struggles.

Is a bot making these thread? How can a sane person be satisfied repeating the same shit, Jesus fuck.

nice try retard


all I got from this film was
>benevolent rich family employs poor people and the poor people exploit, manipulate, and take advantage of them

You can be critical of capitalism without being a communist or socialist.

Sorry but I won't post in your thread unless you submit a 500 word essay about the themes and the meaning explored in the movie, this is just to check if you can intellectually discuss the movie. I'll check back in a few hours, bye for now.

Any quick rundown of the solution or alternatives seen in the movie?


Yes, poor people are parasites hence the title

If you do a bad job then yes. It reinforces gay leftoids larping as communists everytime someone presents critique that has been thoroughly handled by Marxism. We're all better off if you just complain about your envy toward Jeff Bezos while serious thinkers challenge the system not reinforce controlled opposition paradigms.

As a poor person who still lives with mommy, I love me unrestricted capitalism, it owns the liberals.
Not from jews though, their greed is bad greed.

But what did the Native American symbolize?

Based anarcho communists directing movies.

>/tvpol/ watches something other than hollywood capeshit and starwars for the firstime

Gamers and Rising up

>dude intolerance bad
was this the height of intellectualism in film in 1916?

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Capitalism is collapsing society. Stop voting against your own economic interests

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No just subversion

I'm just using it as an example, since it seems to be the message extracted from it, regardless of intent. it's a boring trope, and was done better, but it's in most movies now, and gets extra points for 'saying something' about it

I dont have a solution but this attitude of "if you critique something, you must believe the complete opposite" is a very over simplified, teenage and/or American view of the world. And dont say rent free like a broken record, you know its true.

More like mind controlling the masses is creepy and weird.

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society is collapsing, capitalism is just producing the fruits of it.

>dude intolerance bad
This was directed by a man who made a 3 hour KKK propaganda movie, I highly doubt he would think "intolerance bad"

It's not gonna get changed in that case if there is no alternative. Message of the movie is null.

I'm honestly not educated enough on economics to suggest one but I do think there's something not right about a tiny group of people holding the vast majority of wealth.

How do you think they get to that level? Its by hoarding money. But unrestrained capitalism is still based though.

is that actual john?

>capitalism bad

The greatest country in history is on top due exclusively to Capitalism. Everything you like today is only even available because of Capitalism. All else sucks off the blood of Capitalism. People will be poor and fucked in this world no matter what system you use. the fewest are under Capitalism.

Deal w it.

kevin is qt
i want to see more of his toes

>not sure what other system he wants
That's because he didn't criticize it, he just commented on the way it works.

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>Don't point out any flaws in your own system unless you have a perfect replacement ready to go, the purpose of art is for the artist to tell me what my ideology should be in as much detail as possible
Are you fucking retarded?

Capitalism is bad for gooks.

Only strong white Caucasian can grasp the bull's horns. Get shit on chinko*ds.

until jews fuck it for them

BASED yogurt skin cracker mayo man

A quick google shows that he is afraid capitalism won't change before he is dead. He criticises the way it is and wants it changed.

If only socialists and communists understood the effects of price controls on resource scarcity. But I suppose it’s just easier to just disguise your envy as compassion.

Based interracial incel war soldier. Keep pwning other incels!

>interracial incel war soldier
I think you're confusing Aryan chad poster with 300lb incel.

Ok. Man up, capitalism is here to stay. It's the best system we have ever had and it's definitely not going anywhere because there is no better alternative. Cry all you want and go back in the wagie cagie because that's where you belong.

hahaha okay retard, meanwhile the polio vaccine was generated and the inventor didn't even seek a patent and sought no money. You'd be gimping about in a $20,000 wheelchair if Salk was a capitalist.

>Dude a whale lmao

Is this the height of intellectualism in literature today?

If you don't think capitalism is bad then you're a downie.

please post all instances of feet in this film

>charity doesn’t exist in capitalist economies
And best way to make it cheaper and more accessible is with a free market anyways.

Why is it bad

Thats literally not the message tho. The rich family did nothing wrong. You can just as easily say that it was a story about how poor people will instantly turn on each other the instant that its within their benefit to do so. It gave you even more or a reason to hate the poor than the rich in this regard.
It was much more about how people of different means lives so separated from each other

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movie went straight to shit for me after le twist

I know, I'm just using it as an example, as that's the socially agreed upon message extracted from it. there are more and more movies with this dumb message, it's like the buzz intellectualism.


The movie is about the free-rider problem and how capitalism will always end with Marvel movies.

The point is that they both could be the parasites and both are bad

All these one-sided takes are low-IQ. Just read the DVD insert where the director explains his intent, faggots

t. Baby Yid

Neoliberalism is doomed and Israel will be surrounded by Arabs while everyone else lives in peace.

why is the market getting less free as time goes on?

how are the rich family proverbial parasites?

Yas Forums is one of the dumbest boards on this site, nobody here is capable of engaging with a story on any meaningful level and understanding even the most basic attempt at depth or nuance.

Because it's a cold machine destroying man's natural grasp of beauty. Hence Jews control the media and feed us shit.

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christian capitalism is based
jewish capitalism is cringe

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This guy gets it. The problem is usury.

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Hey narrative cuck, everyone even babies understand your precious story. What is interesting is the subtext and themes that the movie subtely gestures toward. Your pico-brain can't comprehend those things but this board is great because other posters can.

Burning was better

based Yas Forums defender