/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched

QOTD: does this dress make me look fat?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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guess the movie

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Is this actually from 1933? Something feels off.


Recently watched some early Bergman films. A bit lacking in the philosophical themes of his later works but entertaining nonetheless.


Kind of like a tripcode

emily bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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like, share, subscribe letterboxd.com/ulk/

based detective

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why are there so many retarded little sjw faggots on that site

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the site was made by sjw faggots, they ask your pronouns too

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>knives out

kill yourself stupid faggot

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cinemos when


letterboxd.com/saltcubes/ follow me pls and thx

letterboxd.com/femino/ God i hate Barbara Stanwyck! I can't stand that woman!


Which era of film has your favorite costume design or just fashion in general in your opinion?

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lmao. Don't bully me like this, user.

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How tf do I ALWAYS manage to see you shill your LB on Yas Forums


Griffithfag, come back and deliver us from this blight

Do you think Megan is ovulating right now?

Maybe we're in similar timezones. I'm sorry user, Yas Forums's like my boyfriend-who-thinks-my-film-taste-is-horrible simulator so I just like to post my profile, it gives me a bunch of people to follow back and fill out my 'reviews by friends' section...

>one have
>one learn
does it bother anyone else when esl speakers try and act like they aren't? it's so fucking obvious and their bastardisation of the english language pisses me off


What was the last film franchise you watched at least two entries in, and what was the weakest entry?

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stop typing like a woman.


Planet of the Apes. The villains in the second one were awful. I heard the third one is better so I'm going to watch it later.
I can't help how I type.

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Deathstalker I and II
They are both bad but the second one was more enjoyable

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yes you can
See, I've Changed How I Type.
u 2 can tri dis!!
It's not difficult, friend :)

what do you mean try and act like they aren't? if you think he's trying to be fancy by using 'one' he's not. punq is norwegian and 'one' is the closest analogue of the norwegian word 'man' which is not fancy.
>inb4 you pretend I didn't understand what error he made

But you're typing like a weirdo. I'm just typing like a normal human being and for some reason get told I'm typing like a woman?

the 80s
Can't understand.
I like bomber jackets and everything was either neon or pastel

The Proletarian Trilogy
The Matchfactory Girl

>queens will never dress like this again

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dunno lol

dumbest thing i've read this year

dumbest thing i've read every year

50 posts and know mention of the smooth? what gives?
posting the real chart

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alright pack up your bags everyone. this thread has become cringe

alright pack up your bags everyone. this thread has become cringe

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sorry bud, ill carry you too

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Which version of "Dressed to Kill" should I watch: the 1940s' or Brien de Palma's?

Who are the bottom left and rightmost images?

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Why did tmdb suddenly delete half their posters, and in many instances make the sole remaining poster some weird European DVD cover made solely to trick people into buying the movie though false advertising?


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>in many instances make the sole remaining poster some weird European DVD cover made solely to trick people into buying the movie though false advertising
Could you give some examples?

How do some of these reviews get 1k likes on the shittiest "guy bad" review?

Are they botting likes? Who are the the 1k people actually reading the reviews to like these? These can't be organic unless women really are this unfunny and incapable of actual meaningful film discussion, right?

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Not all women. Just the vast majority