“I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be”. - Mike Stoklasa on The Force Awakens, December 20th...

“I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be”. - Mike Stoklasa on The Force Awakens, December 20th, 2015 4:00 am, central time.

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Why won’t he apologize to George Lucas?

It doesn't matter George probably doesn't know who he is


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Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.

Jay: Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I loved their relationship in this movie, I loved that it didn't work out, it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It didn't feel like... Because that's the biggest problem with Jedi, like now they're just there. They're together.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: There's one line, where she's... Where Han Solo is concerned she likes Luke, it's just like tossed in at the last minute for no reason.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: So I love the way they handled those two, their dialogue back-and-forth is great without feeling forced or like "remember their relationship in the past?" Like there's more through the decades since then, there's a little more drama. A little more weight. I like that.
Rich: There is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it, but for me... It's a little bit weird that like, here we are like 40 years later, and these characters are still doing the same shit they were doing 40 years ago...
Jay: No...
Rich: ...Leia's still the one in charge of the rebellion, organizing things, and Han Solo's still the brash smuggler flying around the galaxy.

Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.

Jay was basically saying this is better than the originals lol

The Force Awakens was ok at the time though, since at that point we had no idea of the scale of the total train wreck that was about to unfold.

Based Rich for being right all along, never buckling, and being vindicated.

who gives a fuck what some hack fraud said 5 years ago about a childrens marketing enterprise

To be fair it's not like RLM knew that in less than a decade there would be worse.


Nothing you said is true, though. It was apparent from the first teaser trailer what was in store.

Rich: I think the problem with Star Wars though, is that one really good sequel happens to be one of the better movies ever made, and it's really fucking hard to live up to that.
Jay: Exactly. And this movie does a really good job of establishing itself as a solid sequel, which is the... my biggest takeaway from it is that it feels like a sequel, it doesn't feel like too much fanservice, or too much like we're doing "LIKE US! LIKE US! WE HAVE ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU ENJOY FROM STAR WARS! We're making it look and feel just like Star Wars!" It feels just like a Star Wars sequel.
Mike: They did a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original... It almost feels like a blend of Empire and A New Hope.
Rich: Yeah.
Mike: And like, it's not totally A New Hope, not totally Empire, but it has those emotional highs and lows of Empire and the novelty and the magic of the first one. All kind of blended together, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, they all did a great job... doing what they were supposed to do.

Force Awakens was ok at the time if you turned your brain off.

That's easy to say in retrospect. Force Awakens could've just been a bad opening film to a good trilogy if they had planned anything.

Because he is not a brainlet zoomer who thinks existence of something worse doesn't make the bad things good.

15 years from now, we'll experience the same thing. Kids will say "why won't anons apologize to Disney?" and we'll be like "fuck off, brat."

And so on... and so on... The circle of life.

Rich carries every video hes in

It was always bad you fucktard

Episode X could be three hours of filming a literal pile of shit and the prequels would still suck just as hard.

Ok Force Awakens fan

Shut up Jay

To be fair RLM never said the cinematography was a problem with the sequels

this 1000%

Mike is a hack

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And Space Cope would still be worse

enlightened post

Prequels fans:
>knew TFA was shit from the beginning
OT babbies:
>Took watching 2 more shit sequels to realize TFA was also shit

This tells you all you need to know about the judgement of prequels haters

>Episode X could be three hours of filming a literal pile of shit and the prequels would still suck just as hard.
Based but even then mike would never say it's a bad movie

That's not how it works retard. They don't retroactively change how the first one was.

And the reality is, ep7 was SHIT! It commits the worst crime any movie can possibly commit: sheer and total unoriginality. I had seen the film before I ever walked into the theater, because it's just a remake of the First Star Wars, except done much, much, worse.

You’re already backtracking from “it was ok” to “it was shit, but the sequels had potential to not be shit”.

>it doesn't feel like too much fanservice
Fuck RLM, holy shit I remember that review now.

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The truth is that all of star wars is dogshit and liking any part of it makes you a faggot, regardless of whether you are a Boomer, GenXer, Millennial or a Zoomer, like yourself

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He's insisting this is not his fault. Even though he's treated Jew Jew with kid gloves even in his Plinket Reviews and everyone knows Disney took those reviews on the Prequels to heart when making their loud and pointless remake of A New Hope.

TFA was actually good. The next movie made it worse, somehow.

You're missing my point, if TLJ and ROS weren't such absolute abominations, we could've just considered TFA to be a rough start. But since TLJ and ROS were abominations of cinema, TFA doesn't look that bad in comparison.

Is this the "autists who need a hobby" thread?

