Why was it so shit?

Why was it so shit?

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Too many reasons to list

It's not shit
You just don't appreciate it

It shit all over the previous film in the opening sequence, and then it was basically just an Alien remake on a prison planet instead of a space ship, but much shittier and with an ending stolen from Terminator 2.

Whereas the second one is a logical extrapolation of the first one, presented as a different genre or blending of the two, the third one is just a rehash of the first one, stripped down to its basics.

That may sound like a great thing, it isn't what people wanted after Aliens and it wasn't very good to boot.

I like it about as much as Aliens, but it doesn't hold a candle to Alien, obviously.

You smoothbrains just can't into kino.
Probably unironically watch Netflix shows.

It wasn't, your opinions are shit.


>Alien 3

Pleb opinion

time to clean this pleb filter

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>can't actually refute any points brought up
>just resorts to calling people plebs

Contrarian pea brains

trips confirm
you are the embodiment of cringe OP
Alien3 is kino

>It shit all over the previous film in the opening sequence
It did Aliens a favor by killing off two of its most plot-armored characters, then set the tone for what's ahead
Such a shame that Joss Whedon fucked it up with Resurrection

>Just agree with the masses or you're a dumb!

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Because you wanted another SPESS MEHREEN flick and instead we got dread kino.

>Alien 3
>Image from the first film

They started filming without a finished script. I am no Scorsese but that sounds kinda stupid. They also had some retard who kept building sets for no apparent reason

And yet it still turned out better than 100% of the "films" Hollywood has made in the last 5 years.

3 was bad, it could have been good but it went wrong from the start. Res was the nail in the coffin though, they should have realised what people wanted from the franchise and got back on track, instead we got a comedy pastiche of alien and aliens.

What points? The only "point" was the vague synopsis of it being "more like alien but bad" instead of "good like aliens."

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>3 was bad
It was questionable in places, but it's not bad

Well, everyone has their opinion but after the first 2 it felt pretty bad.
>Magical nonsense plot device egg
>Worst alien effects
>Interchangeable non sympathetic characters
>Killed off characters and made the ending of aliens pointless
>Hard to follow chase scenes
>Magic facehugger

>>Magical nonsense plot device egg
what? the queen put an egg on the ship
>>Worst alien effects
that would be Aliens
>>Interchangeable non sympathetic characters
Characters are the best part. Quite kino.
>>Killed off characters and made the ending of aliens pointless
>>Hard to follow chase scenes
Sounds like you're stupid.
>>Magic facehugger

All and all what a dumb post.

>It's just a movie starts from a unified concept, and once you've unified the concept it becomes very easy to see the things you're not going to spend money on. And if a movie is constantly in flux because you're having to please this vice-president or that vice-president of production .. . I think a movie set's a fascist dictatorship--you have to go in and know what it is you want to do because you have to tell 90 people what it is you want to do and it has to be convincing. Otherwise, when they start to question it, the horse can easily run away with you and it's bigger than you are. So that was a movie where the time was not taken upfront to say, "This is what we're doing, and all of this is what we're not doing." So as we were shooting, a lot of people--I suppose in an effort to make it "better" or "more commercial" or more like the other ones they liked as opposed to the one that you liked--took to being extremely helpful, so that this could be more James Cameron than James Cameron. And of course you're sitting there going, "Guys, remember I don't have any guns. I don't have any tripod guns or flamethrowers or any of that shit!" If a movie gets off on a wrong foot, when you've never done it before you assume everyone is going to be there to help you right the ship, but really you're beholden to a lot of banana republics. I worked on it for two years, got fired off it three times and I had to fight for every single thing. No one hated Alien 3 more than me; to this day, no one hates it more than me. It was a baptism by fire. I was very naive. For a number of years, I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be, which is stupid. I thought, "Well, surely you don't want to have the Twentieth Century-Fox logo over a shitty movie." And they were like, "Well, as long as it opens." They didn't care.

Queen can't lay an egg without her egg sac which she tore away from and left on lv426, also the egg is on a part of the sulaco not the dropship.
Facehuggers can now magically lay 2 eggs?
Can't be arsed to argue the other points

It was ok, just not as good as Alien or Aliens. Resurrection and Covenant were far worse.

>queen carried egg + put it on ship
Honestly that makes more sense than anything, I'm sure she'd want to spread her brood, she probably would have done that no matter what.
>facehuggers can lay 2 eggs
What the fuck are you talking about? Facehuggers don't lay eggs and they never did in any movie. Cant be arsed to argue? Why did you even post, your actual arse smacking on the keyboard indiscriminately probably would have produced a better response.

Production hell and nullifying the events of Aliens.
Still, I liked the Assembly Cut for what it was, and it's a great chunk of early 90s cheese.

People wanted a shallow action movie where Newt survives, cool heroes get to do badass things, and everyone who is important earns a happy ending. What they got was something atmospheric and doom laden that takes place in an industrial hellhole populated by unsympathetic British skinheads and Jesus freaks. There is no hope for survival and so the main struggle ends up being for all the pain to finally end. I fucking love Alien 3.

The egg on the sulaco is one of the biggest plot holes in film history and is acknowledged as such. She's seen walking in aliens and is carrying no egg, even if she did she wouldn't have had time to get off the dropship, run and put an egg somewhere then get back before attacking bishop.
I fucked up, I meant impregnate 2 people. The new "superfacehugger" can implant 2 embryos for some fucking reason. This is one of the reasons A3 is shit, they could have had the egg on the dropship landing strut and 2 facehuggers but they couldn't come up with a decent script.

It's arguably the best of the trilogy and the richest in subtext and symbolism. Was my favorite as a kid the first time I saw it on VHS, watched it a few years back and still found it to be my favorite.

>queen puts two eggs on ship
>your post is invalid
that was easy

This, but Sigourney's sacrifice wasn't just to end the pain, at least in my headcanon, xenomorphs were extinct. The whole "Rebirth" thing sounded like a rebirth of the species after their hive was nuked on LV426.
Then again I guess in the EU or whatever there's xenos fucking everywhere, so whatever.

You kind of proved my point though, they could have got round the plot holes but couldn't be arsed. Anyway their was one egg, an egg that shouldn't exist but does because of lazy writing.

Fincher is based but production was unbased. You can't cure a bad recipe with good ingredients.

Non of the characters are relatable and likeable. You don't give a shit when any of them die.

Only one I felt for was Clemens.

It wasn't. Honestly I don't get why people are so ass mad about Hicks and Newt, I've also read Alien 3 scripts and various itinerations, it would've ended up shit aswell

They can form eggs with bodies so I wouldn't be surprised she pulled some kind of alien magic in the ship to create an egg, they're highly adaptable

It's not.
Watch the Assembly cut.
Don't tell me you would prefer "Ripley, Hicks and Newt form a sort of family that goes on wiping out the original alien queen on her homeplanet" to end the trilogy

Because they were well love characters that was kill off screen for a very retarded reason to start off the movie.

now listen here bud i'm an aliens 3 apologist myself but the alien effects in 3 suck ass. they're not even the same alien in some scenes.

>Anyway their was one egg
There were at least two facehuggers ergo at least two eggs. One got sigourney and the other got the pupper, or the moose or whatever version you watch.

It's been a while, but weren't Newt and Hicks killed offscreen? That's the shitty part of it. Just like Poochie dying on his way home.

The alien practical effects in that movie are great. You're a retard if you think the domeless warriors from aliens look better.

I get what you're saying, but the alien directors cut hadn't been released by then so they wouldn't have known that also the timeframe is way off. That's something I hate about the alien films, as they've progressed the time from embryo to chestburster gets shorter. I'm not shitting on you or your appreciation of 3 but for me it'll always be the weakest of the trilogy, resurrection can fuck right off.

some of the practical effects are pretty good, but the cgi version pulls it all down.

Nope. Rewatch it, one hugger. It's only in the assembly cut that it's shown to be a special one.

The practical was good but the rid puppet was terrible. Honestly Kermit the fucking frog moved more naturally.

i've always had a special liking to the genre switches in the first four

camp adventure

they should have kept going instead of the plot abortion that is promo and covenant

It most certainly is, zoomer.

-Almost all of the characters are violent criminals, who are impossible for reasonable viewers to care about, or empathize with. The minders are an unpleasant man who, though he literally did nothing wrong, is likewise unsympathetic, and another fellow whose defining character trait is that he is stupid, and therefore again difficult to care about. The baldness of the cast underlines its fungibility. Stupid people will incorrectly reply that it's wrong for a viewer to want sympathetic characters, when the opposite is true, especially in a horror film: when a character is sympathetic, it makes their death that much more gratifying. The closest the film comes to this is Clemens' death; moments later, the audience cheers at Andrews' death.