Force awakens is the worst out of the shit bunch because it's just a blatant pandering copy that doesn't even realize why the original was good

>The truth is that all of star wars is dogshit

This is what NPCs actually believe

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Imagine thinking a literal remake of ANH except with women and minorities as the protags is a good movie. RLM shills are disgustingly retarded.

It was made that way to play it safe and make sure the trilogy had a solid start. TLJ undid that and killed all momentum of the trilogy, and ROS just imploded plot wise. Disney Wars was a mistake.

TFA was a bland REMEMBER STAR WARS cashbait sequel. However, when it came out, there was still the possibility that it could have been the first entry in a trilogy that wasn't complete garbage. Plenty of sequels are better than the original, with the OT being case in point (although ANH is better than TFA). Then Rian Johnson took Star Wars out back and shot it.

RLM were far too kind with TFA but them liking it doesn't make their later criticisms of the sequels invalid.


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Maybe he wanted to a remake at the time? Who the fuck knows what was on his head back in 2015. It was a different time.

>women and minorities as the protags

Get laid.

>NPC calling anyone a consoomer


It was actually a remake of ANH and Empire fused together, thanks. They gave you a 2-for-1.

Nigger" playing it safe" is not an excuse for being a near 1:1 remake

he was hoping for a competent star wars movie in the vein of the original trilogy, and it was

>consoom the multibillion dollar franchise

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But it would've been accepted if the trilogy went on to be good. But it didn't so it looks like a failure in retrospect.

STFU I didn't accept it when I first saw it let alone afterwards

It's no excuse.

The real reason why people loved TFA back then but make excuses for it now is because they're still susceptible to the mystery box bullshit. The idea in their head is projected into the mystery box, and so they're attached to their idea and conflate their idea with the movie itself.

This is how franchises will be built now. It's more profitable to imply potential than actually create anything worthwhile.

I was semi hyped for it when I first went to see it and I actually fell asleep during the scene where not Yoda was walking down the stairs. I guess it was at that point I knew movies had become rehashes to me.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you hate the beautifully shot, visually coherent intro sequence from Revenge of the Sith. The Prequels are a masterclass of fight scenes and action scenes where what's going on is absolutely legible. You never lose track of where the characters are, what they're doing, etc.

Red Letter Media ruined Star Wars. Star Trek being ruined is karma for their murder.

>Imagine being such a brainlet that you hate the beautifully shot, visually coherent intro sequence from Revenge of the Sith. The Prequels are a masterclass of fight scenes and action scenes where what's going on is absolutely legible. You never lose track of where the characters are, what they're doing, etc.


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>People are retroactively hating ep. VII and retroactively loving the prequels

I never thought this would actually happen

RLM recommended JJ. That shows they know nothing

Dooku's front flip in ROTS is better than any moment in any of the Disney Star Wars movies

Its just zoomer-consoomers, their thoughts and opinions are irrelevant

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I know of people who hated the prequels who saw Episode 7 and hated it more than the prequels right from the start.

>Took watching 2 more shit sequels to realize TFA was also shit
the response was "well it's not great, but it's setting something up so lets wait and see", and when TLJ came out everyone hated it save people who pretend it's good.

When I was 8yo I had to read some depressed XIX century realist writer for school and I thought it was shit. Time passed and I reread it and the guy is really good.
When I was a 10yo kid, I watched Star Wars and thought it was shit. Time passed and I rewatched and it's still shit.
How can you still like Star Wars? Even the young version of me thought it was shit. You look like those fat girls with blue hair who are crazy for Harry Potter.

>the response was "well it's not great, but it's setting something up so lets wait and see"
No, retards legitimately thought it was good.
>and when TLJ came out everyone hated it save people who pretend it's good
Again, no. Retards were legitimately upset that TFA ruined JJ's shitty mystery box bullshit.

Darth Vader is the mythological black knight. He doesnt need to be established in the same way that a visage of christ on the cross doesnt. We understand these symbols on the level of our deep unconscious. This reminds me of a story mark hamill told about the filming of a new hope where he asks george if there should be some exposition about who darth vader is in his introduction scene to which lucas replied, “hes wearing black, people will know hes the bad guy.”

Listen, i know this, you know this, the only reason why prequels are better than the sequels is because the prequels are fun.

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Jay is a genuine brainlet.



The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yas Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?

Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Yas Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.

>the force awakens was okay at the time

Literally shit by the opening scene. Kylo spaz murdering everyone when he's looking for info, cringe millennial AWKWARD humor in the middle of what should be a serious scene.

By the time we got to bypassing the compressor the movie was an unsalvageable mess. If you couldn't see that at the time you're a retard.


You're mostly alone on that one chief, Kylo was the only salvageable character in this mess of a trilogy