-There is no appreciable technology, which again makes for a charmless production in a technology-heavy franchise, up till this point. Stupid people will incorrectly reply "that's the point, a bleak Christian apocalyptic setting, contrasting with earlier stuff" This is a canard; that something is "the point" does not suddenly or necessarily endow the story with deeper meaning, or make for an experience that is in any sense cathartic, meaningful, etc.

Yeah it looked like it was puppeteered by someone having a seizure.

The doctor who is the most interesting character is killed half way through.

Should’ve been set on earth. Fuck Fincher.

PSA that Hicks is a boring character and you shouldn't care that he dies.

>zero personality
>plays a basic ass marine with no inherent qualities
>only actually a prominent character in the middle of the story

I was more pissed off bishop "died"

Great scifi prison break film, but not the tone or mood of the original.

>kino chase scene
>kino ending (theatrical)
>kino chestburster scene (theatrical)
>kino music
>kino opening (that 20th CF logo fakeout)
>kino mood
>great acting

>but... but... but muh Hicks and Newt!!!

Jim Cameron ruined the series

You tucked and showed your power level choosing the theatrical ending. Ripley's death is more powerful in the assembly cut, no chestburster. She had time, she could have got to the ship and had surgery but chose to end it all.

>-Almost all of the characters are violent criminals, who are impossible for reasonable viewers to care about, or empathize with. The minders are an unpleasant man who, though he literally did nothing wrong, is likewise unsympathetic, and another fellow whose defining character trait is that he is stupid, and therefore again difficult to care about. The baldness of the cast underlines its fungibility. Stupid people will incorrectly reply that it's wrong for a viewer to want sympathetic characters, when the opposite is true, especially in a horror film: when a character is sympathetic, it makes their death that much more gratifying. The closest the film comes to this is Clemens' death; moments later, the audience cheers at Andrews' death.

-There is no appreciable technology, which again makes for a charmless production in a technology-heavy franchise, up till this point. Stupid people will incorrectly reply "that's the point, a bleak Christian apocalyptic setting, contrasting with earlier stuff" This is a canard; that something is "the point" does not suddenly or necessarily endow the story with deeper meaning, or make for an experience that is in any sense cathartic, meaningful, etc.

Fucking BASED!

Here we go.

>turn horror sci-fi movie into action sci-fi

He's not wrong

>You tucked
You fucked up

What would have been better? I hear this argument every thread but aliens was different and worked for that reason, a rehash of alien wouldn't be better.

>>-Almost all of the characters are violent criminals, who are impossible for reasonable viewers to care about, or empathize with. The minders are an unpleasant man who, though he literally did nothing wrong, is likewise unsympathetic, and another fellow whose defining character trait is that he is stupid, and therefore again difficult to care about. The baldness of the cast underlines its fungibility. Stupid people will incorrectly reply that it's wrong for a viewer to want sympathetic characters, when the opposite is true, especially in a horror film: when a character is sympathetic, it makes their death that much more gratifying. The closest the film comes to this is Clemens' death; moments later, the audience cheers at Andrews' death.
>-There is no appreciable technology, which again makes for a charmless production in a technology-heavy franchise, up till this point. Stupid people will incorrectly reply "that's the point, a bleak Christian apocalyptic setting, contrasting with earlier stuff" This is a canard; that something is "the point" does not suddenly or necessarily endow the story with deeper meaning, or make for an experience that is in any sense cathartic, meaningful, etc.
>Fucking BASED!

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“Look into my eye.”

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the movie fell on its face by showing you an egg shoved in a random corner and never even trying to give a good reason for it.
then later it became clear there would have to have been 2 eggs lol.
the first 2 movies were high concept scripts that people had put a lot of thought in to, 3 has no thought.
it was nobodys passion project.
the fact that fincher made that soulless mess in to a watchable movie is testament to his abilities.

yeah, we saw her juggling the things while chasing through the burning facility.
how big are those eggs again?

Make the aliens actually dangerous again. It completely ruins the immersion when you can just mow them down with a gun. They turned the alien from a hunter killer into a meatsack. A better movie would have been the confrontation on Hadley's Hope where there are limited weapons and intelligence on the species.

It would be like if they made a The Thing sequel and just had army guys mow down thing monsters for 2 hours.

That's not ruining it you idiot. It's a different spin in the POV of the marines.

seems to take some time, and a body, to do that.